I suppose people are wondering why I'm not that big an 'athletic supporter'. Maybe not...who knows? Anyway, here's a little insight: I would actively engage in sports (I have and still do, at times), but not for profit - especially like this. I wouldn't even if I could. I consider it a health and well-being benefit, rather than a for-profit goal. Also, starving, homeless, disadvantaged people...those whining about the economy, jobs, infrastructure, environment, politics, etc., etc. - many of whom are 'sports fans' and oblivious to the amount of potentially useful funds being thrown at people who are great at sports but who squander their fortune...are far more in need of this than these athletes are, even if they are hopelessly clueless to this truth and wouldn't have the slightest idea how to use it wisely (much like the athletes they worship and make wealthy). I understand the points many might make about how they have short careers, as a rule, generate lots of income for teams, sponsors and other companies (who also clearly squander it and use it unwisely), etc., but I really don't care because it isn't a viable reason not is it a proportional, logical expenditure of wealth. Teachers do far more, as do nurses, soldiers and many other martyred, underpaid public servants...and they receive little or nothing for their efforts. Basically, there is little or no ethical or productive value in it with regard to the cost. If you want to do something worthwhile, engage in sports for health's sake or go out and support your children I. Their endeavors - just not to profit from them at their expense...instead, do it for their health, well-being, education and happiness. Then, you will be doing it right! (y) - Our infographics break down the earnings of the highest-earning stars in sports.