'This week in Dallas' Funny, out of all the theories posted here, the one I think is *most* plausible is not even mentioned at all. As a soldier who studied military (war) history, I was basically told that "If you want to know the root cause for all wars, you need only remember 3 words: 'Follow the money'..." - which led me to my own theory, one that has been mentioned but is often buried under a lot of other conspiracy: Executive Order 11110, which was issued by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963, amended Executive Order 10289 (dated September 17, 1951) by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president's authority to issue silver certificates - effectively destroying the Federal Reserve's ability to rape, pillage and plunder the fortunes and income of the American people (something that is still going on to this day). If you want to learn more about it, you can pick up a copy of 'Crossfire' by Jim Marrs and learn much more. What do YOU think? 🤔 - A CIA conspiracy, a mafia hit job, and a covert operation by Lyndon B. Johnson are among the many conspiracy theories for who killed JFK.