Saturday, March 17, 2018

Eye-opening information about crypto-currency (and why I have always avoided it). Basically, there is very little difference (volatility-wise) with coins than there is with the stock market. The best rule of thumb is - if you don't have it to lose, you shouldn't invest it. If you lose, no big loss. If you get lucky, more power to you...

Eye-opening information about crypto-currency (and why I have always avoided it). Basically, there is very little difference (volatility-wise) with coins than there is with the stock market. The best rule of thumb is - if you don't have it to lose, you shouldn't invest it. If you lose, no big loss. If you get lucky, more power to you... - Billions of dollars have been invested into Bitcoin, but who owns the most? It turns out the majority of the world's Bitcoin, and altcoins, are stored in just a few thousand wallets.

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