- I find it strange that people in the financial and business world don't really listen to those who are clearly aware of what is going on unless...well...those people are profiting from the failure of others. By this, I mean these people think that your knowledge of what's going on should make you rich when your predictions become truth since they will net you a lot of money. Unfortunately, they don't realize that some people are satisfied already with what they have and they also have a conscience, meaning they don't like to profit off the suffering of others...no matter how much these people have lied, cheated and stolen on their way to the bottom (which is usually where they wind up). Case in point, China... Many have been predicting this for a long time and it took a long time but it is happening spectacularly fast now, as I always said (and knew) it would. In fact, anyone can go back in my history online and see clearly that I've been saying this for many, many years...since shortly after I got to China and saw what was really going on. In addition, they are free to talk to other foreigners (at least, the ones who were smart enough to leave and aren't still there), those who valued my knowledge and had the strength of character to admit truth as well as many of the Chinese people who are my close friends because they knew the value of what I was saying and were far more aware of Chinese history than foreigners are (and honest enough to admit it, rather than trying to hide it with false confidence and pride). These are things most foreign people don't get to know or see and have only the words of the people in finance to follow (who want to lie to them to get them to invest so the financiers can profit from it), so they are tragically misled. They have also probably lost fortunes investing in a tragedy waiting to happen. I suppose, when all is said and done and since technology now allows us to chronologically store our past comments and predictions, I will have the satisfaction of being able to say "I told you so". Not that it matters, since my intention in the first place was to help people and prevent such a horrific future. That is the sole reason I don't feel like I wasted a decade or so of my life there. I just wish it would have turned out a lot different than it is going to. I suppose that's what happens when people think they know what they're doing, assume you don't and decide not to heed the warnings which were given with the very best of intentions. It's called karma. There is no escaping it. Maybe one day people will value my keen sense of finance and economics despite my not meeting their 'standards of success' and start listening. I'm sure they'll save themselves a lot of suffering. Time will tell - at least, for a while. I'm not sure how much of it I have left. None of us are. At least I had the good sense a long time ago to start making better, more ethical and responsible choices. I give my best of luck to the people of China, those foreigners still over there trying to 'beat the dead dragon' and to all who thought it wise to invest without really having any clue what was actually going on and taking the criminals and profiteers at their word. That is never a wise choice...
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