Saturday, October 28, 2017

This is a good article, even if the title is misleading... It is misleading *not* because the title is untrue but because it demeans the truth of the accurately written article. Here, Republicans who have some amount of reputation are speaking about the current 'idiot in chief' and their descriptions are notable. The writer should have taken the higher ground when titling this article. Nevertheless, it's a poorly-titled, yet, truthful article written for dumbed-down citizens - by Republicans about a Republican.

This is a good article, even if the title is misleading... It is misleading *not* because the title is untrue but because it demeans the truth of the accurately written article. Here, Republicans who have some amount of reputation are speaking about the current 'idiot in chief' and their descriptions are notable. The writer should have taken the higher ground when titling this article. Nevertheless, it's a poorly-titled, yet, truthful article written for dumbed-down citizens - by Republicans about a Republican. - In Britain late last week, Conservative Member of Parliament Nicholas Soames, grandson of Winston Churchill, described Donald Trump as a “daft twerp.”

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