- Great article... Productive thought is so much better than 'faith' in a world where few people, if any, who say they have faith - truly do and where people are increasingly unlikely to trust one-another (frequently, because of conflict that is often and overwhelmingly a result of religious conflict). This, coupled with the fact that there are more people using the ambiguity of religion(s) to control, subjugate and misdirect people for their own agendas (or for profit, sociopolitical posturing or many other definitely human and unethical purposes)...along with the inherent lack of evidence to validate anything 'religious people' would attempt to claim (in such an untrustworthy, cynical world) is probably the greatest reason for people to turn away from religion or to consider it something left to those who are improperly or not highly educated (something that is happening at a rapid pace). Even Newton, who was a famous scientist, believed in God but - as it turns out - his God started where his own knowledge ended. Others, who resumed his work where he left off, found no God there - just Newton's inability to make progress; a problem they did not share, due to a more developed field of knowledge. It is also a statistical fact that the majority of feverishly religious people are poorly educated and come from strife and difficult lives and cultures (look it up). These are not actually people that the majority of well-educated folks turn to for advice and spiritual guidance. Further, does it really make sense to place faith in something with no evidence which came from a book written by humans (I've seen no other presence on Earth capable of writing such things) that is static, unchanging and is from a place in the past where the human race was in a much lesser state of development (as evidenced in all holy texts by the nonsensical, fantastic description and retelling of things for which we've seen no equal in as much time as we have shared this Earth)...while the world is dynamic, constantly changing and while mankind continues to learn much more than what was available at the time of these works of literature? If one sticks with what is static, refuses to evolve, they get left behind...and buried in the past. If the 'religious' are trying to 'introduce' others to their faiths and ways of thinking, the explanation in the following article might be a very good place for them to start. (y)
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