Sunday, March 27, 2016

It looks to me like voting still works just fine in America when ethical vigilance is applied both within a campaign and against those who try to destroy it. This election is a great example of what the people can still do when they are united in purpose - even in the face of media interference, manipulation and silence as well as voting corruption and irregularities. Of course, it does help considerably when the candidate has kept on point, avoided pandering to his base, raised money the correct (non-sellout) way and...the alternative candidates seem like they escaped from a mental hospital. There's no suppressing truth and what is just and right. Those who try only end up failing and looking even more foolish once they've been exposed. #WeThePeople #FeelTheBern

It looks to me like voting still works just fine in America when ethical vigilance is applied both within a campaign and against those who try to destroy it. This election is a great example of what the people can still do when they are united in purpose - even in the face of media interference, manipulation and silence as well as voting corruption and irregularities. Of course, it does help considerably when the candidate has kept on point, avoided pandering to his base, raised money the correct (non-sellout) way and...the alternative candidates seem like they escaped from a mental hospital. There's no suppressing truth and what is just and right. Those who try only end up failing and looking even more foolish once they've been exposed. #WeThePeople #FeelTheBern - Bernie Sanders has reached 1 million campaign donations faster than any other candidate, ever

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