If people can't tell from this brilliant piece of work that Trump is the last person that should be running the country - and changes his mind more than he does his shorts - then nothing can save them from their tragic futures, should he get elected. Personally, I don't think people are that ignorant or that he has any chance at all...but if he does win, there is no question that politics is not the problem, the people are. ;) I, personally, will pity anyone who votes for this idiot - and probably avoid them, as well. Anyone who makes a choice this poor is obviously detrimental to a quality life. Just say 'No'! (y) - Donald vs Trump
Sunday, January 31, 2016
If people can't tell from this brilliant piece of work that Trump is the last person that should be running the country - and changes his mind more than he does his shorts - then nothing can save them from their tragic futures, should he get elected. Personally, I don't think people are that ignorant or that he has any chance at all...but if he does win, there is no question that politics is not the problem, the people are. ;) I, personally, will pity anyone who votes for this idiot - and probably avoid them, as well. Anyone who makes a choice this poor is obviously detrimental to a quality life. Just say 'No'! (y)
129.3 IQ (top 3%) :o who can top that? :)
129.3 IQ (top 3%) :o who can top that? :) - 45 questions, 15 minutes, automatically scored at the end of the test. The next session begins now, click here to start. 10 minutes left.
Very cool! (BTW, I'll be returnin' to 'the Biz' again real soon) :) (y)
Very cool! (BTW, I'll be returnin' to 'the Biz' again real soon) :) (y) -
Awesome! One of my favorite Blues guitarists doing a Bad Co. Cover:
Awesome! One of my favorite Blues guitarists doing a Bad Co. Cover: - Joe Bonamassa - "Seagull" ( Bad Company Cover )
Scaaaary! :) (y)
Scaaaary! :) (y) - 45 questions, 15 minutes, automatically scored at the end of the test. The next session begins now, click here to start. 10 minutes left.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Just thought I'd throw these photos up here from my travels. They were posted on Viewbug. I entered them into a few photo contests. We'll see how things turn out. Wish me luck! :P (y) My ViewBug page:
Just thought I'd throw these photos up here from my travels. They were posted on Viewbug. I entered them into a few photo contests. We'll see how things turn out. Wish me luck! :P (y) My ViewBug page: - Join the World's Best Photo Contests
What an interesting idea...
What an interesting idea... - A glimpse from inside the elevators at 1 World Trade Center, where you can witness 515 years of history unfolding at the tip of Manhattan.
"In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage. It is the color found in many national flags. You are a wonderful person and your friends know it. They love you, respect you and want to be around you."
"In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage. It is the color found in many national flags. You are a wonderful person and your friends know it. They love you, respect you and want to be around you." - Find out what color your soul has and what it tells about your personality.
I think most intelligent people already knew what was going on. They always try to bury the one who's going to bring radical change and rock people's boats, either because they fear radical change (even when it is necessary) or because they don't want to screw up their nice, little money machines that are destroying the planet and billions of other people's lives. Anyway, if you didn't know, you might want to read this article: (y)
I think most intelligent people already knew what was going on. They always try to bury the one who's going to bring radical change and rock people's boats, either because they fear radical change (even when it is necessary) or because they don't want to screw up their nice, little money machines that are destroying the planet and billions of other people's lives. Anyway, if you didn't know, you might want to read this article: (y) - For a long time, as he campaigned for president, a wide spectrum of establishment media insisted that Bernie Sanders couldn’t win. Now they’re sounding the alarm that he might.
Something very cool to stare at for a few minutes: ;) (y
Something very cool to stare at for a few minutes: ;) (y -
Here's another interesting and alternative way to reconsider economics. It's probably the reverse of what most people would imagine. Check it out...
Here's another interesting and alternative way to reconsider economics. It's probably the reverse of what most people would imagine. Check it out... - What does genuine economic progress look like? The orthodox answer is that a bigger economy is always better, but this idea is increasingly strained by the knowledge that, on a finite planet, the...
This one is really strange, but it should make the next article a bit easier to read...hehe. ^_^
This one is really strange, but it should make the next article a bit easier to read...hehe. ^_^ - Here’s a problem this post is going to give you: how does one accurately describe the short film The Chickening to someone who hasn’t seen The Chickening and probably is not prepared for [...]
Here's a very interesting philosophical take on 'feeling pain'...if you can suffer through it! :P I'd say it's a great read... (y)
Here's a very interesting philosophical take on 'feeling pain'...if you can suffer through it! :P I'd say it's a great read... (y) - David Bain considers a case that casts doubt on the intuition that pain is always unpleasant.
I know ONE thing for certain! They ain't pluggin' ME in! (Not without using either excessive or lethal force...) ;) (y)
I know ONE thing for certain! They ain't pluggin' ME in! (Not without using either excessive or lethal force...) ;) (y) - New research puts us on the cusp of brain-to-brain communication. Could the next step spell the end of individual minds?
- "The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don't know how to be submissive, and so on -- because they're dysfunctional to the institutions.” ~ Noam Chomsky Via ॐ Collectively Conscious ॐ
Passing it on... (y)

Passing it on... (y) - Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to be Reborn and Rise again as a Stronger and Wiser version of you.. Pass it on
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Cool...I guess. I still have issues trusting modern food in China, though. ;) Here's something funny, this guy is related to my wife! :P (y) Thanks for the heads-up, Chris Frederick! (y)
Cool...I guess. I still have issues trusting modern food in China, though. ;) Here's something funny, this guy is related to my wife! :P (y) Thanks for the heads-up, Chris Frederick! (y) - The ancient tomb of tomb of Liu Qi, or Emperor Jing of Han, the fourth emperor of the Han dynasty, has revealed the world's oldest tea leaves.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
I can't argue with this assessment. The proof is everywhere...
I can't argue with this assessment. The proof is everywhere... - Trump is the prodigal son who never has to come home.
Engineers Mark Completion of Orion’s Pressure Vessel
Engineers Mark Completion of Orion’s Pressure Vessel -
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Get it right, Breitbart. It's not 'Obama Economy' - it's traitorous, self-important companies who don't give a damn if their customers choke on their product or what happens to the economy that gave birth to them - as long as the money keeps rolling in. Breitbart, your stories are old and tired. Find another job, mainstream/social media doesn't suit you. (y) You cut off your nose to spite your face. One day, there won't be a country left for you to spin your ignorance in. ;)
Get it right, Breitbart. It's not 'Obama Economy' - it's traitorous, self-important companies who don't give a damn if their customers choke on their product or what happens to the economy that gave birth to them - as long as the money keeps rolling in. Breitbart, your stories are old and tired. Find another job, mainstream/social media doesn't suit you. (y) You cut off your nose to spite your face. One day, there won't be a country left for you to spin your ignorance in. ;) - Maker of Oreos, Ritz Crackers Shedding 1,000s of Chicago Jobs, Outsourcing to Mexico
The way I see it, people will only be able to deny it a little longer - unfortunately, it will probably be past the time it's too late to do anything about it. At that point, whether people accepted or not, we'll all be baking at 400 deg. Fahrenheit... I wonder how well money spends or credit works when the paper bursts into flames and the plastic melts to your hand as soon as you remove it from your pocket. I guess we'll find out! :/
The way I see it, people will only be able to deny it a little longer - unfortunately, it will probably be past the time it's too late to do anything about it. At that point, whether people accepted or not, we'll all be baking at 400 deg. Fahrenheit... I wonder how well money spends or credit works when the paper bursts into flames and the plastic melts to your hand as soon as you remove it from your pocket. I guess we'll find out! :/ - See how much our planet has warmed in the past few decades. Via NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration. #ActOnClimate
Honestly, did anyone really see this going any other way? Breaking News: 1 killed, Oregon militia standoff leader Ammon Bundy and 6 others arrested near Harney County. Ore. [NBC/CNN]
Honestly, did anyone really see this going any other way? Breaking News: 1 killed, Oregon militia standoff leader Ammon Bundy and 6 others arrested near Harney County. Ore. [NBC/CNN] - 1 killed, Oregon militia standoff leader Ammon Bundy and 6 others arrested near Harney County. Ore. - NBC, CNN
The War to End All Wars?
The War to End All Wars? - Well, how do you do, Private William McBride, Do you mind if I sit down here by your graveside? And rest for awhile in the warm summer sun, I've been walking all day, and I'm nearly done. And I see by your gravestone you were only 19 When you joined the glorious fallen in 1916, Well, I hope you died quick and I hope you died clean Or, Willie McBride, was it slow and obscene? Did they Beat the drum slowly, did the play the pipes lowly? Did the rifles fir o'er you as they lowered you down? Did the bugles sound The Last Post in chorus? Did the pipes play the Flowers of the Forest? And did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind In some loyal heart is your memory enshrined? And, though you died back in 1916, To that loyal heart are you forever 19? Or are you a stranger without even a name, Forever enshrined behind some glass pane, In an old photograph, torn and tattered and stained, And fading to yellow in a brown leather frame? The sun's shining down on these green fields of France; The warm wind blows gently, and the red poppies dance. The trenches have vanished long under the plow; No gas and no barbed wire, no guns firing now. But here in this graveyard that's still No Man's Land The countless white crosses in mute witness stand To man's blind indifference to his fellow man. And a whole generation who were butchered and damned. And I can't help but wonder, no Willie McBride, Do all those who lie here know why they died? Did you really believe them when they told you "The Cause?" Did you really believe that this war would end wars? Well the suffering, the sorrow, the glory, the shame The killing, the dying, it was all done in vain, For Willie McBride, it all happened again, And again, and again, and again, and again.
Some profound stuff! Read it! (y)
Some profound stuff! Read it! (y) - One of the things I love about Carl Jung is the fact that he was a deep philosophical thinker who examined all aspects of the self when writing about the human experience. As you will see in the quotes below, Jung was clear on the notion that we are spiritual beings, and that having a spiritual rela…
Monday, January 25, 2016
Frightening! -=:oO That's why I always keep it to a minimum! ;)
Frightening! -=:oO That's why I always keep it to a minimum! ;) - Estas son 3 buenas razones pa' dejar de beber romo! jajaja
They try so hard to hack up Sanders and continually fail - just like voters will if they elect Trump or Clinton. Why do you think they're vilifying him? So they can keep screwing 'We the people'. I can't believe it's so hard for people to believe when it's already been happening for decades. Here's what some REAL research turns up: _______________________________ Bernie Sanders Vs. Donald Trump cost analysis: "Donald Trump's tax plan will increase our federal deficit by $10 trillion, including the economic growth from his plan (*anticipated revenue from job creation). Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders will decrease our federal deficit by $2.9 trillion and actually save us $5 trillion, with EVERYTHING he's proposing. This article details the savings from Bernie Sanders proposals as well as data and was analyzed by economist Gerald Friedman, who has a PhD in economics from Harvard University. It's worth noting that there are 810 economists, including 210 who have PhD's in economics, as well as 7 Nobel Prize winning Laureate economists, who also agree with what Bernie Sanders is proposing." "Donald Trump: Increases our federal deficit by $10 trillion. What do we get in return? Nothing." "Bernie Sanders: Decreases our federal deficit by $2.9 trillion, and also saves us $5 trillion. What do we get in return? Tuition-free education at public universities and community colleges, and single payer universal healthcare." http://ift.tt/1QuIa3w http://ift.tt/22Mf30D
They try so hard to hack up Sanders and continually fail - just like voters will if they elect Trump or Clinton. Why do you think they're vilifying him? So they can keep screwing 'We the people'. I can't believe it's so hard for people to believe when it's already been happening for decades. Here's what some REAL research turns up: _______________________________ Bernie Sanders Vs. Donald Trump cost analysis: "Donald Trump's tax plan will increase our federal deficit by $10 trillion, including the economic growth from his plan (*anticipated revenue from job creation). Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders will decrease our federal deficit by $2.9 trillion and actually save us $5 trillion, with EVERYTHING he's proposing. This article details the savings from Bernie Sanders proposals as well as data and was analyzed by economist Gerald Friedman, who has a PhD in economics from Harvard University. It's worth noting that there are 810 economists, including 210 who have PhD's in economics, as well as 7 Nobel Prize winning Laureate economists, who also agree with what Bernie Sanders is proposing." "Donald Trump: Increases our federal deficit by $10 trillion. What do we get in return? Nothing." "Bernie Sanders: Decreases our federal deficit by $2.9 trillion, and also saves us $5 trillion. What do we get in return? Tuition-free education at public universities and community colleges, and single payer universal healthcare." http://ift.tt/1QuIa3w http://ift.tt/22Mf30D -
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Bullies beware! :P (y)
Bullies beware! :P (y) - When the popular kids (Beck Bennett, Vanessa Bayer, Kate McKinnon, Sasheer Zamata, Jon Rudnitsky) try to play a trick on the new girl (Ronda Rousey), she tur...
I'm certainly not a big fan of Bill Maher but, in this case, I can't find anything to argue with him about. He pretty much nails it. (Maybe NSFW - it is Cable TV, after all!)
I'm certainly not a big fan of Bill Maher but, in this case, I can't find anything to argue with him about. He pretty much nails it. (Maybe NSFW - it is Cable TV, after all!) - Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: http://itsh.bo/10r5A1B In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher pleads with conservatives to reexamine some of their deeply ...
This should be interesting to follow... ;)
This should be interesting to follow... ;) - Can a brain's connectome be preserved forever?
Beat him like the ignorant, racist, divisive loser he is. Money mismanagement is what is destroying the world and that's all Trump has to offer...more trouble. He wouldn't stand a chance against someone with a brain and real solutions. And if he did win, the idiots who elected him would get no sympathy from me when their world fell apart.
Beat him like the ignorant, racist, divisive loser he is. Money mismanagement is what is destroying the world and that's all Trump has to offer...more trouble. He wouldn't stand a chance against someone with a brain and real solutions. And if he did win, the idiots who elected him would get no sympathy from me when their world fell apart. - The Democratic hopeful said Sunday that "there would be nothing more in this world that I would like" than to face Donald Trump in a general election fight
Bruce Wayne: [as Alfred opens the curtains] "Bats are nocturnal..." Alfred Pennyworth: "Bats may be, but even for you, three o'clock is pushing it. The price of leading a double life, I fear."
Bruce Wayne: [as Alfred opens the curtains] "Bats are nocturnal..." Alfred Pennyworth: "Bats may be, but even for you, three o'clock is pushing it. The price of leading a double life, I fear." - In each of us there is a superhero! Who are you? Click here!
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Friday, January 22, 2016
Das ist akzeptabel. Ich kann es glauben... (y)
Das ist akzeptabel. Ich kann es glauben... (y) - You value family and loyalty above all things, and know the value of hard work. In fact, having nothing to do and no responsibility would probably drive you crazy! You're quite sociable and people admire you for your dependability.
Frightening...and very real. It's kind of like giving the keys to a car or a loaded handgun to a 3 year old. This is the future we face when so many people are disregarding ethics, responsibility and truth for foolish reasons. When everything goes south, nobody will be able to say they weren't warned. People should be thinking now about the incorrect things they do, however minor, since minor things have a ways of accumulating and becoming the norm. For example, we had terrorism in the Middle East that has now spread to malls and schools in America. We have had the sacrifice of education for the sake of profit, which was largely a third-world problem in the past but has now become a mainstream one in the US. We have corporations fighting to exist as 'people' for the sake of exploiting other people...sure, that is an American innovation - but it too will spread throughout the 3rd world nations and cause havoc long after Americans, assuming they ever do, realize what a mistake it was. Just think about how China has destroyed their economy with the very same activities and set of circumstances that led to the housing and financial crises that affected the entire world in 2007-2008. Even what is happening in China, to some degree, is affecting the rest of the world now and, no doubt, other nations will continue to affect the entire planet as they go through this stage of 'development' that was ingrained by irresponsible, ignorant, unethical, greedy people who started it in the US. Many of them still haven't learned the lesson and are actively still destroying the economy for their own neighbors as you read this text. It doesn't really take a brain surgeon to understand which way all of this is heading...or how detrimental it will be to the future of the human race. If this is the best that humans can do, I have to reconsider whether or not I am actually happy to be a part of the species. Personally, I'd rather be abducted... (y)
Frightening...and very real. It's kind of like giving the keys to a car or a loaded handgun to a 3 year old. This is the future we face when so many people are disregarding ethics, responsibility and truth for foolish reasons. When everything goes south, nobody will be able to say they weren't warned. People should be thinking now about the incorrect things they do, however minor, since minor things have a ways of accumulating and becoming the norm. For example, we had terrorism in the Middle East that has now spread to malls and schools in America. We have had the sacrifice of education for the sake of profit, which was largely a third-world problem in the past but has now become a mainstream one in the US. We have corporations fighting to exist as 'people' for the sake of exploiting other people...sure, that is an American innovation - but it too will spread throughout the 3rd world nations and cause havoc long after Americans, assuming they ever do, realize what a mistake it was. Just think about how China has destroyed their economy with the very same activities and set of circumstances that led to the housing and financial crises that affected the entire world in 2007-2008. Even what is happening in China, to some degree, is affecting the rest of the world now and, no doubt, other nations will continue to affect the entire planet as they go through this stage of 'development' that was ingrained by irresponsible, ignorant, unethical, greedy people who started it in the US. Many of them still haven't learned the lesson and are actively still destroying the economy for their own neighbors as you read this text. It doesn't really take a brain surgeon to understand which way all of this is heading...or how detrimental it will be to the future of the human race. If this is the best that humans can do, I have to reconsider whether or not I am actually happy to be a part of the species. Personally, I'd rather be abducted... (y) - By Claire Bernish at theantimedia.org United Kingdom — Humanity’s future is in peril thanks to so-called advancements in science and technology, claims Professor Stephen Hawking, who cited “nuclear war, global warming, and genetically-modified viruses” as deadly threats to our existence. Hawking d…
I find it strange that people in the financial and business world don't really listen to those who are clearly aware of what is going on unless...well...those people are profiting from the failure of others. By this, I mean these people think that your knowledge of what's going on should make you rich when your predictions become truth since they will net you a lot of money. Unfortunately, they don't realize that some people are satisfied already with what they have and they also have a conscience, meaning they don't like to profit off the suffering of others...no matter how much these people have lied, cheated and stolen on their way to the bottom (which is usually where they wind up). Case in point, China... Many have been predicting this for a long time and it took a long time but it is happening spectacularly fast now, as I always said (and knew) it would. In fact, anyone can go back in my history online and see clearly that I've been saying this for many, many years...since shortly after I got to China and saw what was really going on. In addition, they are free to talk to other foreigners (at least, the ones who were smart enough to leave and aren't still there) who valued my knowledge and had the strength of character to admit truth as well as many of the Chinese people who are my close friends because they knew the value of what I was saying and were far more aware of Chinese history than foreigners are (and honest enough to admit it, rather than trying to hide it with false confidence and pride). These are things most foreign people don't get to know or see and have only the words of the people in finance (who want to lie to them to get them to invest so the financiers can profit from it) to follow, so they are tragically misled. They have also probably lost fortunes investing in a tragedy waiting to happen. I suppose, when all is said and done and since technology now allows us to chronologically store our past comments and predictions, I will have the satisfaction of being able to say "I told you so". Not that it matters, since my intention in the first place was to help people and prevent such a horrific future. That is the sole reason I don't feel like I wasted a decade or so of my life there. I just wish it would have turned out a lot different than it is going to. I suppose that's what happens when people think they know what they're doing, assume you don't and decide not to heed the warnings which were given with the very best of intentions. It's called karma. There is no escaping it. Maybe one day people will value my keen sense of finance and economics despite my not meeting their 'standards of success' and start listening. I'm sure they'll save themselves a lot of suffering. Time will tell - at least, for a while. I'm not sure how much of it I have left. None of us are. At least I had the good sense a long time ago to start making better, more ethical and responsible choices. I give my best of luck to the people of China, those foreigners still over there trying to 'beat the dead horse' and to all who thought it wise to invest without really having any clue what was actually going on and taking the criminals and profiteers at their word. That is never a wise choice...
I find it strange that people in the financial and business world don't really listen to those who are clearly aware of what is going on unless...well...those people are profiting from the failure of others. By this, I mean these people think that your knowledge of what's going on should make you rich when your predictions become truth since they will net you a lot of money. Unfortunately, they don't realize that some people are satisfied already with what they have and they also have a conscience, meaning they don't like to profit off the suffering of others...no matter how much these people have lied, cheated and stolen on their way to the bottom (which is usually where they wind up). Case in point, China... Many have been predicting this for a long time and it took a long time but it is happening spectacularly fast now, as I always said (and knew) it would. In fact, anyone can go back in my history online and see clearly that I've been saying this for many, many years...since shortly after I got to China and saw what was really going on. In addition, they are free to talk to other foreigners (at least, the ones who were smart enough to leave and aren't still there) who valued my knowledge and had the strength of character to admit truth as well as many of the Chinese people who are my close friends because they knew the value of what I was saying and were far more aware of Chinese history than foreigners are (and honest enough to admit it, rather than trying to hide it with false confidence and pride). These are things most foreign people don't get to know or see and have only the words of the people in finance (who want to lie to them to get them to invest so the financiers can profit from it) to follow, so they are tragically misled. They have also probably lost fortunes investing in a tragedy waiting to happen. I suppose, when all is said and done and since technology now allows us to chronologically store our past comments and predictions, I will have the satisfaction of being able to say "I told you so". Not that it matters, since my intention in the first place was to help people and prevent such a horrific future. That is the sole reason I don't feel like I wasted a decade or so of my life there. I just wish it would have turned out a lot different than it is going to. I suppose that's what happens when people think they know what they're doing, assume you don't and decide not to heed the warnings which were given with the very best of intentions. It's called karma. There is no escaping it. Maybe one day people will value my keen sense of finance and economics despite my not meeting their 'standards of success' and start listening. I'm sure they'll save themselves a lot of suffering. Time will tell - at least, for a while. I'm not sure how much of it I have left. None of us are. At least I had the good sense a long time ago to start making better, more ethical and responsible choices. I give my best of luck to the people of China, those foreigners still over there trying to 'beat the dead horse' and to all who thought it wise to invest without really having any clue what was actually going on and taking the criminals and profiteers at their word. That is never a wise choice... - Billionaire investor George Soros said China’s economy is facing a hard landing, a situation that will contribute to global deflationary pressures and prompted him to wager against U.S. stocks.
I find it strange that people in the financial and business world don't really listen to those who are clearly aware of what is going on unless...well...those people are profiting from the failure of others. By this, I mean these people think that your knowledge of what's going on should make you rich when your predictions become truth since they will net you a lot of money. Unfortunately, they don't realize that some people are satisfied already with what they have and they also have a conscience, meaning they don't like to profit off the suffering of others...no matter how much these people have lied, cheated and stolen on their way to the bottom (which is usually where they wind up). Case in point, China... Many have been predicting this for a long time and it took a long time but it is happening spectacularly fast now, as I always said (and knew) it would. In fact, anyone can go back in my history online and see clearly that I've been saying this for many, many years...since shortly after I got to China and saw what was really going on. In addition, they are free to talk to other foreigners (at least, the ones who were smart enough to leave and aren't still there) who valued my knowledge and had the strength of character to admit truth as well as many of the Chinese people who are my close friends because they knew the value of what I was saying and were far more aware of Chinese history than foreigners are (and honest enough to admit it, rather than trying to hide it with false confidence and pride). These are things most foreign people don't get to know or see and have only the words of the people in finance (who want to lie to them to get them to invest so the financiers can profit from it) to follow, so they are tragically misled. They have also probably lost fortunes investing in a tragedy waiting to happen. I suppose, when all is said and done and since technology now allows us to chronologically store our past comments and predictions, I will have the satisfaction of being able to say "I told you so". Not that it matters, since my intention in the first place was to help people and prevent such a horrific future. That is the sole reason I don't feel like I wasted a decade or so of my life there. I just wish it would have turned out a lot different than it is going to. I suppose that's what happens when people think they know what they're doing, assume you don't and decide not to heed the warnings which were given with the very best of intentions. It's called karma. There is no escaping it. Maybe one day people will value my keen sense of finance and economics despite my not meeting their 'standards of success' and start listening. I'm sure they'll save themselves a lot of suffering. Time will tell - at least, for a while. I'm not sure how much of it I have left. None of us are. At least I had the good sense a long time ago to start making better, more ethical and responsible choices. I give my best of luck to the people of China, those foreigners still over there trying to 'beat the dead horse' and to all who thought it wise to invest without really having any clue what was actually going on and taking the criminals and profiteers at their word. That is never a wise choice...
I find it strange that people in the financial and business world don't really listen to those who are clearly aware of what is going on unless...well...those people are profiting from the failure of others. By this, I mean these people think that your knowledge of what's going on should make you rich when your predictions become truth since they will net you a lot of money. Unfortunately, they don't realize that some people are satisfied already with what they have and they also have a conscience, meaning they don't like to profit off the suffering of others...no matter how much these people have lied, cheated and stolen on their way to the bottom (which is usually where they wind up). Case in point, China... Many have been predicting this for a long time and it took a long time but it is happening spectacularly fast now, as I always said (and knew) it would. In fact, anyone can go back in my history online and see clearly that I've been saying this for many, many years...since shortly after I got to China and saw what was really going on. In addition, they are free to talk to other foreigners (at least, the ones who were smart enough to leave and aren't still there) who valued my knowledge and had the strength of character to admit truth as well as many of the Chinese people who are my close friends because they knew the value of what I was saying and were far more aware of Chinese history than foreigners are (and honest enough to admit it, rather than trying to hide it with false confidence and pride). These are things most foreign people don't get to know or see and have only the words of the people in finance (who want to lie to them to get them to invest so the financiers can profit from it) to follow, so they are tragically misled. They have also probably lost fortunes investing in a tragedy waiting to happen. I suppose, when all is said and done and since technology now allows us to chronologically store our past comments and predictions, I will have the satisfaction of being able to say "I told you so". Not that it matters, since my intention in the first place was to help people and prevent such a horrific future. That is the sole reason I don't feel like I wasted a decade or so of my life there. I just wish it would have turned out a lot different than it is going to. I suppose that's what happens when people think they know what they're doing, assume you don't and decide not to heed the warnings which were given with the very best of intentions. It's called karma. There is no escaping it. Maybe one day people will value my keen sense of finance and economics despite my not meeting their 'standards of success' and start listening. I'm sure they'll save themselves a lot of suffering. Time will tell - at least, for a while. I'm not sure how much of it I have left. None of us are. At least I had the good sense a long time ago to start making better, more ethical and responsible choices. I give my best of luck to the people of China, those foreigners still over there trying to 'beat the dead horse' and to all who thought it wise to invest without really having any clue what was actually going on and taking the criminals and profiteers at their word. That is never a wise choice... - Billionaire investor George Soros said China’s economy is facing a hard landing, a situation that will contribute to global deflationary pressures and prompted him to wager against U.S. stocks.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
This is exactly the right way to handle people in the audience who are passionate and concerned. Reason... If this were a Donald Trump rally, he would have thrown them all out while calling them terrible names. That is precisely what makes Obama a far better person for the job than Trump or anyone else who bullies, uses dirty politics or abuses their position (like many in the Conservative party do). This is how you deal with things the way they should be dealt with! Thank you, Roy Chang, for pointing this out. You've got a solid head on your shoulders and I'm sure you understand this. There is a lot more political pressure in China than there is coming from the conservatives in the US...and people here have the ability to speak out - and use it. Many do it the wrong way, like these people did, at first, but if you explain to them rationally, they will learn to make better choices and be more effective. Trump is the great divider. He will only bring more misery and division to the US, both foreign and domestic. The proof is in the results and this was a great example. Thanks for sharing!
This is exactly the right way to handle people in the audience who are passionate and concerned. Reason... If this were a Donald Trump rally, he would have thrown them all out while calling them terrible names. That is precisely what makes Obama a far better person for the job than Trump or anyone else who bullies, uses dirty politics or abuses their position (like many in the Conservative party do). This is how you deal with things the way they should be dealt with! Thank you, Roy Chang, for pointing this out. You've got a solid head on your shoulders and I'm sure you understand this. There is a lot more political pressure in China than there is coming from the conservatives in the US...and people here have the ability to speak out - and use it. Many do it the wrong way, like these people did, at first, but if you explain to them rationally, they will learn to make better choices and be more effective. Trump is the great divider. He will only bring more misery and division to the US, both foreign and domestic. The proof is in the results and this was a great example. Thanks for sharing! - 歐巴馬回應現場抗議者 經典!必看!
Princess Leia: "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope." (But for REAL!) :D (y)
Princess Leia: "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope." (But for REAL!) :D (y) - Room2Room allows users to see a 3D projection of a friend right in front of them. But how does the technology compare to face-to-face communication?
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