Wednesday, May 3, 2017

- You are a: Deer The Deer is a beautiful, majestic animal. They travel in groups, take care of their own and are constantly stunning. Your perfect sense of self worth and concern for others will make you an honorary member of their family. _____________________ And now, for the painful part: That explains my aversion to hunters...even though I know some who are benevolent people. Benevolent people make mistakes too. They are also human. Hunting is not a matter of survival anymore nor is it usually a matter of self-defense. It's a sport, to most people, and when you kill an animal, it is killing, not hunting. When you consider hunting a sport, you marginalize the death of animals...except in rare cases of overpopulation, etc. These never seem to be the case for most hunters. I tend to take issue with people who consider the death of sentient beings, man or animal, to be ok. I suspect many of these people don't even know what an ecosystem is. They likely know little about what the long-term effects of their actions will be. I'm sure most of them don't even care. Perhaps, it is as important for people to understand what they are doing to the Earth when they kill things for no other reason than self-gratification...before they are given a license to go out and do it. Unfortunately, that is also not the case. I suppose the human race will address that issue soon enough. Hopefully, before there are no more animals left to hunt and people start hunting one-another. Not a huge leap for those who have no problem marginalizing death.

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