Sunday, April 30, 2017

Whether it is the fault of the people, themselves, or those who failed them while raising is still their problem. When one is clearly suffering from depression and low self-esteem, all attempts to sound superior and/or secure will fall flat. It takes time to build a sense of security - and time to get over the damage of low self-esteem done by those who failed them. People know that both do not exist in a single person. . It is a protection mechanism...but faulty one. We don't accept drug and alcohol addicts' excuses about others who 'made them that way' any more than we should accept the excuses of people suffering from this similar issue. You don't look for excuses, you look for solutions. . The best way to overcome this problem is to be humble and seek out those who are secure - but not secure just by saying they are, secure by their success and example. Talk is what got these people into this situation - it will not get them out. They must learn to look for proven examples. They must learn to raise themselves up and put distance between them and the ones who are creating a false sense of security in their lives - even (and especially) if these people tell them what they want to hear. . And, for Christ's sake...put the damned phone down, once in a while... ;) (Thanks for sharing, Msgr Ignacio Abrau Jr.!) ^_^

Whether it is the fault of the people, themselves, or those who failed them while raising is still their problem. When one is clearly suffering from depression and low self-esteem, all attempts to sound superior and/or secure will fall flat. It takes time to build a sense of security - and time to get over the damage of low self-esteem done by those who failed them. People know that both do not exist in a single person. . It is a protection mechanism...but faulty one. We don't accept drug and alcohol addicts' excuses about others who 'made them that way' any more than we should accept the excuses of people suffering from this similar issue. You don't look for excuses, you look for solutions. . The best way to overcome this problem is to be humble and seek out those who are secure - but not secure just by saying they are, secure by their success and example. Talk is what got these people into this situation - it will not get them out. They must learn to look for proven examples. They must learn to raise themselves up and put distance between them and the ones who are creating a false sense of security in their lives - even (and especially) if these people tell them what they want to hear. . And, for Christ's sake...put the damned phone down, once in a while... ;) (Thanks for sharing, Msgr Ignacio Abrau Jr.!) ^_^ - Brilliantly explains the Millennial condition, with bits of knowledge we can all use in this age. Thank you

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