- It really isn't brain surgery or rocket science...and should be embraced by all people of wealth. What should be clear to all people is that wealth does not indicate class or character. If you believe it does, just go find the nearest crack-selling, Mercedes-driving, gold-embellished drug dealer...Ponzi-scheming, life-savings-stealing investment broker...or company-dissolving, job-destroying, family-breaking Corporate CEO swine and take a long look at all the class and character they have (it shouldn't take long - they have none). Without morals, whatever they may be, one has no character. Without ethics, one has no class...and, in the same vein, capitalism is nothing short of theft and crime in the absence of morality and ethics. The blingers, social posturers and self-pride peddling (not to mention, clearly lacking in confidence and self-esteem) pitiful, soulless, materialistic people out there may want to consider that the next time they venture out and try to impress someone. ;) (y)