Saturday, April 4, 2015

This sickens me but what sickens me even more is the global apathy. Easy to ignore? It won't be when it spreads to your lawn, physically or by way of effect, which shouldn't take much longer. Might be a very good idea to act now, before it's too late and - if you don't know how - have you even bothered trying to find out? Too much work? I'm fairly certain that ignoring the issue now will guarantee harder work later. If we don't think about the future, we won't have one...

This sickens me but what sickens me even more is the global apathy. Easy to ignore? It won't be when it spreads to your lawn, physically or by way of effect, which shouldn't take much longer. Might be a very good idea to act now, before it's too late and - if you don't know how - have you even bothered trying to find out? Too much work? I'm fairly certain that ignoring the issue now will guarantee harder work later. If we don't think about the future, we won't have one... - 7 billion people currently inhabit our planet. Each one of these 7 billion people require the basic necessities of life, such as water, food, clothing, and shelter. When we take into account all of the work and materials it takes to provide the population with just the basics – not to mention the bi…

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