Monday, November 27, 2017

After further reflection of this article (and the resulting comments), I had an epiphany. I think that the problem (of which the essence of this article is definitely a part) is far more complex than people both presume it to be and possess the depth of mind to understand (myself included - after all, I am no different than anyone else, I just point out what I see and add to the pool so that I might help others see a few more of the complexities). Which brings me to another one I noticed... This problem I've noticed has a lot to do with the ability of urban-dwelling people to understand the complexities of living in a highly-populated city and its resulting requirements - which is far different than the frequent inability of rural people to notice the same, due to their more simple, spacious, low-pressure, sparsely populated life. It is very common to see rural people to be Republican and for urban dwelling people to be Democrat. It is also common to see wealthy Republican people who may live in the populated city to be aloof to those who struggle there and either not well-liked by the general population or spending all their free time with those other such people who find themselves in the same situation (and are usually fair-weather friends, not real ones). Meanwhile, those who live in urban areas who are not wealthy are often helpful to one-another as much as they are able since they share a common struggle - even when they do not really know each other. So, I suppose it is easier to sit far from the massively-populated city (not a small town) in a rural area and point fingers at people who try to share the resources, wealth, benefits and ability to survive, or to live in the massively-populated city with boatloads of cash (avoiding those you are causing anguish to, those who are struggling, by hoarding it) - as many Republicans seem to do - than it is to live among a great many people who are all struggling and to try to work together for the benefit of all while making personal sacrifices to allow that to happen (as Democrats often do - at least, Social Democrats. Not those DINO Neo-Con Democrats, like Clinton). Then again, what would I know? (You have no idea!) 😉👍

After further reflection of this article (and the resulting comments), I had an epiphany. I think that the problem (of which the essence of this article is definitely a part) is far more complex than people both presume it to be and possess the depth of mind to understand (myself included - after all, I am no different than anyone else, I just point out what I see and add to the pool so that I might help others see a few more of the complexities). Which brings me to another one I noticed... This problem I've noticed has a lot to do with the ability of urban-dwelling people to understand the complexities of living in a highly-populated city and its resulting requirements - which is far different than the frequent inability of rural people to notice the same, due to their more simple, spacious, low-pressure, sparsely populated life. It is very common to see rural people to be Republican and for urban dwelling people to be Democrat. It is also common to see wealthy Republican people who may live in the populated city to be aloof to those who struggle there and either not well-liked by the general population or spending all their free time with those other such people who find themselves in the same situation (and are usually fair-weather friends, not real ones). Meanwhile, those who live in urban areas who are not wealthy are often helpful to one-another as much as they are able since they share a common struggle - even when they do not really know each other. So, I suppose it is easier to sit far from the massively-populated city (not a small town) in a rural area and point fingers at people who try to share the resources, wealth, benefits and ability to survive, or to live in the massively-populated city with boatloads of cash (avoiding those you are causing anguish to, those who are struggling, by hoarding it) - as many Republicans seem to do - than it is to live among a great many people who are all struggling and to try to work together for the benefit of all while making personal sacrifices to allow that to happen (as Democrats often do - at least, Social Democrats. Not those DINO Neo-Con Democrats, like Clinton). Then again, what would I know? (You have no idea!) 😉👍 - Pretty damned accurate...and I've been to more than a few corners of this planet...and have seen a Hell of a lot more than people see on their idiot boxes, hear from lying politicians, opportunistic preachers with ill intent and discuss among their geographically sedentary social groups for reasons of posturing and acceptance. At what cost? The Truth? Your Soul? Too high a price for me...

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