This is still a very profound article, even though I posted it a year ago. It's a message that fosters hope and generates positive emotion. It isn't an empty, untrue message...but an honest analysis. Anyone that's been paying attention should realize that fact. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't read it to do so... (y) - This is profound on so many levels. I've been watching these changes for a long time but never have I seen them written about so effectively. Sure, there are many ways to interpret these changes, but - to the best of my own personal knowledge - this is among the most accurate. The trick is...trying to predict the future direction of life, taking into consideration our present vector and, goodness willing, what we've learned up to this point. Anyway, it's a nice thing to think about and we can all use a little more of those, these days. ;) (y) Thanks for the share, Jon de la Luz! ^_^
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