Saturday, April 15, 2017

Many of the things people go through that they think are so terrible, that make them want to give up, that may cause them to see themselves as victims and elicit pity from others are really nothing (and, in fact, can destroy them in the long run) when measured against harrowing experiences others have survived. Through sheer strength, an indomitable will to survive and perseverance - even in the face of continuous struggle - warriors who are fearless and unstoppable are created. If you are wondering how to strengthen yourself, how to overcome even the most trying difficulties and find out what makes such people fearless - the REAL kind of fearless, not the foolish, macho kind - then you may learn a few things by following the lives of these people. Sometimes, all it takes is to realize that nature rules and, if you are going to survive the ordeal that is life, you have to meet nature on its terms and 'be real'...rather than trying to live a fantasy and set your own. Here is the tale of one such person...

Many of the things people go through that they think are so terrible, that make them want to give up, that may cause them to see themselves as victims and elicit pity from others are really nothing (and, in fact, can destroy them in the long run) when measured against harrowing experiences others have survived. Through sheer strength, an indomitable will to survive and perseverance - even in the face of continuous struggle - warriors who are fearless and unstoppable are created. If you are wondering how to strengthen yourself, how to overcome even the most trying difficulties and find out what makes such people fearless - the REAL kind of fearless, not the foolish, macho kind - then you may learn a few things by following the lives of these people. Sometimes, all it takes is to realize that nature rules and, if you are going to survive the ordeal that is life, you have to meet nature on its terms and 'be real'...rather than trying to live a fantasy and set your own. Here is the tale of one such person... - A botched carjacking took his legs. Two suicide attempts and a deadly tsunami nearly took his life. Yet the waterman survived to live the life he was destined for.

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