Friday, February 17, 2017

ice I've heard in a long time! This is, in fact, why ethics is no longer prevalent (or even apparent) in society anymore - which has a damning effect on nearly every undertaking those who do choose to be progressive pursue. Freedom is one thing (a responsibility - and one that is being poorly managed, these days - not a right), but when it bottlenecks and corrupts every single thing we do and causes all to suffer in one way or another (or many), then it is time to come to the table and start a dialogue, rather than standing inflexibly, uncompromisingly and stubbornly alone in one's opinion. That is the recipe for system failure.

ice I've heard in a long time! This is, in fact, why ethics is no longer prevalent (or even apparent) in society anymore - which has a damning effect on nearly every undertaking those who do choose to be progressive pursue. Freedom is one thing (a responsibility - and one that is being poorly managed, these days - not a right), but when it bottlenecks and corrupts every single thing we do and causes all to suffer in one way or another (or many), then it is time to come to the table and start a dialogue, rather than standing inflexibly, uncompromisingly and stubbornly alone in one's opinion. That is the recipe for system failure. - Although there's a long history of politicians playing fast and loose with the truth, Trump's team seems to have raised it to a new level, reflecting a culture that's almost given up on the idea of truth. In the teeth of it, Catholics should resist on all fronts and act as apostles of dialogue.

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