Friday, May 29, 2015

I finally found it! One of the funniest comedians I've ever seen! Somewhere around 20 years ago, about the time Kinison, Dangerfield, Carlin and others were the dominant members of comedy, I saw a comedian do a skit on the Dangerfield show that I never forgot...and looked for it everywhere...for a long time, but never ran across it. Everything wasn't digitally cataloged in social media back then, so it was not as simple to find as people might think...yet, I ran across the clip today - and watched it again. I'm still amazed, considering the length of time and circumstances...but very glad I did, nonetheless. I think he was a seriously underrated comedian. He is still just as funny now as he was back then when he made this clip - but two things have changed. He no longer uses profanity in his act and, now, he's a self-proclaimed 'Christian comedian'. I've provided both the original clip (fair warning) and the more recent one of the same skit (with less profanity and many more characters). I also included what I consider to be one of his funniest skits - about a duck. I hope you enjoy them...I sure did! (y)

I finally found it! One of the funniest comedians I've ever seen! Somewhere around 20 years ago, about the time Kinison, Dangerfield, Carlin and others were the dominant members of comedy, I saw a comedian do a skit on the Dangerfield show that I never forgot...and looked for it everywhere...for a long time, but never ran across it. Everything wasn't digitally cataloged in social media back then, so it was not as simple to find as people might think...yet, I ran across the clip today - and watched it again. I'm still amazed, considering the length of time and circumstances...but very glad I did, nonetheless. I think he was a seriously underrated comedian. He is still just as funny now as he was back then when he made this clip - but two things have changed. He no longer uses profanity in his act and, now, he's a self-proclaimed 'Christian comedian'. I've provided both the original clip (fair warning) and the more recent one of the same skit (with less profanity and many more characters). I also included what I consider to be one of his funniest skits - about a duck. I hope you enjoy them...I sure did! (y) - From the 1980s, here's the famous football routine from comedian Bob Nelson. Taped at Dangerfield's.

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