Monday, January 5, 2015

Here we go again! :o The Server The Role of the Server is the Essence of Your Soul. Now, before we jump to any conclusions, this in no way means that you wait on other people hand and foot. What it does mean is that you are an accommodating and extremely selfless human being. The Chicken Soup you eat to feed your own soul consists of a special ingredient; tender, loving care. You have an altruistic perspective when it comes to the world and the needs of others, making you a nurturing individual by nature. Tending to the needs of others makes you feel good about yourself and being a caring person doesn't go unnoticed by those around you. Kindness should be unconditional - and you're the prime example!

Here we go again! :o The Server The Role of the Server is the Essence of Your Soul. Now, before we jump to any conclusions, this in no way means that you wait on other people hand and foot. What it does mean is that you are an accommodating and extremely selfless human being. The Chicken Soup you eat to feed your own soul consists of a special ingredient; tender, loving care. You have an altruistic perspective when it comes to the world and the needs of others, making you a nurturing individual by nature. Tending to the needs of others makes you feel good about yourself and being a caring person doesn't go unnoticed by those around you. Kindness should be unconditional - and you're the prime example! - Which of The Seven Roles in Essence describes your soul perfectly?

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