Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It's very cool to see #Rush doing their 40th anniversary thing... ( GEEZ! Am I really that old? O_o) Few things make me happier than seeing such an awesome, intelligent and highly impressive (for only 3 members) group do so well for so long, in spite of their lack of support from the industry (probably because they're not now...nor ever were...a cookie-cutter, corporate-hatched 'product'). They're the real deal and brave enough to explore the horizons. They've influenced countless millions, no doubt. They faded in and out of large-scale popularity over the years - mostly as a result of always trying to stay relevant...and managed to last as long as they have...in an age when most new bands we hear today won't even be a memory a year from now. I've seen this band seven times live and, on my eighth show, I was part of the crew (Test For Echo). A memorable experience. They're probably one of my favorite bands to see live... Keep on rockin' guys...! In the 90s, when they were mostly going through a keyboard phase and some people lost interest, there were still several awesome tunes. Even when the music wasn't as good, the lyrics always were. They nearly always had a good message and a timely one, too. Here's an example of good music and lyrics - even during one of their rough spells - at least, it's one I always liked...I hope you like it too. http://ift.tt/1oVRigh

It's very cool to see #Rush doing their 40th anniversary thing... ( GEEZ! Am I really that old? O_o) Few things make me happier than seeing such an awesome, intelligent and highly impressive (for only 3 members) group do so well for so long, in spite of their lack of support from the industry (probably because they're not now...nor ever were...a cookie-cutter, corporate-hatched 'product'). They're the real deal and brave enough to explore the horizons. They've influenced countless millions, no doubt. They faded in and out of large-scale popularity over the years - mostly as a result of always trying to stay relevant...and managed to last as long as they have...in an age when most new bands we hear today won't even be a memory a year from now. I've seen this band seven times live and, on my eighth show, I was part of the crew (Test For Echo). A memorable experience. They're probably one of my favorite bands to see live... Keep on rockin' guys...! In the 90s, when they were mostly going through a keyboard phase and some people lost interest, there were still several awesome tunes. Even when the music wasn't as good, the lyrics always were. They nearly always had a good message and a timely one, too. Here's an example of good music and lyrics - even during one of their rough spells - at least, it's one I always liked...I hope you like it too. http://ift.tt/1oVRigh - Marathon music video with A Show of Hands scenes 1988. Marathon is from "Power Windows" 1985

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