Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I've contemplated many of the potential issues over the years about how 'flying cars' might negatively impact society, etc. During that time, solutions and new tech have come along and either removed or effectively addressed those issues. For example, airborne accidents and, when occurring, where the wreckage would fall (now made, mostly, a non-issue through the use of computer controlled operation). The same could be said about traffic concerns. Another issue might be pollution, rendered of little concern by electronic vehicles. This is the wonder and struggle of philosophy...but, until we have ideas to work with, we cannot address the lingering concerns. This idea seems to be one of the most intelligent I've seen so far. ^_^ (y) [Thanks for the share, Uncle Bill! (William Sobko)]

I've contemplated many of the potential issues over the years about how 'flying cars' might negatively impact society, etc. During that time, solutions and new tech have come along and either removed or effectively addressed those issues. For example, airborne accidents and, when occurring, where the wreckage would fall (now made, mostly, a non-issue through the use of computer controlled operation). The same could be said about traffic concerns. Another issue might be pollution, rendered of little concern by electronic vehicles. This is the wonder and struggle of philosophy...but, until we have ideas to work with, we cannot address the lingering concerns. This idea seems to be one of the most intelligent I've seen so far. ^_^ (y) [Thanks for the share, Uncle Bill! (William Sobko)] - TF-X Flying Car IDEA Join GI Page: http://ift.tt/1j3SfH5 The Video-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSvGSnOQms8

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