Monday, May 18, 2015

Dear Friend, Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer advocates for climate action and public health policies. So why is it funding ALEC, which vigorously lobbies against both of these things? Instead of associating itself with ALEC and its tax-dodging political influence games, Pfizer should follow the lead of over 100 other companies and cut ties with the corporate lobby group. I've told Pfizer to just say NO to ALEC -- will you join me? Act now with Common Cause at the link below... Thanks!

Dear Friend, Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer advocates for climate action and public health policies. So why is it funding ALEC, which vigorously lobbies against both of these things? Instead of associating itself with ALEC and its tax-dodging political influence games, Pfizer should follow the lead of over 100 other companies and cut ties with the corporate lobby group. I've told Pfizer to just say NO to ALEC -- will you join me? Act now with Common Cause at the link below... Thanks! - Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer advocates for climate action and public health policies. So why is it funding ALEC, which vigorously lobbies against both of these things?

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