Sunday, September 25, 2016

I don't know how people can ignore this (those who know about it) or do nothing about it in our own nation and still feel OK enough with themselves to sleep at night or even go on living their own personal lives while complaining about what is wrong with the world when this (watch the video) is the source of the real problem - and not just in Ireland, but in many other American ass-kissing (for favor and/or cash...your tax dollars) nations around the world. . My suggestion is to strongly urge Americans to do something about this - through voting or any other means necessary in the 'democratic' nation they claim to love so much...and get rid of these pimps and idiots in D.C. . These problems, America's problems and your own personal problems as citizens of this nation will never go easy until it is done. . ...and I have nothing but profound respect for this female Irish Deputy, Clare Daly, for telling it like it is. She probably has a much bigger 'pair' than many of the men I've ever known could possibly carry. . Go do your thing, people, and rid our nation of these political and corporate tyrants.

I don't know how people can ignore this (those who know about it) or do nothing about it in our own nation and still feel OK enough with themselves to sleep at night or even go on living their own personal lives while complaining about what is wrong with the world when this (watch the video) is the source of the real problem - and not just in Ireland, but in many other American ass-kissing (for favor and/or cash...your tax dollars) nations around the world. . My suggestion is to strongly urge Americans to do something about this - through voting or any other means necessary in the 'democratic' nation they claim to love so much...and get rid of these pimps and idiots in D.C. . These problems, America's problems and your own personal problems as citizens of this nation will never go easy until it is done. . ...and I have nothing but profound respect for this female Irish Deputy, Clare Daly, for telling it like it is. She probably has a much bigger 'pair' than many of the men I've ever known could possibly carry. . Go do your thing, people, and rid our nation of these political and corporate tyrants. -

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