Monday, May 4, 2015

Yeah, maybe if the washed up Right can find enough candidates...from whatever bizarre dark corners, racist sanctuaries and lunatic asylums they seem to be coming throw at a lame duck president, they might actually see something stick. At any rate, it doesn't matter. It's long since become an attitude/irresponsibility/unethical societal problem shared by nearly every American (at least, the ones who like to run their mouths - usually without running their brains first...assuming there is one there to run) and far from a political one, now. No President elected on either side of the 6" political fence is going to make a difference anymore. The people have gone off the rails. I guess we'll see what happens...

Yeah, maybe if the washed up Right can find enough candidates...from whatever bizarre dark corners, racist sanctuaries and lunatic asylums they seem to be coming throw at a lame duck president, they might actually see something stick. At any rate, it doesn't matter. It's long since become an attitude/irresponsibility/unethical societal problem shared by nearly every American (at least, the ones who like to run their mouths - usually without running their brains first...assuming there is one there to run) and far from a political one, now. No President elected on either side of the 6" political fence is going to make a difference anymore. The people have gone off the rails. I guess we'll see what happens... - The Republican presidential field has three new contenders. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson all announced their intention to seek the Republic nomination. We present here some of the past claims from each candidate tha…

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