Wednesday, July 12, 2017

- Here's a fascinating article on Empathy... _________________________________ I say that because (as many know from my previous posts and notes) I believe this is critical to the continued existence of the human race. This is largely because we all are connected, like it or not, on a subatomic level (a matter of nature), even if we tend to enjoin or remove ourselves from different social groups and regard our empathy as a choice - which it is (a matter of nurture). Sadly, some people are devoid of the ability to feel empathy - not because they cannot feel it but because they choose not to - and, in some cases, this affects whole cultures. The cultural effect, inasmuch as I have witnessed it, seems to be most prevalent in places where the population level is very high and there are too many people around us to focus on (China, India and inner city districts of major cities all over the planet come to mind), so society at large shuts down this powerful and vital emotion. The same concern has come to mind more recently with respect to racial wars, bias and hate crimes, with law enforcement vs. the citizenry and in cases where minorities and other social groups are active in efforts to modernize the traditional, static beliefs of the past - many of which have already been redefined by a society who has already learned to understand the importance of empathy as well as these changes. (And I haven't even grazed the surface of the topic, especially with regard to how financial matters affect empathy - that one is shameless and tragic) Despite all this, we still have a lot of work to do, fellow humans. I encourage everyone who is concerned with being able to find their place in the evolving world to read the following article. It may offer you some very valuable insight...and I hope it helps a few people who have been very stingy with their concern for others to open their hearts a bit. After all, you could very well have been born into a much different situation and that situation could have quite easily been one you don't keep in mind when deciding how to distribute your empathy. Enjoy... :) #Empathy #Philosophy #Psychology

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