Sunday, April 9, 2017

- This is usually not a good topic for social networking...but it is also a subject that has led to more violence, death, misunderstanding, anger, fighting, war and other negativity simply because it is taboo to mention. I have no idea why people would be averse to discuss one of the most profound questions in the history of the human race. I also have no intention of 'converting, convincing, judging or criticizing' anyone for their beliefs. As many others do, I am merely voicing my opinion... Some say God is real... Some say God is not. My perspective on the matter is quite complex and personal, but doesn't fit any other explanation I've yet heard. That's because those who are included above...have already made up their minds based on either faith (a lack of evidence and knowledge), the education provided by the human race's limited knowledge, or science (which pales by comparison to what we don't know). No answer is or can be thoroughly researched or proven; Therefore, I find it ridiculous for one to close their mind and be satisfied with a non-answer. This is why I spend my life looking for answers. This is, in my opinion, the correct course for a lack of knowledge. The search should be perpetual - at least, until there is a definitive answer. As it stands in my mind right now...If one stops asking questions, one remains ignorant and unenlightened. If one wants to find truth, they should keep searching. If one wants to find God, they should keep searching...but not assume an answer and disregard the question. That is being intellectually dishonest with oneself and such people will always feel some sort of ambiguity. This ambiguity is another truth that the religious cannot deny, since it is what causes a lack of (or weak) faith - something I see far too often with respect to the religious. It's also something I see becoming more common and which will increase in the future as science provides us with more answers...or until 'God' makes him/her/itself known in an irrefutable way. In my opinion...'God' is where our knowledge ends and where our questions begin. I suspect we should keep asking those questions. If we do, we will arrive at an answer. If we don't, we may as well give up on evolving into a more impressive species. After all, it is the only reason we're not still living in caves, traveling by foot, hunting for food and beating women over the head with clubs when we want to procreate. Something to think about... ;o) This is well worth watching:

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