Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Great Barrier Reef Near Whitsunday Islands

Great Barrier Reef Near Whitsunday Islands -  

Life is Balance...and here's a great explanation! Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Life & Literature (Introduced in a Monty Python-Style Animation) Watch this 14-minute, Monty Python-style animated primer from Alain de Botton’s School of Life and read the accompanying article from The Book of Life. Even apart from those years in Siberia, the man “had a very hard life, but he succeeded in conveying an idea which perhaps he understood more clearly than anyone: In a world that’s very keen on upbeat stories, we will always run up against our limitations as deeply flawed and profoundly muddled creatures,” an attitude “needed more than ever in our naive and sentimental age that so fervently clings to the idea – which this great Russian loathed – that science can save us all and that we may yet be made perfect through technology.”

Life is Balance...and here's a great explanation! Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Life & Literature (Introduced in a Monty Python-Style Animation) Watch this 14-minute, Monty Python-style animated primer from Alain de Botton’s School of Life and read the accompanying article from The Book of Life. Even apart from those years in Siberia, the man “had a very hard life, but he succeeded in conveying an idea which perhaps he understood more clearly than anyone: In a world that’s very keen on upbeat stories, we will always run up against our limitations as deeply flawed and profoundly muddled creatures,” an attitude “needed more than ever in our naive and sentimental age that so fervently clings to the idea – which this great Russian loathed – that science can save us all and that we may yet be made perfect through technology.” - The Russian 19th century novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky deserves our attention for the austerity and pessimism of his vision – from which we can nevertheless ga...

- "Perhaps, the most valuable things in life are the ones that live on once you're gone, like the planet, itself...your children...and your reputation!" - Douglas M. Chapman ^_^ (y)

- "The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them." – Thomas Merton, Trappist Monk [Roman Catholic]

Here's some timely information to expand your minds... (y)

Here's some timely information to expand your minds... (y) - Today we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Did you know today wasn't always called Memorial Day?

Hey guys! ALWAYS remember, no matter how bad things may seem to be, they can always get horrifically worse! (Let's hope it never gets THIS bad!) -=:oO

Hey guys! ALWAYS remember, no matter how bad things may seem to be, they can always get horrifically worse! (Let's hope it never gets THIS bad!) -=:oO - A man in Thailand was rushed to hospital after a python bit his penis in a terrifying toilet encounter.

Here's a very cool art project I believe everyone can appreciate. :) (y) Project Site: http://ift.tt/1ZGxRLn

Here's a very cool art project I believe everyone can appreciate. :) (y) Project Site: http://ift.tt/1ZGxRLn - The Playing Arts Project invites 55 designers and illustrators from all around the world to take part to the creation of a cards deck. Every artist expresses hi

Who knew? (y)

Who knew? (y) - Coffee is the world’s second most traded commodity and, with eighty three percent of adults in America drinking coffee, it’s probably one of the most ...

Monday, May 30, 2016

Hey Mark Iacampo...Did you see THIS? -=:oO

Hey Mark Iacampo...Did you see THIS? -=:oO - Dwayne Johnson took to Instagram to announce he has officially joined Shane Black’s tale of “the world’s first superhero,” Doc Savage. The post, which you can read below, notes the actor’s excitement at playing “A F*CKING HILARIOUS WEIRDO!” Stoked for you, guy. But we have to ask: when does the Rock...

This is profound! A must-read... (y

This is profound! A must-read... (y - And Why it Matters.One of the great challenges in life is knowing what to do with our pain. For some of us, it’s the defining challenge. The pain accretes,…

Awesome stuff! ^_^ (y)

Awesome stuff! ^_^ (y) - Have you ever wanted an inside look into a geniuses mind? Possibly get a glimpse into how they think or what they wanted to do? Well

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Kinda' makes you feel glad you don't live in Russia...

Kinda' makes you feel glad you don't live in Russia... - 14 Dec 2015 Russia's abandoned space shuttles at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, in pictures Previous slide Next slide 1 of 18 View All Skip Ad A photographer has managed to gain access to the building housing the abandoned Soviet space shuttle programme. Ralph Mirebs travelled to the Baikonur Cosmodrome i...

I found this to be a rather fascinating article...from a philosophical, artistic and literary perspective. I hope you enjoy it! (y)

I found this to be a rather fascinating article...from a philosophical, artistic and literary perspective. I hope you enjoy it! (y) - Although there was hostility towards witchcraft and sorcery well before the 16th century, it is in this time period where we see religious and legal punishment juxtaposed with the increasing use and enjoyment of special effects in plays to convey magic and the supernatural.

This is called 'Progress'... I'd sure like to see the US follow examples like this! ;) (y)

This is called 'Progress'... I'd sure like to see the US follow examples like this! ;) (y) - In what has been called a "life changing decision," the European Union's ministers of Science, Innovation, Trade, and Industry have decided to give individuals free access to science papers by 2020.

(RoFLMaO!) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(RoFLMaO!) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - North Korea is normally shut off from the world, but it appears they have launched their own Facebook, only for it to get quickly hacked.

I am, indeed, a man of faith... However, in light of the way faith is frequently misrepresented, misunderstood and misappropriated, my perspective on faith is much more complex than the average person can probably understand. In the video below, I even disagree with the notion that the person on the opposing side of faith should be an Atheist. I would have to put Agnostics in that space and include the Atheist with the Theists, since they all seem to adhere to a 'rigid' form of faith (or its opposite which, in fact, is not much different). At any rate, I suspect it is better for us to decide our own alignment and leave the business of others' to them, rather than trying to judge them, which often comes across as ham-fisted when done through the 'lenses' of our own personal beliefs. I believe life (and the human race) would be much more calm and unified, that way... ^_^ (y)

I am, indeed, a man of faith... However, in light of the way faith is frequently misrepresented, misunderstood and misappropriated, my perspective on faith is much more complex than the average person can probably understand. In the video below, I even disagree with the notion that the person on the opposing side of faith should be an Atheist. I would have to put Agnostics in that space and include the Atheist with the Theists, since they all seem to adhere to a 'rigid' form of faith (or its opposite which, in fact, is not much different). At any rate, I suspect it is better for us to decide our own alignment and leave the business of others' to them, rather than trying to judge them, which often comes across as ham-fisted when done through the 'lenses' of our own personal beliefs. I believe life (and the human race) would be much more calm and unified, that way... ^_^ (y) -

- Discover the real Westeros when you come to Northern Ireland.

- Sped up video of the Falcon 9 first-stage landing from today's mission

Saturday, May 28, 2016

- Jesus Christ


- Bern: The Bernie Sanders documentary about Bernie's life, the historic campaign currently taking place, and the people working to get him elected.

A fine example of TRUE genius from Harvard! This is far more impressive than seeing a steady stream of intelligent people who fail to grasp the importance and true wisdom of ethics and go on to Wall Street, banks and law firms in America where they prove they only learned how to carve the US up to divide amongst themselves. Thanks for the great share, Jeff Baci!

A fine example of TRUE genius from Harvard! This is far more impressive than seeing a steady stream of intelligent people who fail to grasp the importance and true wisdom of ethics and go on to Wall Street, banks and law firms in America where they prove they only learned how to carve the US up to divide amongst themselves. Thanks for the great share, Jeff Baci! - 何江获得了相当于哈佛大学给予毕业生的最高荣誉——从全校数万名毕业生中各选出一名本科生和研究生代表作毕业演讲

Incredible news! ^_^ (y)

Incredible news! ^_^ (y) - Archaeologists are certain that they have found the philosopher's tomb in his birthplace

Finally! Someone with a pair of 'stones'... (Not safe for work - vitiate REALNews ever?) American Mainstream Media could learn something here. (y)

Finally! Someone with a pair of 'stones'... (Not safe for work - vitiate REALNews ever?) American Mainstream Media could learn something here. (y) -

This is very cool! Technology benefiting nature... ^_^ (y)

This is very cool! Technology benefiting nature... ^_^ (y) - http://ift.tt/27WImjD

Thursday, May 26, 2016

This article came out about 3 months short of a year ago. It was very interesting then but now, several months later, far more interesting since we've had time to see some of the 'unknowns' (at that time) play out. Definitely worth looking over again! (y)

This article came out about 3 months short of a year ago. It was very interesting then but now, several months later, far more interesting since we've had time to see some of the 'unknowns' (at that time) play out. Definitely worth looking over again! (y) - Donald Trump, the 69-year-old New York real estate mogul and unrepentant bigot, continues to dominate the Republican presidential primary polls. Trump’s sudden ascendance, accelerated by his willingness to insult virtually any ostensible ally within the conservative movement, has left GOP leaders du...

Things that make you go 'Hmm...' ;)

Things that make you go 'Hmm...' ;) - Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has generated an unceasing torrent of press attention that some estimate to be worth roughly $2 billion. Yet the central mystery at the very core of his persona—his inscrutable hairdo—has somehow, impossibly, remained unsolved. Until, perhaps, now.

Chasma Boreale and North Polar Ice Cap of Mars

Chasma Boreale and North Polar Ice Cap of Mars -  

Awesome stuff! ^_^ (y)

Awesome stuff! ^_^ (y) - #9 The Vasa Museum

"One candidate attracts cute birds, this one attracts flies. What does that say?" (RoFLMaO!) :P :D (y) You can't pay for jokes this good! They write themselves, folks!

"One candidate attracts cute birds, this one attracts flies. What does that say?" (RoFLMaO!) :P :D (y) You can't pay for jokes this good! They write themselves, folks! - The Internet is obsessed with a fly that just got stuck in Donald Trump's hair -- and the jokes practically write themselves.

I suppose it's never a bad time to keep reminding the 'conservatives' how useless it is to call Veterans 'Heroes' upon their return from service. The honor of having served poor political policy through funding the Military Industrial Complex by way of our tax dollars and countless fallen soldiers is, actually, not much of an honor. If we do actually come back (and while facing a lifetime of disability and suffering), it really doesn't mean very much. In fact, if you want to know what might matter a lot more, you might try better policy, peaceful diplomacy and finding other ways to make money than necessitating the deaths of your own countrymen and of citizens the world over in the pursuit of highly unethical capitalism. Vetsforbernie.org #WeThePeople #FeelTheBern #Vets4Bernie #Sanders2016 #BernOrBurn

I suppose it's never a bad time to keep reminding the 'conservatives' how useless it is to call Veterans 'Heroes' upon their return from service. The honor of having served poor political policy through funding the Military Industrial Complex by way of our tax dollars and countless fallen soldiers is, actually, not much of an honor. If we do actually come back (and while facing a lifetime of disability and suffering), it really doesn't mean very much. In fact, if you want to know what might matter a lot more, you might try better policy, peaceful diplomacy and finding other ways to make money than necessitating the deaths of your own countrymen and of citizens the world over in the pursuit of highly unethical capitalism. Vetsforbernie.org #WeThePeople #FeelTheBern #Vets4Bernie #Sanders2016 #BernOrBurn - On Memorial Day, a peacetime soldier explains why ‘hero’ isn't a true description of service members.

This one's for all the 'cognitive dissonance' people ( http://bit.ly/PG9rTY ) who malign candidates for reasons of which they are often unaware. They may feel intelligent because they are voicing an opinion, one many of their friends probably agree with, but what if their friends and community are wrong - and, thus, so are they? Is it worth another Hellish 8 years of allowing criminal candidates or babbling idiots with nothing but insults and not a drop of substance on the issues to run the country? People who bash Sanders (which is ludicrous, imho, given the lengthy criminal, bigoted and unethical mountains of embarrassment plaguing other candidates) like to claim that 'his policies are unsustainable' or 'he is crazy' or 'he can't find all the money he needs to get done what he intends to do' - yet, that money he plans to work with is clearly going somewhere...and it is not in your pockets. He has said where it is going - and that it's coming FROM your pockets. Perhaps, through cognitive dissonance, sociopolitical peer pressure and just plain disregard for actually researching the facts for yourself (which some of us do very diligently and which only helps us, personally, since others have already made up their minds - in spite of being shown the truth, their unwillingness to do the research and due to social pressure and posturing), you are actually about to elect the worst possible candidates (Clinton or Trump) and you have no idea what you are doing. Just remember cause & effect, because we pay for our poor decisions (as we have been paying for decades, politically). Here, once again, is a clear example of something that you may...still...not understand. If you don't see where the money is going to come from (Wall Street taxes), who is stealing it (Wall Street), why it is wrong (sacrificing education for profit while bankrupting America - unethical and, in the long-term, fatal), what the overall net negative long-term effect it has on education in America...and has been having (a nation full of under-educated people who are being surpassed by nations across the planet) - then I suppose you never will. Well, here is a little more information for you. If you don't want to make another mistake that could cause you another decade of suffering, take the US closer to fatal destruction and further separate the rich (unethical) from the poor. Please follow the links. I did all the work for you...all you have to do is vote work a little harder to support the right candidate. Of course, you can always ignore all this...at your peril. http://ift.tt/1qLitkS http://ift.tt/1RzWqIJ And please keep in mind this is probably one of several issues you may fail to clearly understand...for lack of doing suitable research. Just imagine, if you have misjudged this one, how many others you may also have misjudged.

This one's for all the 'cognitive dissonance' people ( http://bit.ly/PG9rTY ) who malign candidates for reasons of which they are often unaware. They may feel intelligent because they are voicing an opinion, one many of their friends probably agree with, but what if their friends and community are wrong - and, thus, so are they? Is it worth another Hellish 8 years of allowing criminal candidates or babbling idiots with nothing but insults and not a drop of substance on the issues to run the country? People who bash Sanders (which is ludicrous, imho, given the lengthy criminal, bigoted and unethical mountains of embarrassment plaguing other candidates) like to claim that 'his policies are unsustainable' or 'he is crazy' or 'he can't find all the money he needs to get done what he intends to do' - yet, that money he plans to work with is clearly going somewhere...and it is not in your pockets. He has said where it is going - and that it's coming FROM your pockets. Perhaps, through cognitive dissonance, sociopolitical peer pressure and just plain disregard for actually researching the facts for yourself (which some of us do very diligently and which only helps us, personally, since others have already made up their minds - in spite of being shown the truth, their unwillingness to do the research and due to social pressure and posturing), you are actually about to elect the worst possible candidates (Clinton or Trump) and you have no idea what you are doing. Just remember cause & effect, because we pay for our poor decisions (as we have been paying for decades, politically). Here, once again, is a clear example of something that you may...still...not understand. If you don't see where the money is going to come from (Wall Street taxes), who is stealing it (Wall Street), why it is wrong (sacrificing education for profit while bankrupting America - unethical and, in the long-term, fatal), what the overall net negative long-term effect it has on education in America...and has been having (a nation full of under-educated people who are being surpassed by nations across the planet) - then I suppose you never will. Well, here is a little more information for you. If you don't want to make another mistake that could cause you another decade of suffering, take the US closer to fatal destruction and further separate the rich (unethical) from the poor. Please follow the links. I did all the work for you...all you have to do is vote work a little harder to support the right candidate. Of course, you can always ignore all this...at your peril. http://ift.tt/1qLitkS http://ift.tt/1RzWqIJ And please keep in mind this is probably one of several issues you may fail to clearly understand...for lack of doing suitable research. Just imagine, if you have misjudged this one, how many others you may also have misjudged. - Ever wonder what would happen if everyone in America paid off all our debts at once? Here's what would happen: the economy would collapse. The entire financial…

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Trump really is a genius, eh? So he plays "You Can't Always Get What You Want" at his rally...where people are coming to get what they want. Outstanding! Oh and..."practiced at the art of deception" - just a bit more icing on the cake! (Geez!) I think he has more supporters than brain cells... (LoL!) :P (y)

Trump really is a genius, eh? So he plays "You Can't Always Get What You Want" at his rally...where people are coming to get what they want. Outstanding! Oh and..."practiced at the art of deception" - just a bit more icing on the cake! (Geez!) I think he has more supporters than brain cells... (LoL!) :P (y) - Trump Rally in Anaheim

NASA's OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Prepared for Mission to an Asteroid

NASA's OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Prepared for Mission to an Asteroid -  

- "For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fjord and Glacier in East-Central Greenland

Fjord and Glacier in East-Central Greenland -  

Great stuff to check out! :P (y)

Great stuff to check out! :P (y) - Capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy are arguably rooted in fear of death.

Something enlightening for you to read... ^_^

Something enlightening for you to read... ^_^ - Recently philosophers and scientists have tried to identify how to make the world better by making people more likely to do good rather than evil.

How to separate the wheat from the chaff... (y)

How to separate the wheat from the chaff... (y) - Genuine people have a profound impact upon everyone they encounter. These are the unique habits that cause them to radiate with energy and confidence.

Monday, May 23, 2016

I'd like to think there are still many people in society that care about the following subject matter, which I find profoundly interesting and valuable. Unfortunately (and by way of the current political climate), I doubt many people have either the interest or motivation to read through this brilliant article. Some things, though, are well worth reading. This article, in my opinion, accurately explains why it's not necessarily correct (and, in fact, may be a tragic mistake) to refer to those who are humanist and democratic, as opposed to religious and conservative, as 'liberals'. With regard to me and my own perspective, it'd be a mistake. I actually find it quite offensive for people to call me a 'liberal' (very often, the behavior of conservative theists). I suppose this is the common routine of certain humans among us who feel a need to label and compartmentalize things in order to more easily understand them but, for their efforts, are actually doing themselves a disservice. At any rate, if you have the diligence (it's a rather long read), interest, mental acuity (not for the weak of mind), patience & tolerance (an open mind is a free mind) and/or even just curiosity to read what is, to me, an article of critical importance which includes a wealth of information on a wide variety of subject matter... Take a look at the article below... ...and please don't 'label' me. People are as diverse as fingerprints and many people defy labels, which I believe to be a wonderful thing. I am certainly one of them. ^_^ (y)

I'd like to think there are still many people in society that care about the following subject matter, which I find profoundly interesting and valuable. Unfortunately (and by way of the current political climate), I doubt many people have either the interest or motivation to read through this brilliant article. Some things, though, are well worth reading. This article, in my opinion, accurately explains why it's not necessarily correct (and, in fact, may be a tragic mistake) to refer to those who are humanist and democratic, as opposed to religious and conservative, as 'liberals'. With regard to me and my own perspective, it'd be a mistake. I actually find it quite offensive for people to call me a 'liberal' (very often, the behavior of conservative theists). I suppose this is the common routine of certain humans among us who feel a need to label and compartmentalize things in order to more easily understand them but, for their efforts, are actually doing themselves a disservice. At any rate, if you have the diligence (it's a rather long read), interest, mental acuity (not for the weak of mind), patience & tolerance (an open mind is a free mind) and/or even just curiosity to read what is, to me, an article of critical importance which includes a wealth of information on a wide variety of subject matter... Take a look at the article below... ...and please don't 'label' me. People are as diverse as fingerprints and many people defy labels, which I believe to be a wonderful thing. I am certainly one of them. ^_^ (y) - On the battle between learning for the sake of learning and learning for utility.

Up and Over

Up and Over -  

Sunday, May 22, 2016

I'm way ahead of this game... ;) (y)

I'm way ahead of this game... ;) (y) - Using biotechnology to improve the human condition can alleviate suffering.

Want to know where that political corruption comes from and how deep it is? Too bad many people don't care, If they did, maybe they could get these con artists, thieves and manipulators out of the seat(s) of power and vote for the people who are actually trying to improve this country. It isn't all that hard to figure out - here is a clear case:

Want to know where that political corruption comes from and how deep it is? Too bad many people don't care, If they did, maybe they could get these con artists, thieves and manipulators out of the seat(s) of power and vote for the people who are actually trying to improve this country. It isn't all that hard to figure out - here is a clear case: - Bernie Sanders was on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell, and she implied he should drop out of the race seeing that Hillary Clinton is fighting two battles simultan...

'Rust In Peace' - Nick Menza... (Another one gone so young!) See you on the other side! (y)

'Rust In Peace' - Nick Menza... (Another one gone so young!) See you on the other side! (y) - Official video of Megadeth performing Foreclosure Of A Dream from the album Countdown To Extinction. Buy It Here: http://ift.tt/27NQpzi Like Megadeth on ...

Saturday, May 21, 2016

- Is Bernie Sanders a Socialist? Is Bernie a Socialist? This question is definitely warranted in a presidential primary that has seen the Vermont senator gain tremendous attention and popularity amongst various voters. To understand Mr. Sander’s political philosophy let us first start by examining wha...

"Bernie Sanders’ campaign may be one of the best arguments for the pointlessness of predictive punditry. From the day he announced his run to today, for much of the media, no loss was too small a setback for Sanders, no moment too early to call the race for Clinton." http://ift.tt/1TADWJi You can't deny the evidence...but you can deny untrustworthy media and overly-opinionated, under-informed voters. (y)

"Bernie Sanders’ campaign may be one of the best arguments for the pointlessness of predictive punditry. From the day he announced his run to today, for much of the media, no loss was too small a setback for Sanders, no moment too early to call the race for Clinton." http://ift.tt/1TADWJi You can't deny the evidence...but you can deny untrustworthy media and overly-opinionated, under-informed voters. (y) - Together, we’ve crushed expectations, set records, and laid the groundwork for a political revolution.

Check this out...

Check this out... - NASA is developing a huge flower-shaped starshade in order to take a closer look at distant planets.

The incredible discoveries just keep on coming! (y) Imagine what we could achieve if we made the process (and access) of education more efficient and cost-effective, stopped wasting time and resources fighting and killing each other and empowered the entire human race to have the time, desire, freedom and curiosity to make even more discoveries... That's the world I want to live in... ^_^

The incredible discoveries just keep on coming! (y) Imagine what we could achieve if we made the process (and access) of education more efficient and cost-effective, stopped wasting time and resources fighting and killing each other and empowered the entire human race to have the time, desire, freedom and curiosity to make even more discoveries... That's the world I want to live in... ^_^ - A new form of light, one where the angular momentum of each photon takes only half of the value of Planck’s constant, has just been uncovered.

Check out this cool art from a friend's FB feed: (Thanks for the share, Paul Owen!)

Check out this cool art from a friend's FB feed: (Thanks for the share, Paul Owen!) - Artist Zenyk Palagniuk spent 200 hours to wrap 24 kilometers (15 miles) of thread around 13,000 nails to create this amazing portrait. (Filmed by Vova Zagranovsky) http://bit.ly/1KJoGTo