Saturday, June 10, 2017

Our dog is very smart! I think it has a lot to do with how much effort and time we spend teaching her (a lot like humans, hehe). She amazes us all the time by the vocabulary of words she understands and we've had her less than 2 years, but she loves and trusts us very much. A lot of people think animals don't think or feel like people and some think they're just like people, which is called 'anthropomorphization' - something that a lot of people do with dogs (and some religious people do with God - not the 'made in His image' thing...but the 'thinking they know what He's thinking' thing). I think, with regard to animals, it's a little closer to a combination of their own instincts and what they learn from humans. (I won't go any further into the religious debate, lol!) Anyway, here's an interesting video about a dog:

Our dog is very smart! I think it has a lot to do with how much effort and time we spend teaching her (a lot like humans, hehe). She amazes us all the time by the vocabulary of words she understands and we've had her less than 2 years, but she loves and trusts us very much. A lot of people think animals don't think or feel like people and some think they're just like people, which is called 'anthropomorphization' - something that a lot of people do with dogs (and some religious people do with God - not the 'made in His image' thing...but the 'thinking they know what He's thinking' thing). I think, with regard to animals, it's a little closer to a combination of their own instincts and what they learn from humans. (I won't go any further into the religious debate, lol!) Anyway, here's an interesting video about a dog: - Khaleesi, the very sweet and vigilant bulldog who we wrote about previously when she did her very best to warn the girl in Guillermo del Toro's gothic roma

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