Friday, November 24, 2017

It's a damned shame...the things politicians (and the corporations who own them) do to get their Draconic, authoritarian, plutocratic laws passed. At least we're wise enough now to realize that it's probably BS...when it smells like BS. Laws like this should never pass. Laws like the 'Patriot Act should also never pass. It's no wonder the world is becoming more Orwellian by the day. When you don't want people to do bad things with the tools available to them, such as the Internet - an educational resource that is far more valuable than anything in the history of human education (when used properly), you don't censor it, monitor it like a bunch of paranoid idiots and try to manipulate it for illicit capitalistic reasons or use it as a tool to punish and imprison people (that's what countries like China, Iran and other theocracies, communist regimes and criminal governments do). What you do is set an example of tolerance, strong self-discipline, ethics and promote practical, constructive use (things that are, sadly, completely alien to nearly every politician in this country) and keep it free and open. And, as the general population becomes further uneducated, they just seem to go along with whatever these creepy political and corporate criminals promote. It will not end well and, if it does, it certainly won't be as a result of what these people are doing - it will be as a result of the antithesis of this stupidity. Don't let it happen... ;)

It's a damned shame...the things politicians (and the corporations who own them) do to get their Draconic, authoritarian, plutocratic laws passed. At least we're wise enough now to realize that it's probably BS...when it smells like BS. Laws like this should never pass. Laws like the 'Patriot Act should also never pass. It's no wonder the world is becoming more Orwellian by the day. When you don't want people to do bad things with the tools available to them, such as the Internet - an educational resource that is far more valuable than anything in the history of human education (when used properly), you don't censor it, monitor it like a bunch of paranoid idiots and try to manipulate it for illicit capitalistic reasons or use it as a tool to punish and imprison people (that's what countries like China, Iran and other theocracies, communist regimes and criminal governments do). What you do is set an example of tolerance, strong self-discipline, ethics and promote practical, constructive use (things that are, sadly, completely alien to nearly every politician in this country) and keep it free and open. And, as the general population becomes further uneducated, they just seem to go along with whatever these creepy political and corporate criminals promote. It will not end well and, if it does, it certainly won't be as a result of what these people are doing - it will be as a result of the antithesis of this stupidity. Don't let it happen... ;) - I used natural language processing techniques to analyze net neutrality comments submitted to the FCC from April-October 2017, and the…

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