Saturday, December 27, 2014

And that's the way we did it in 2014! Thanks to all my friends and family...couldn't have done it without you!

And that's the way we did it in 2014! Thanks to all my friends and family...couldn't have done it without you! - Create YOUR own My Times to review your posts in 2014. It’s not only easy, but it’s also Free!! Just one Click!!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

I had to re-post this because it's a beautiful historic memory at this time of year and the wise always learn from the past. These are the kinds of things that allow us to retain our faith in they should not be forgotten. ;) Happy Holidays, everyone...! [And thanks very much for the heads-up, Mark Stolz!]

I had to re-post this because it's a beautiful historic memory at this time of year and the wise always learn from the past. These are the kinds of things that allow us to retain our faith in they should not be forgotten. ;) Happy Holidays, everyone...! [And thanks very much for the heads-up, Mark Stolz!] - World War I had just begun and the battles were blazing in the winter of 1914. But on Christmas Eve, something strange and unexpected happened. The soldiers in the trenches decided to call a truce.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pure Awesomeness... Imagine what can happen in the future if we link communications with automated manufacturing aboard unmanned future craft!

Pure Awesomeness... Imagine what can happen in the future if we link communications with automated manufacturing aboard unmanned future craft! - Barry Wilmore, International Space Station (ISS) Commander, recently needed a wrench that they didn't have on-board the ISS... so NASA emailed him one.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Totally awesome yuletide humor! Thanks, David K. Clarke, I really needed that, right now! (y)

Totally awesome yuletide humor! Thanks, David K. Clarke, I really needed that, right now! (y) - It's December tomorrow! I can't think of a better way to celebrate the countdown to Christmas than unintentional comedy from Patrick Stewart.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I had no doubt...

I had no doubt... - Ever wondered what career could be just right for you? Take this quiz and find out which one it is!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

I really do enjoy when people - who have put forth the effort and thought required to be qualified to speak about things as well as have the courage to say them - share their wisdom. Here is a very fine example...

I really do enjoy when people - who have put forth the effort and thought required to be qualified to speak about things as well as have the courage to say them - share their wisdom. Here is a very fine example... - Bank rate cuts and an anticorruption campaign are unlikely to stave off China’s growing economic woes.

Monday, December 8, 2014

What can you say about George Carlin that hasn't already been said? Genius, visionary, very hard-working man...perhaps, the hardest working comic/writer in the business - and, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest contemporary philosophers of our time. I've always felt a very deep connection with Carlin for more reasons than I have time to enumerate, right now. I often post things about him because I want to see the legacy of this incredible man live on for as long as I'm still breathing, at the very least, and long after I'm gone - if there is any justice in this world. Here's George in an interview - the very best he ever attended...and my own personal favorite - conducted by Jon Stewart when he was much younger and before he was a household name. There are so many interesting and truthful things in this video, especially the discussions about the type of school he attended (and the way he turned out as a result - something to think about), his predictions about Stewart and, as usual, his perspectives about so many other things. You will always be missed... Rest in peace, George! #GeorgeCarlin #JonStewart

What can you say about George Carlin that hasn't already been said? Genius, visionary, very hard-working man...perhaps, the hardest working comic/writer in the business - and, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest contemporary philosophers of our time. I've always felt a very deep connection with Carlin for more reasons than I have time to enumerate, right now. I often post things about him because I want to see the legacy of this incredible man live on for as long as I'm still breathing, at the very least, and long after I'm gone - if there is any justice in this world. Here's George in an interview - the very best he ever attended...and my own personal favorite - conducted by Jon Stewart when he was much younger and before he was a household name. There are so many interesting and truthful things in this video, especially the discussions about the type of school he attended (and the way he turned out as a result - something to think about), his predictions about Stewart and, as usual, his perspectives about so many other things. You will always be missed... Rest in peace, George! #GeorgeCarlin #JonStewart - Great video of a young Jon Stewart interviewing George Carlin. Both comedy legends! IMHO

What can you say about George Carlin that hasn't already been said? Genius, visionary, very hard-working man...perhaps, the hardest working comic/writer in the business - and, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest contemporary philosophers of our time. I've always felt a very deep connection with George Carlin for more reasons than I have time to enumerate, right now. I often post things about him because I want to see the legacy of this incredible man live on for as long as I'm still breathing, at the very least, and long after I'm gone - if there is any justice in this world. Here's George in an interview - the very best he ever attended...and my own personal favorite - conducted by Jon Stewart when he was much younger and before he was a household name. There are so many interesting and truthful things in this video, especially the discussions about the type of school he attended (and the way he turned out as a result - something to think about), his predictions about Stewart and, as usual, his perspectives about so many other things. You will always be missed... Rest in peace, George! #GeorgeCarlin #JonStewart

What can you say about George Carlin that hasn't already been said? Genius, visionary, very hard-working man...perhaps, the hardest working comic/writer in the business - and, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest contemporary philosophers of our time. I've always felt a very deep connection with George Carlin for more reasons than I have time to enumerate, right now. I often post things about him because I want to see the legacy of this incredible man live on for as long as I'm still breathing, at the very least, and long after I'm gone - if there is any justice in this world. Here's George in an interview - the very best he ever attended...and my own personal favorite - conducted by Jon Stewart when he was much younger and before he was a household name. There are so many interesting and truthful things in this video, especially the discussions about the type of school he attended (and the way he turned out as a result - something to think about), his predictions about Stewart and, as usual, his perspectives about so many other things. You will always be missed... Rest in peace, George! #GeorgeCarlin #JonStewart -

Sunday, December 7, 2014

This article offers a very good analysis of the real status of economics in China - something many Chinese people are woefully unaware of, unfortunately (mostly because they are more concerned with profiting in the short term than being able to sustain profit in the long term). That, however, will probably change real soon. Right now, it's a small majority in China who understand this. They're either victims, suspects looking for a quick exit...or very fortunate Chinese citizens who have acquired the gift of knowledge through traveling and studying overseas and, aside from the fact that the economic condition of their country will - no doubt - affect them negatively, are mostly well-aware and hopefully unaffected, so far. These are the people I call friends and I certainly wish both...that they will do as much as possible to correct the situation when they return and that they have great success and happiness in the future. They are truly China's future. This is Australia's take on the matter and, as near as I have seen in the decade I've been here, it is pretty much spot-on. It might be worth the read, if you want the real story...

This article offers a very good analysis of the real status of economics in China - something many Chinese people are woefully unaware of, unfortunately (mostly because they are more concerned with profiting in the short term than being able to sustain profit in the long term). That, however, will probably change real soon. Right now, it's a small majority in China who understand this. They're either victims, suspects looking for a quick exit...or very fortunate Chinese citizens who have acquired the gift of knowledge through traveling and studying overseas and, aside from the fact that the economic condition of their country will - no doubt - affect them negatively, are mostly well-aware and hopefully unaffected, so far. These are the people I call friends and I certainly wish both...that they will do as much as possible to correct the situation when they return and that they have great success and happiness in the future. They are truly China's future. This is Australia's take on the matter and, as near as I have seen in the decade I've been here, it is pretty much spot-on. It might be worth the read, if you want the real story... - China, like Australia, is about to discover that reform is actually very hard.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

What's that in my living room under the Christmas tree? Oh! It's just the elephant in the room... Chris Rock: A brilliant man from the same vein as the Legendary George Carlin (Rest In Peace!). Using humor to spread messages that are of critical importance to society at large. Both men carry a pair much bigger than the average man could ever manage. For their efforts and their approach, they have my utmost respect... Thanks, Chris! "Former SNL cast member and "Top Five" writer, director and star Chris Rock returns to Studio 8H to discuss the NYC Marathon, the Freedom Tower and the commercialization of holidays."

What's that in my living room under the Christmas tree? Oh! It's just the elephant in the room... Chris Rock: A brilliant man from the same vein as the Legendary George Carlin (Rest In Peace!). Using humor to spread messages that are of critical importance to society at large. Both men carry a pair much bigger than the average man could ever manage. For their efforts and their approach, they have my utmost respect... Thanks, Chris! "Former SNL cast member and "Top Five" writer, director and star Chris Rock returns to Studio 8H to discuss the NYC Marathon, the Freedom Tower and the commercialization of holidays." - Most comedians wouldn't touch sensitive topics like the tragedies of 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing or explosive issues such as gun control with a 10-foot pole. But Chris Rock isn't most come...

I just stumbled across this yesterday... I thought some of you might like a heads-up. Not only is it an incredible collection, but it's also very well-organized!

I just stumbled across this yesterday... I thought some of you might like a heads-up. Not only is it an incredible collection, but it's also very well-organized! -

Recommended reading... ;) (y)

Recommended reading... ;) (y) - All my life I've heard things that boil down to "you always think you're so right." I used to take this as criticism or even blame. Now I take it as a compliment. As a matter of fact, I actually am...

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Aaand *just* when you thought you knew it all... See if you can wrap your 'frontal lobes' around this:

Aaand *just* when you thought you knew it all... See if you can wrap your 'frontal lobes' around this: - Physical realism is the view that the physical world we see is real and exists by itself, alone. Most people think this is self-evident, but physical reali

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

This is some gr00vy stuff! I ran across this and thought... "I've got several friends who'd love a heads-up on this article!" (Starr Jernigan - Youre the first who came to mind, hehe...) So, here you go:

This is some gr00vy stuff! I ran across this and thought... "I've got several friends who'd love a heads-up on this article!" (Starr Jernigan - Youre the first who came to mind, hehe...) So, here you go: - The Beatles’ sojourn in India can seem like a bit of a stunt, as much a rock n’ roll cliché as Led Zeppelin’s trashed hotel rooms or Fleetwood Mac’s coke binges. Easily parodied in, for example, Walk Hard: