Saturday, March 26, 2016

It just keeps getting worse and worse for the criminal political actress, Clinton...while Cruz and Trump are perpetually busy taking cheap shots at each other (and each other's wives) while disregarding the issues and concerns of the people. Meanwhile, Sanders continues to get shut out by the media, is rising in the polls and hasn't got a scandal in the world plaguing him. He's looking so clean and focused that even the birds are coming to be near him. Sadly, the electorate is still trying desperately to disregard him - in favor of their favorite reality TV candidates. If you want to know what's wrong with America...well, there you go! ;) (y)

It just keeps getting worse and worse for the criminal political actress, Clinton...while Cruz and Trump are perpetually busy taking cheap shots at each other (and each other's wives) while disregarding the issues and concerns of the people. Meanwhile, Sanders continues to get shut out by the media, is rising in the polls and hasn't got a scandal in the world plaguing him. He's looking so clean and focused that even the birds are coming to be near him. Sadly, the electorate is still trying desperately to disregard him - in favor of their favorite reality TV candidates. If you want to know what's wrong with America...well, there you go! ;) (y) - The emails raise new questions about the account during Clinton’s early days in office.

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