Wednesday, July 26, 2017

For all you wonderful people who want to buy into the Trump 'B$' about 'making America Great Again', 'bringing jobs back' and 'playing hardball with China' - let me give you a dose of reality: I used to work with this company in China - a company that makes iPhones for Apple and has killed through toxic materials and explosions (via hazardous workplace conditions) or caused to commit suicide (and had to put nets on the roofs of their buildings to keep their employees from jumping off) hundreds of Chinese workers whom I met, knew and worked with, from the assembly line to mid-management and HR. Furthermore, when the company's some 800,000 Chinese workers decided they deserved more pay (a gross understatement), they decided to automate the entire workforce. Whether or not that happened, I don't know. What I do know, however, is that they are planning to build factories here and, when they do, they're not going to be bringing many jobs to America, if any. They will either automate here or bring over/employ hundreds of Chinese workers (getting the Chinese citizens lucrative American Visas to displace more America workers) and pissing off a lot of Americans by taking jobs that should be going to them. In the meantime, Apple will be making out like a usual. A big 'Thank You' to all those Trump voters (sarcasm). Once again, you will learn the hard way...let's just hope you survive the crisis and are able to maintain your lives when it is all over. It seems there is never a shortage of ignorant people who make very poor, uninformed decisions in this country. Read the article - and don't let it happen! Trust me, you will regret it. You've been warned... ;)

For all you wonderful people who want to buy into the Trump 'B$' about 'making America Great Again', 'bringing jobs back' and 'playing hardball with China' - let me give you a dose of reality: I used to work with this company in China - a company that makes iPhones for Apple and has killed through toxic materials and explosions (via hazardous workplace conditions) or caused to commit suicide (and had to put nets on the roofs of their buildings to keep their employees from jumping off) hundreds of Chinese workers whom I met, knew and worked with, from the assembly line to mid-management and HR. Furthermore, when the company's some 800,000 Chinese workers decided they deserved more pay (a gross understatement), they decided to automate the entire workforce. Whether or not that happened, I don't know. What I do know, however, is that they are planning to build factories here and, when they do, they're not going to be bringing many jobs to America, if any. They will either automate here or bring over/employ hundreds of Chinese workers (getting the Chinese citizens lucrative American Visas to displace more America workers) and pissing off a lot of Americans by taking jobs that should be going to them. In the meantime, Apple will be making out like a usual. A big 'Thank You' to all those Trump voters (sarcasm). Once again, you will learn the hard way...let's just hope you survive the crisis and are able to maintain your lives when it is all over. It seems there is never a shortage of ignorant people who make very poor, uninformed decisions in this country. Read the article - and don't let it happen! Trust me, you will regret it. You've been warned... ;) - No exact location for plant has been chosen – but southeast Wisconsin under consideration, according to a source.

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