- -Time To Share- As a student of culture who's traveled far and wide, I often enjoy music, food, architecture, dance and other artifacts of culture that others may never get to enjoy, so I try to share the ones which are especially impressive to me with my friends. As a result of the exposure, I've also got expansive tastes in music and other areas. I'm very eclectic, like that. With regard to music, I don't always just listen to what I like (genre) but I also truly enjoy finding amazing talent in other areas that I may not listen to very often. Case in point - I live in China but I don't often find much of the music very interesting. I think it's a very broad gap between cultures - as well as China having little or no exposure to the rest of the world until about 40-50 years ago. However... Here's a music video by a singer who is very popular in China. Her name is Han Hong. She's one of the most famous female singers in China. She's also a songwriter who specializes in a variety of Chinese folk music. Her signature works are Tibetan Plateau (青藏高原) and Heavenly Road (天路). She was born in Shigatse, the second largest city of Tibetan Autonomous Region. Like her mother, who's also a singer and who is of Tibetan ethnicity, Han Hong is able to shift quite easily from piercing high pitches to soft low tones. She performed in a Chinese television gala broadcast after the Olympic closing ceremony on August 24, 2008. She also performed at the 2008 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony on September 5, 2008. It's a very beautiful song mentioning a railroad which was built to travel to Tibet (a very high altitude) - and her voice is amazing... Have a listen!