Sunday, November 13, 2016

Still wondering how the 1% will survive or do business when they're done basically screwing the middle class to death and no longer have anyone to pamper their spoiled asses, buy their products or staff their businesses. It's highly unintelligent to fail at realizing cause & effect (karma) and be short-sighted. That's what will inevitably happen.

Still wondering how the 1% will survive or do business when they're done basically screwing the middle class to death and no longer have anyone to pamper their spoiled asses, buy their products or staff their businesses. It's highly unintelligent to fail at realizing cause & effect (karma) and be short-sighted. That's what will inevitably happen. - Keely Mullen, an organizer for the Million Student March movement, wants the 1 percent to pay for tuition-free public colleges and a minimum wage hike for campus workers, adding "these 1 percent hoarders” should pay up to 90 percent of their income in taxes.

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