Sunday, April 5, 2015

How about we talk about what's REALLY important? China has poisoned its soil and Japan has irradiated theirs, so neither country should be touting their 'fine cherries'. If they wanted to have something to be proud of, they should have considered protecting their environments. This is the 'Asian Version' of Pro sports, reality TV and other ridiculous, irrelevant distracting efforts by the people who are screwing everything up in those places to redirect simple-minded citizens' attention away from important issues. I am not impressed. If the citizens are wise, they will ignore this BS and continue to focus on what is truly important. Time will tell...

How about we talk about what's REALLY important? China has poisoned its soil and Japan has irradiated theirs, so neither country should be touting their 'fine cherries'. If they wanted to have something to be proud of, they should have considered protecting their environments. This is the 'Asian Version' of Pro sports, reality TV and other ridiculous, irrelevant distracting efforts by the people who are screwing everything up in those places to redirect simple-minded citizens' attention away from important issues. I am not impressed. If the citizens are wise, they will ignore this BS and continue to focus on what is truly important. Time will tell... - The fleeting bloom of a cherry blossom inflames nationalist sentiments in East Asia.

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