Thursday, March 30, 2017

The more they try to bury it, the closer it gets to the surface. It's a shame the people supporting Trump (many of them, anyway) haven't got a clue about half the stuff he's been involved with outside the US. That's probably the only reason he got elected. Unfortunately, now that he sits in the hot seat, it's going to be a lot harder for him to keep it from the people who elected him...many of whom can't see past the mall at the end of their own street - or Wall Street. This guy's so dirty that all the AJAX in the world, countless vats of bleach and a team of highly-skilled sandblasters couldn't make him clean. Only a matter of time...

The more they try to bury it, the closer it gets to the surface. It's a shame the people supporting Trump (many of them, anyway) haven't got a clue about half the stuff he's been involved with outside the US. That's probably the only reason he got elected. Unfortunately, now that he sits in the hot seat, it's going to be a lot harder for him to keep it from the people who elected him...many of whom can't see past the mall at the end of their own street - or Wall Street. This guy's so dirty that all the AJAX in the world, countless vats of bleach and a team of highly-skilled sandblasters couldn't make him clean. Only a matter of time... - Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort provides a wide range of services to his clients. For Vladimir Putin, Manafort put together a $10 million-a-year plan to influence American politics and slant news coverage. For Viktor Yanukovych’s...

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