This video shouldn't even have the title it has...since it is far more than simply a statement about voting and recounts. If you watch this video to the end - and I strongly recommend that you do - you will see it speaks to the very nature of what's wrong with this planet (voting being only a fraction of the problem). The problem is not voting, military spending and polluting, lying, manipulative, gold-digging, life-destroying corporations (among many other things) but, instead, the way they are presented and by whom...the media. It is also a matter of perspective (education, productivity, altruism and empathy versus ignorance, hedonism, selfishness and greed). So, to be absolutely clear...the first perspective has a long, healthy future and the second has a very short one that, in fact, may not even last as long as your life. Will you sell yourself (your family, friends, children, grandchildren and everyone you love - if you're capable of love) short...or will you do the right thing and live out your life while watching them live out theirs and leaving a planet when you pass on for others to make into a better place than you have? I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out which is the wiser choice or even...what people will probably think of you if you choose otherwise. Let's see which one you choose and, if you make an unwise choice, I certainly hope you don't expect help, pity, charity or anything else from anyone - since you certainly weren't willing to offer it when you had a chance to make the right choice. There is no escaping karma. ;) (y) Watch the video... - Lulu Fries’dat, award-winning journalist, joins Lee Camp to talk about the recount and about how our electoral system is facing an existential crisis! Also, ...
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