I hope this comes as an eye-opening shock and a very sad day in America for the unenlightened and poorly informed citizens who have been believing all the crap that the major candidates, President and 'bought and paid for' mainstream media has been shoveling at them for a long, long time. . Those terrorists your government are always saying are so bad...al Nusra, al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood - YEP! They're on Washington's payroll...what a damned disgrace - and even more, that people in America haven't figured it out yet. Clinton is funding them, Obama (the man of 'peace' - who's been at war the entire 8 years of his Presidency - is protecting them and they're twisting every story by every nation out there that are trying to actually keep the peace into a lie. They will shortly be starting a 3rd World War and, when that begins, you can rest assured that any struggle or suffering you faced in the past will look like a field trip compared to what is coming. . Why, you ask? They want to destabilize the last stable Middle Eastern nation (Syria), whose own people actually support the government - especially as the enemy is foreign, terroristic and trying hard to murder everyone there (the allied West and their employed terrorists). Meanwhile, America bombs them, sanctions the people in need and prevents them from seeking safety (clear evidence - and there's more below). . Did you really think Assad would destroy his own country and future? Of course not...he is trying to preserve and improve it - and fighting one of the most evil enemies on Earth - the Western Imperialists who believe they can take over other countries at will and deny them sovereignty. . This is what America and other Western nations have been doing for decades to all nations that are not owned by the 'New World Order' Rothschilds and other corporations, banks, politicians who all believe they can run the world as they see fit - clearly in violation of ethics, international law and all that is good. . It makes me sick to be from such a race of humans and from such a nation as one who would do whatever they please - when they would clearly not allow anyone to do the same to them. It is blatant political, international, corporate, financial and inhumane crime...there is no other way to look at it...and it must end NOW. . Or...al Qaeda, America's 'old friends' that turned on them (did they or were they created by them?)...will do so again. If you look closely - keep looking closer and closer - soon, you will see that the REAL enemy is the imperialist Western governments, owned and controlled by plutocrats, oligarchs and dictators as well as their masters - the corporations, financiers and bankers. . Wake up or you may find that your country has been sold right out from under you...to terrorists much worse than the likes of al Qaeda, al Nusra and the Muslim Brotherhood - the 1%... - by Alex Christoforou The masks are coming off. The Pentagon today made some big announcements. One, it will protect the Kurds, much to Turkey’s dismay. Two, it will protect Al Qaeda/Al Nusra jihadi…