Monday, April 11, 2016

And you wonder why our voting system is so full of $#!%? Well, there you go! Say what you want about Sanders, but any other candidate who wins is surely going to win through this underhanded BS system and then, leave the system just the way it is and always has been - corrupt. If Sanders wins, you can bet the Electoral vote, gerrymandering and super delegates will be going bye-by - along with corporate and Wall Street-bought elections! That, alone, is plenty enough reason for him to win your vote - no matter WHO you are! Otherwise, it's just another case of hanging chads in Florida... You may not remember that but, in 2000, Bush beat Gore via the antiquated Electoral Vote, even though he lost the Popular Vote (the only one that should ever count - '1 person, 1 vote'). His brother, Jeb, threw the Electoral Vote in his favor...after which George Bush spent the next 8 years destroying the US. I sure hope we don't have to watch that happen again with Clinton winning over Sanders - who clearly has the People's vote. No Republican has a chance against the Democratic Party and Clinton is trying to steal the Democratic Party from the most popular candidate. America the beautiful is fast becoming America the shameful...and the entire world is watching! #FeelTheBern #WeThePeople #Corruption #POTUS

And you wonder why our voting system is so full of $#!%? Well, there you go! Say what you want about Sanders, but any other candidate who wins is surely going to win through this underhanded BS system and then, leave the system just the way it is and always has been - corrupt. If Sanders wins, you can bet the Electoral vote, gerrymandering and super delegates will be going bye-by - along with corporate and Wall Street-bought elections! That, alone, is plenty enough reason for him to win your vote - no matter WHO you are! Otherwise, it's just another case of hanging chads in Florida... You may not remember that but, in 2000, Bush beat Gore via the antiquated Electoral Vote, even though he lost the Popular Vote (the only one that should ever count - '1 person, 1 vote'). His brother, Jeb, threw the Electoral Vote in his favor...after which George Bush spent the next 8 years destroying the US. I sure hope we don't have to watch that happen again with Clinton winning over Sanders - who clearly has the People's vote. No Republican has a chance against the Democratic Party and Clinton is trying to steal the Democratic Party from the most popular candidate. America the beautiful is fast becoming America the shameful...and the entire world is watching! #FeelTheBern #WeThePeople #Corruption #POTUS - Bernie Sanders wins Wyoming but Hillary Clinton nets more delegates. Joe Scarborough: It is a system rigged against voters. Watch more:

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