Monday, May 4, 2015

So that people don't inadvertently turn themselves into idiotic, bigoted, clueless hillbillies, please read the facts: She started it - and Texas could have prevented it (and should have - since we have 'Hate Crimes' designed to prevent this). Personally, I think she should be air-dropped into Saudi Arabia. Give her a parachute if you like but, with a mouth and attitude like that, she (and many other Americans) wouldn't last five minutes outside the US. If Americans can even manage to eke out an entire human life with all this hatred, negativity, incitement of violence and intolerance, etc...I would be shocked and amazed. The people who were killed, the attackers - were Americans. If people think that immigrants from another country are coming over to shoot Americans for running their mouths irresponsibly...they're wrong. People in America do it to each other every day - and have been for decades...and that's the same thing that happened here. So don't go blaming it on whatever enables your hatred. That's just ridiculous. It's just dishonest...and it is extremely stupid. And I'm extremely tired of being born in a country that is being held hostage by dysfunctional, poorly educated, socially irresponsible people...

So that people don't inadvertently turn themselves into idiotic, bigoted, clueless hillbillies, please read the facts: She started it - and Texas could have prevented it (and should have - since we have 'Hate Crimes' designed to prevent this). Personally, I think she should be air-dropped into Saudi Arabia. Give her a parachute if you like but, with a mouth and attitude like that, she (and many other Americans) wouldn't last five minutes outside the US. If Americans can even manage to eke out an entire human life with all this hatred, negativity, incitement of violence and intolerance, etc...I would be shocked and amazed. The people who were killed, the attackers - were Americans. If people think that immigrants from another country are coming over to shoot Americans for running their mouths irresponsibly...they're wrong. People in America do it to each other every day - and have been for decades...and that's the same thing that happened here. So don't go blaming it on whatever enables your hatred. That's just ridiculous. It's just dishonest...and it is extremely stupid. And I'm extremely tired of being born in a country that is being held hostage by dysfunctional, poorly educated, socially irresponsible people... - "The Islamic jihadis are determined to suppress our freedom of speech violently," Geller says.

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