Very much looking forward to this... :D (y) I have this book in both Chinese and English - and it's one of my favorites. I'm sure it will be very impressive as an animated movie with the director of 'The Lion King' at the helm. - Director Roger Allers (The Lion King) assembled an array of internationally acclaimed animators to realize episodes from the classic text by the renowned Lebanese poet, which are woven into the tale of a mischievous young girl (voiced by Beasts of the Southern Wild’s Quvenzhané Wallis) who attempts…
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Profoundly as true as it is tragic... O_o
Profoundly as true as it is tragic... O_o - The children of Gaza still have dreams for their future. Who do they admire? Anyone who might protect them: a doctor, a journalist, the fighters from Hamas.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Oh Yeah! :D (y) An awesome new track dropped from Joe Bonamassa's new upcoming solo album- "Different Shades of Blue". This is the title track from the soon-to-be released work (coming Sept. 23rd)... Can't wait! He's an incredible blues artist who's played along with some of the best in the business and has been playing since before he was even a teenager. I wanted to share the preview I got with you... I hope you enjoy it as much as I do:
Oh Yeah! :D (y) An awesome new track dropped from Joe Bonamassa's new upcoming solo album- "Different Shades of Blue". This is the title track from the soon-to-be released work (coming Sept. 23rd)... Can't wait! He's an incredible blues artist who's played along with some of the best in the business and has been playing since before he was even a teenager. I wanted to share the preview I got with you... I hope you enjoy it as much as I do: - Pre-Order the New Studio CD Now: The Official Music Video for "Different Shades Of Blue." CD will be released in the U.S. on Sept...
Monday, July 28, 2014
One more for the road... (and one of my all-time favorites):
One more for the road... (and one of my all-time favorites): - Steve Winwood plays an acoustic version of Blind Faith's "Can't Find My Way Home"
"For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is to let it rain." – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is to let it rain." – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - From Eric Clapton's 1970 self-titled album release. Written by Eric Clapton and Bonnie Bramlett. They put most of it together while they were touring togethe...
I ran across this tune a little while ago by a and it just stuck. Sometimes, it's just a time and place thing for me, since I listen to and enjoy so many genres of music. I don't really listen to a lot of soul, but this one has some violin, horns and a nice bluesy vibe. I don't like to let the good ones slip through the cracks, so...I thought I'd share it. (y) Enjoy... ;)
I ran across this tune a little while ago by a and it just stuck. Sometimes, it's just a time and place thing for me, since I listen to and enjoy so many genres of music. I don't really listen to a lot of soul, but this one has some violin, horns and a nice bluesy vibe. I don't like to let the good ones slip through the cracks, so...I thought I'd share it. (y) Enjoy... ;) - I DONT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS ALBUM FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY Artist Credit Danny Akalepse Executive Producer Amy Kimball Violin Thomas Brenneck Guitar Michae...
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Pardon me for a moment while I impart some clearly obvious truth: I don't know about anyone else, but I'm about as exasperated as I can possibly be at hearing about the never-ending, utter stupidity and lack of humanity coming from the 'Promised Land' which, as near as I can tell, has promised nobody anything but stress, tragedy and - most times - assured death...for the last millennium. And, by the way, pointing fingers doesn't help...stupid is stupid. This is not the way to achieve peace, no matter which side you're on or what your 'methods' may be. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. If you can't understand that, you probably don't deserve to call yourself either. Furthermore, this land belongs to nobody...and everybody. It is a territorial war, not a religious one, no matter what people may say. Religion is nothing more than an unassailable, indefensible excuse for people to try to control something that should be available for the benefit of all people (at least, in terms of religion). After all, religion aside...this Earth formed into sea and land - without borders - and, much to the detriment of themselves and their own peaceful futures, Man drew the territories, borders and lines in the sand. We've done nothing but kill one another over them since times further back than the beginning of recorded human history. I wonder what God (sic) would think about all this. Is it any wonder people are losing their faith? What a tragic example for people to be setting while they try to convince others of their 'divine guidance'. I recently saw something that summed it up about as neatly as possible - and in a very artistic, creative way...despite the absolute absurdity of it all...and I decided to share it here. This is about as close to the truth as you are ever going to get... Please share this. (You have the blessing of those who created it - to do so.)
Pardon me for a moment while I impart some clearly obvious truth: I don't know about anyone else, but I'm about as exasperated as I can possibly be at hearing about the never-ending, utter stupidity and lack of humanity coming from the 'Promised Land' which, as near as I can tell, has promised nobody anything but stress, tragedy and - most times - assured death...for the last millennium. And, by the way, pointing fingers doesn't help...stupid is stupid. This is not the way to achieve peace, no matter which side you're on or what your 'methods' may be. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. If you can't understand that, you probably don't deserve to call yourself either. Furthermore, this land belongs to nobody...and everybody. It is a territorial war, not a religious one, no matter what people may say. Religion is nothing more than an unassailable, indefensible excuse for people to try to control something that should be available for the benefit of all people (at least, in terms of religion). After all, religion aside...this Earth formed into sea and land - without borders - and, much to the detriment of themselves and their own peaceful futures, Man drew the territories, borders and lines in the sand. We've done nothing but kill one another over them since times further back than the beginning of recorded human history. I wonder what God (sic) would think about all this. Is it any wonder people are losing their faith? What a tragic example for people to be setting while they try to convince others of their 'divine guidance'. I recently saw something that summed it up about as neatly as possible - and in a very artistic, creative way...despite the absolute absurdity of it all...and I decided to share it here. This is about as close to the truth as you are ever going to get... Please share this. (You have the blessing of those who created it - to do so.) - Do you want to know the real reason why there’ so much violence in the Middle-East? This animation by Nina Paley is one of the most beautiful, accurate and true cartoons I ever seen! A masterpiece! The animation makes it clear why there can be no clear “winners” over this land. Time to end the blood…
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Mind = Blown! -=:oO Some mighty impressive observational/research skills! [Thanks for sharing, Vince Perriello] :P

Mind = Blown! -=:oO Some mighty impressive observational/research skills! [Thanks for sharing, Vince Perriello] :P -
Friday, July 25, 2014
Human nature is what we should all be focused on. It is the same, whether we are in one country - or another one on the other side of the planet. We all eat, sleep, love, get angry, want to be happy, work, play, laugh, cry, etc. They are the common things we all do to survive. Secondary to this is identity - otherwise known as 'Culture'. Culture is nice, but it is not as critical for us to consider as human nature. It is the people who place culture ahead of human nature who have caused more pain and misery in this world than any other. These people have obviously not learned very much. The intriguing thing is that, whether or not you're from a developing nation, where education is difficult to obtain or of poor quality...or whether you're from a developed country, where education is available and of decent quality, you will always find these 'subhuman' people. That is the real tragedy...but here is something happy! Subhumans, take note:
Human nature is what we should all be focused on. It is the same, whether we are in one country - or another one on the other side of the planet. We all eat, sleep, love, get angry, want to be happy, work, play, laugh, cry, etc. They are the common things we all do to survive. Secondary to this is identity - otherwise known as 'Culture'. Culture is nice, but it is not as critical for us to consider as human nature. It is the people who place culture ahead of human nature who have caused more pain and misery in this world than any other. These people have obviously not learned very much. The intriguing thing is that, whether or not you're from a developing nation, where education is difficult to obtain or of poor quality...or whether you're from a developed country, where education is available and of decent quality, you will always find these 'subhuman' people. That is the real tragedy...but here is something happy! Subhumans, take note: - The parents of 11-year-old Liang Yaoyi were stunned by his request. As cancer ravaged his body, the fifth grader from the Chinese city of Shenzhen focused on how he could save others if he could not survive his own battle.
It's never too late! ;) (y)
It's never too late! ;) (y) - Intelligence is a work in progress. Maximize yours with these simple habits
This is something really awesome... (A whole new perspective of time) (y) - Don't worry, it's safe - [Thanks for sharing, David K. Clarke] ;)
This is something really awesome... (A whole new perspective of time) (y) - Don't worry, it's safe - [Thanks for sharing, David K. Clarke] ;) - Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors).
Monday, July 21, 2014
Hehehe... Some guys have ALL the luck! :P (y) If this don't put a smile on your face, maybe you need to lay off the Botox... (RoFLMaO!)
Hehehe... Some guys have ALL the luck! :P (y) If this don't put a smile on your face, maybe you need to lay off the Botox... (RoFLMaO!) -
Friday, July 18, 2014
Suddenly, the truth about the Palestine/Israeli problem materialized right in front of me. Interesting how it turned up in a place that most Palestinian supporters (or Palestinians, themselves) wouldn't notice but where Israelis and their supporters would. Maybe that's why this truth escaped me for so long and why the problem is constantly marginalized or disregarded. I learned in the Military how to understand the TRUE reason for any war - you need only remember three words: "Follow The Money!" This tragedy must end... In the words of someone I admire very much: "Those who have forged the beauty of the Earth into power/energy are the collective enemies of all of us and they are relentless greedy and aggressive in securing natural resources, especially of the nonrenewable." How true...
Suddenly, the truth about the Palestine/Israeli problem materialized right in front of me. Interesting how it turned up in a place that most Palestinian supporters (or Palestinians, themselves) wouldn't notice but where Israelis and their supporters would. Maybe that's why this truth escaped me for so long and why the problem is constantly marginalized or disregarded. I learned in the Military how to understand the TRUE reason for any war - you need only remember three words: "Follow The Money!" This tragedy must end... In the words of someone I admire very much: "Those who have forged the beauty of the Earth into power/energy are the collective enemies of all of us and they are relentless greedy and aggressive in securing natural resources, especially of the nonrenewable." How true... - Tuesday, July 15, 2014 Is the move the by the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza really about natural gas?
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
I can live with that... :P
I can live with that... :P - No one is an angel. (Well, except the people who scored above 85%, but they were probably lying anyway.) The important thing is that you seem determined to leave the world a better place than you found it. That sure does mean a lot to the rest of us!
Very interesting... ;)
Very interesting... ;) - One look at you is enough to convince most people that they would be wise not to cross you. But actually, you're just a great big softy at heart! There is nothing you value more than your friends, to whom you will always remain loyal.
- So the deserter who was traded for 5 Taliban assholes illegally I might add, not only is not being court marshaled, not being dishonorably discharged, but is getting a promotion with back pay and assigned to Fort Sam Houston with 2 bodyguard/ assistants/babysitters/soldiers. WTF? Its here. Communism. When our own military doesn't have the balls to do the right thing despite Obamas orders. We are all fucked. Tyranny is afoot.
Monday, July 14, 2014
I thought I'd re-post this video and my comment, in case anyone might be interested...maybe it's time to explain the roller-coaster ride that has been my life... This guy, Frank Medrano, has beaten staggering odds. I am familiar with I am also a Gulf War Era disabled vet. People like Frank are an inspiration to all. I wish I had the courage to 'put myself out there in public' like he has. Unfortunately, I have lost much faith in humanity. This is why I've kept my story to myself. I haven't shared it with many of my friends (except for those who have suffered similar experiences - like Dean Binder, a very impressive guy and brother who has had a very hard time, himself (We got your back, Dean!) ...or even most of my own family and a few other people (usually, the people who want to laugh at me for being overly thin or something, since they don't know what happened to me - it is a result of major surgery that prevents my body from storing fat in my abdominal area). I never felt it was important to anyone but myself and, honestly, it wasn't. I did, however, overcome my problems on my own. After I realized that listening to (most of) the doctors, taking the meds and following the other 'advice' I got was not going to help me recover and would turn me into a shell of a man, I threw away all the VA drugs, refused the hand-outs and, after well over a year flat on my back, unable to walk and after major surgery that permanently made me thin for life (and has caused me some difficulties with my diet), I got up on my feet and journeyed out into the world. 25 years later, I still climb mountains in China, even though I was told I'd probably spend most of the rest of my life in a wheelchair (which caused me to attempt suicide twice in 6 months when I was 21). For the record, I succeeded twice - dead as a door nail - but was revived though CPR by two friends who are no longer my friends - probably because they got tired of me dying whenever they were around me. I thank them for helping me stay alive. I have realized, since then, that the best part of my life has been between that time and now - and I'm very glad it wasn't 'my time to go'. There's something about death/near death experiences that will give you a whole new appreciation for life, itself. I know my injuries will catch up with me, one day, but I'm prepared. I have so much to write about and that should be no problem, even from a wheelchair...and after all, I'm still alive, healthy and happy. Now, I just need to find opportunity back home so that I can come back, since I doubt I can continue to run my consultancy in the US as well as I have since I left, when things were still relatively good. I'm probably overdue for a VA checkup since I've been in Asia for a decade, but there is nothing for me back home. The economy is in the toilet. This is the biggest tragedy...all that we fight/fought for is/was lost by those who haven't a fraction of the desire to make the US a better place that we veterans do/did. They're called 'politicians' and 'corporate America'...and they are your true enemy. I hope you don't mind me sharing this with you...for what it's worth. ;o) And, to those who know how to 'truly' honor the ones who give so much and ask for so little - you will also never be the veterans. You have my deep respect...
I thought I'd re-post this video and my comment, in case anyone might be interested...maybe it's time to explain the roller-coaster ride that has been my life... This guy, Frank Medrano, has beaten staggering odds. I am familiar with I am also a Gulf War Era disabled vet. People like Frank are an inspiration to all. I wish I had the courage to 'put myself out there in public' like he has. Unfortunately, I have lost much faith in humanity. This is why I've kept my story to myself. I haven't shared it with many of my friends (except for those who have suffered similar experiences - like Dean Binder, a very impressive guy and brother who has had a very hard time, himself (We got your back, Dean!) ...or even most of my own family and a few other people (usually, the people who want to laugh at me for being overly thin or something, since they don't know what happened to me - it is a result of major surgery that prevents my body from storing fat in my abdominal area). I never felt it was important to anyone but myself and, honestly, it wasn't. I did, however, overcome my problems on my own. After I realized that listening to (most of) the doctors, taking the meds and following the other 'advice' I got was not going to help me recover and would turn me into a shell of a man, I threw away all the VA drugs, refused the hand-outs and, after well over a year flat on my back, unable to walk and after major surgery that permanently made me thin for life (and has caused me some difficulties with my diet), I got up on my feet and journeyed out into the world. 25 years later, I still climb mountains in China, even though I was told I'd probably spend most of the rest of my life in a wheelchair (which caused me to attempt suicide twice in 6 months when I was 21). For the record, I succeeded twice - dead as a door nail - but was revived though CPR by two friends who are no longer my friends - probably because they got tired of me dying whenever they were around me. I thank them for helping me stay alive. I have realized, since then, that the best part of my life has been between that time and now - and I'm very glad it wasn't 'my time to go'. There's something about death/near death experiences that will give you a whole new appreciation for life, itself. I know my injuries will catch up with me, one day, but I'm prepared. I have so much to write about and that should be no problem, even from a wheelchair...and after all, I'm still alive, healthy and happy. Now, I just need to find opportunity back home so that I can come back, since I doubt I can continue to run my consultancy in the US as well as I have since I left, when things were still relatively good. I'm probably overdue for a VA checkup since I've been in Asia for a decade, but there is nothing for me back home. The economy is in the toilet. This is the biggest tragedy...all that we fight/fought for is/was lost by those who haven't a fraction of the desire to make the US a better place that we veterans do/did. They're called 'politicians' and 'corporate America'...and they are your true enemy. I hope you don't mind me sharing this with you...for what it's worth. ;o) And, to those who know how to 'truly' honor the ones who give so much and ask for so little - you will also never be the veterans. You have my deep respect... - Frank Medrano | Transformation Tuesday NEVER ,EVER GIVE UP! Arthur's inspirational Transformation!! A must see story everyone should watch!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
I stumbled across something a while back that I found awesome and I think several people might enjoy it, as well. He goes by the name of 'MetroGnome'... If you're into evolution of music and have an open mind...I think there's something for everyone here. In fact, there's even an iPhone ringtone remix that I have on my phone right now. It really freaks people out when they hear my phone ring, hehe. It has a bit of a Dubstep vibe to it, but not all of it is like that. And that's the tip of the iceberg... This guy not only remixed the iPhone ringtone, but he's remixed Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta' Love", Pharrell Williams' "Happy", TV series theme songs from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Game of Thrones', many other recording artists and bands - from David Guetta and Ellie Goulding to Maroon 5...Rihanna...Adele...Linkin Park....Florence and the Machine and so many more. Not only that, but he uses Native Instruments' 'Maschine Studio' to do his work and there are even a few videos showing how he does his work on this incredible home production studio (I want one REAL bad!). The videos are also pretty mesmerizing. I put the Led Zep remix below, since I'm a bit partial to Classic rock, but I recommend you go take a look at his YouTube page and check out the rest of his stuff. He really is very good at what he does. If you like it, don't forget to subscribe to his feed on YouTube! Gotta' keep the good ones alive by giving our support...all my musician friends know how that works! ;) Give me a shout in the comments section and tell me what you think. (y)
I stumbled across something a while back that I found awesome and I think several people might enjoy it, as well. He goes by the name of 'MetroGnome'... If you're into evolution of music and have an open mind...I think there's something for everyone here. In fact, there's even an iPhone ringtone remix that I have on my phone right now. It really freaks people out when they hear my phone ring, hehe. It has a bit of a Dubstep vibe to it, but not all of it is like that. And that's the tip of the iceberg... This guy not only remixed the iPhone ringtone, but he's remixed Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta' Love", Pharrell Williams' "Happy", TV series theme songs from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Game of Thrones', many other recording artists and bands - from David Guetta and Ellie Goulding to Maroon 5...Rihanna...Adele...Linkin Park....Florence and the Machine and so many more. Not only that, but he uses Native Instruments' 'Maschine Studio' to do his work and there are even a few videos showing how he does his work on this incredible home production studio (I want one REAL bad!). The videos are also pretty mesmerizing. I put the Led Zep remix below, since I'm a bit partial to Classic rock, but I recommend you go take a look at his YouTube page and check out the rest of his stuff. He really is very good at what he does. If you like it, don't forget to subscribe to his feed on YouTube! Gotta' keep the good ones alive by giving our support...all my musician friends know how that works! ;) Give me a shout in the comments section and tell me what you think. (y) - ▶ Free download : ▶ Twitter - ▶ Facebook - ▶ So...
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Here's some brilliant CG advertising from France... I thought you might enjoy it. I sure do! :P
Here's some brilliant CG advertising from France... I thought you might enjoy it. I sure do! :P -
Friday, July 11, 2014
I'm guessing she is there to learn. Only people who hate would think she is there to cause trouble... If you want to know why, read on! This issue of peaceful majorities is not hard for me to understand. I have seen these things all over the world, from the US to China. The government takes advantage of the mostly peaceful people...and they are irrelevant, they do nothing. It is far past time for another revolution. This is true in both nations and many more...but it is not happening. It is wrong. The Christian majority in America are told to turn the other cheek and not to judge...yet they do. They promote many things to their own benefit and to the detriment of others. This is wrong. Atheists complain about people 'forcing religion on them' while they ridicule and condemn believers as idiots, expecting them to disregard their religion and believe as the Atheists do - and then expect to be treated as intelligent, fair and honest. They expect what they do not offer. This is wrong. The Muslims, however, have a different ideology and I'm not talking about radicals, I am talking about the peaceful majority. They are told by their book that they cannot judge, that God ('Al Lah' which, literally means 'The God...yes, the SAME God, the Abrahamic God) is the judge and that they too will be judged, so they had better be much wiser than God if they choose to do so, which they aren't and they don't. All those people screaming about peaceful Muslims doing nothing....NOW you know why. It is not their responsibility. They are responsible for everyone is. They are just as angry about these radicals destroying their belief from the inside out as Theists, Atheists, Agnostics and others. Unfortunately, they are in no position to do anything - because it could risk their own salvation. They do what they are supposed to. This is right. When you have the peaceful majority of a religion, like Christianity, calling for the condemnation of another faith, like Islam, because of a few radicals...and no respect for the others who are a peaceful majority, you get one majority doing wrong and the other doing right. You cannot prove yourself right if you are a majority doing the wrong thing when the other majority is doing the right thing. This is ignorance and will never be accepted by intelligent people. If one wants to be wise, fair and intelligent, they should not condemn the entire group for the actions of a few. If we all did, I'm quite sure we would all be victims at some point. It is intellectually irresponsible and foolish to condemn a person for acts they did not commit and are not even guilty of by association...only by belief, which is actually NOT the same belief as those who are doing wrong...even if they call it by the same name. How many Christians do we know who bomb abortion clinics? There have been several. Is this the kind of Christian the majority in America are? I don't think so. Are they the kind of Christians that judge and paint everyone by the same brush? Yes, apparently, many are. This is wrong. If so, it should be no surprise that Muslims see others just as others see them...and there will never be a happy resolution to such idiocy. There is nothing gracious, good or intelligent about it. There is no difference at all. That is a fact. One needs only a mind free of bias and hatred to see it. Unfortunately, people are programmed by their cultures...cultures that are old, antiquated and developed by people much less intelligent than we should be acting. Maybe people are just getting lazy. Simply ask someone if religion is a part of culture or not to know whether they are true believers or not. If they are, they will say no, God is much bigger than culture, Earth and even the Universe, itself. This is a true believer. If one follows religion based on culture, it is not God they follow at all, it is public opinion. They worship society. This is not religion...this is a popularity contest. Only the misguided are foolish enough to do this. Something to think about....and please think hard, because I am very tired of this old, ridiculous argument. It is the same with Governments pointing fingers at each other, people pointing fingers at each other and manifests itself, in so many unfortunate ways, throughout the human race - and it needs to stop. My apologies for the long speech, but this is a very important issue to me, regardless of whether I am a believer or not, and should be debated until there is a resolution that doesn't end in perpetuating the problem after millions more have died. Religious conflict and infighting has caused more death on this planet than all the wars combined - many of which started for those very reasons. This is all I have seen my entire life...and it is not the kind of planet I want to live on. Be good to each other...and be fair. Everyone is in just as much of a struggle as you are. That struggle is called Life. Live it correctly, live it well...and it will bring you happiness. ;) (y) [Thanks for sharing this, Christy White...] :)
I'm guessing she is there to learn. Only people who hate would think she is there to cause trouble... If you want to know why, read on! This issue of peaceful majorities is not hard for me to understand. I have seen these things all over the world, from the US to China. The government takes advantage of the mostly peaceful people...and they are irrelevant, they do nothing. It is far past time for another revolution. This is true in both nations and many more...but it is not happening. It is wrong. The Christian majority in America are told to turn the other cheek and not to judge...yet they do. They promote many things to their own benefit and to the detriment of others. This is wrong. Atheists complain about people 'forcing religion on them' while they ridicule and condemn believers as idiots, expecting them to disregard their religion and believe as the Atheists do - and then expect to be treated as intelligent, fair and honest. They expect what they do not offer. This is wrong. The Muslims, however, have a different ideology and I'm not talking about radicals, I am talking about the peaceful majority. They are told by their book that they cannot judge, that God ('Al Lah' which, literally means 'The God...yes, the SAME God, the Abrahamic God) is the judge and that they too will be judged, so they had better be much wiser than God if they choose to do so, which they aren't and they don't. All those people screaming about peaceful Muslims doing nothing....NOW you know why. It is not their responsibility. They are responsible for everyone is. They are just as angry about these radicals destroying their belief from the inside out as Theists, Atheists, Agnostics and others. Unfortunately, they are in no position to do anything - because it could risk their own salvation. They do what they are supposed to. This is right. When you have the peaceful majority of a religion, like Christianity, calling for the condemnation of another faith, like Islam, because of a few radicals...and no respect for the others who are a peaceful majority, you get one majority doing wrong and the other doing right. You cannot prove yourself right if you are a majority doing the wrong thing when the other majority is doing the right thing. This is ignorance and will never be accepted by intelligent people. If one wants to be wise, fair and intelligent, they should not condemn the entire group for the actions of a few. If we all did, I'm quite sure we would all be victims at some point. It is intellectually irresponsible and foolish to condemn a person for acts they did not commit and are not even guilty of by association...only by belief, which is actually NOT the same belief as those who are doing wrong...even if they call it by the same name. How many Christians do we know who bomb abortion clinics? There have been several. Is this the kind of Christian the majority in America are? I don't think so. Are they the kind of Christians that judge and paint everyone by the same brush? Yes, apparently, many are. This is wrong. If so, it should be no surprise that Muslims see others just as others see them...and there will never be a happy resolution to such idiocy. There is nothing gracious, good or intelligent about it. There is no difference at all. That is a fact. One needs only a mind free of bias and hatred to see it. Unfortunately, people are programmed by their cultures...cultures that are old, antiquated and developed by people much less intelligent than we should be acting. Maybe people are just getting lazy. Simply ask someone if religion is a part of culture or not to know whether they are true believers or not. If they are, they will say no, God is much bigger than culture, Earth and even the Universe, itself. This is a true believer. If one follows religion based on culture, it is not God they follow at all, it is public opinion. They worship society. This is not religion...this is a popularity contest. Only the misguided are foolish enough to do this. Something to think about....and please think hard, because I am very tired of this old, ridiculous argument. It is the same with Governments pointing fingers at each other, people pointing fingers at each other and manifests itself, in so many unfortunate ways, throughout the human race - and it needs to stop. My apologies for the long speech, but this is a very important issue to me, regardless of whether I am a believer or not, and should be debated until there is a resolution that doesn't end in perpetuating the problem after millions more have died. Religious conflict and infighting has caused more death on this planet than all the wars combined - many of which started for those very reasons. This is all I have seen my entire life...and it is not the kind of planet I want to live on. Be good to each other...and be fair. Everyone is in just as much of a struggle as you are. That struggle is called Life. Live it correctly, live it well...and it will bring you happiness. ;) (y) [Thanks for sharing this, Christy White...] :) - I'm guessing this woman wishes she had not asked the question.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
I truly can't believe that some people actually have to think about whether this is a true report or not. Highly disturbing... O_o
I truly can't believe that some people actually have to think about whether this is a true report or not. Highly disturbing... O_o - Have y'all seen this? OMG....
Monday, July 7, 2014
There's no escape from Karma... ;)
There's no escape from Karma... ;) - If found guilty of unethical conduct, former Burleson County District Attorney Charles Sebesta Jr. could be disbarred, said Graves' attorney Kathryn Kase.
"Happy" You are a positive and passionate person. Your smile is breathtakingly beautiful, no one can resist smiling after meeting you. Go on and spread some joy while listening to "Happy" by Pharrell Williams, it's YOUR song! I can definitely accept that result. After all, 330 million views on YouTube can't be wrong! Too bad most people can't see what's going on inside my mind. They might be shocked and amazed, since (admittedly) it doesn't show on the outside very often - and I suspect many people seem to see the opposite. Not everything is as apparent as it may seem. :) ;) :P
"Happy" You are a positive and passionate person. Your smile is breathtakingly beautiful, no one can resist smiling after meeting you. Go on and spread some joy while listening to "Happy" by Pharrell Williams, it's YOUR song! I can definitely accept that result. After all, 330 million views on YouTube can't be wrong! Too bad most people can't see what's going on inside my mind. They might be shocked and amazed, since (admittedly) it doesn't show on the outside very often - and I suspect many people seem to see the opposite. Not everything is as apparent as it may seem. :) ;) :P - I bet you think this song is about you, don't you? Well, YOU'RE RIGHT
Truly, I'm speechless... (and honored). I still find it hard to believe, myself. I would never consider myself to be anywhere near parallel with the man; I'm not so arrogant, but I certainly wouldn't have any regrets. I suspect I should stop typing now...and start paying a bit more attention to people in grassy knolls. [Actually, I already do that anyway. I've been doing it for years. It's the price you pay for saying things that people don't want to hear, even when they're true.] O_o
Truly, I'm speechless... (and honored). I still find it hard to believe, myself. I would never consider myself to be anywhere near parallel with the man; I'm not so arrogant, but I certainly wouldn't have any regrets. I suspect I should stop typing now...and start paying a bit more attention to people in grassy knolls. [Actually, I already do that anyway. I've been doing it for years. It's the price you pay for saying things that people don't want to hear, even when they're true.] O_o - Ever feel a connection to a certain deceased icon from the last century? Find out which monumental figure you were in a past life
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Looking for an incredible perspective of the 4th of July that you've probably never seen before? This is breathtaking! The soundtrack rocks too! 'Time to say Goodbye' - Andrea Bocelli [One of my faves] While you're checkin' it out...give a shout out to my buddy' Tommy Seilheimer, who's hosting the article on his awesome site, 'Tommylandz ツ™'. I think you might find a LOT of awesome stuff over there. ;) [Thanks for the share, Tommy Seilheimer! You Rock!] :) (y)
Looking for an incredible perspective of the 4th of July that you've probably never seen before? This is breathtaking! The soundtrack rocks too! 'Time to say Goodbye' - Andrea Bocelli [One of my faves] While you're checkin' it out...give a shout out to my buddy' Tommy Seilheimer, who's hosting the article on his awesome site, 'Tommylandz ツ™'. I think you might find a LOT of awesome stuff over there. ;) [Thanks for the share, Tommy Seilheimer! You Rock!] :) (y) - Mere words aren’t going to help with this clip. It’s simply mesmerizing. Make sure to watch it in 1080p to see all of the detail. This is seriously amazing
Friday, July 4, 2014
Sheah! Now just go try to find someone who will believe this... (hehe). :P Actually, I'm hoping I've 'evolved' and continue to do so. That's what life's about, eh? (y)
Sheah! Now just go try to find someone who will believe this... (hehe). :P Actually, I'm hoping I've 'evolved' and continue to do so. That's what life's about, eh? (y) - You have a steady temperament. You’re assertive, not aggressive. You may be slow to anger but you do get angry now and then. And, unlike a lot of people’s, your temper can actually spur you to take useful and necessary action. But you’re never out of control.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
These things have started to make me nervous... They seem a lot more accurate than they used to be. Maybe they have a secret feed into all that NSA domestic spying data (LoL)!
These things have started to make me nervous... They seem a lot more accurate than they used to be. Maybe they have a secret feed into all that NSA domestic spying data (LoL)! - Douglas M. Chapman has created this amazing My Birth Date Story photo album. Click to see full photo and to create yours.
This is highly tragic when considered in regard to their other 'statements' about 'companies being people'. I wonder how long it will be until SCOTUS starts individually selecting which companies AND people have to follow the law and which ones are exempt. (Oh, MY bad! They already DO that...) Here's an Idea, why not just scrap the entire legal system? It's a corrupt, for-profit, unethical capitalist system anyway...just like everything else. (Prison system, anyone? 1 in 6 Americans has a criminal record...ring a bell?) What good is it? Probably none, considering how intent the Govt seems to be towards trying to institute martial law. Sounds to me like they're doing precisely the OPPOSITE of their jobs. I suspect it's time to give the government an enema and the tube should be firmly inserted in the SCOTUS hole. Disturbing... I see devolution. This is how democracy fails. The people become ignorant, then elect an ignorant government (they are capable of little else), which results in an ignorant government and a country with a reputation of ignorance on the world stage. Yes much for thinking Democracy is flawless. As long as people are flawed (and they always will be), there is no system on Earth that is reliable...not religious, political, economic or otherwise. We are moving back into the caves. Shouldn't be long before we're beating women over the heads with clubs for entertainment and hunting our food with spears again. (smh) Apparently, people have a hard time realizing that ice cream...whether chocolate, strawberry or still ice cream. Also...religion, whether Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Baha'i, Unitarian or still religion - and go take a look at some of the OTHER countries run by religious leaders (or those like China who have basically forbidden the free practice thereof) and tell me how well that's worked out - then tell me how christianity will be any different. Let me save you the time - it won't. You can no more force a person to believe or expect them to believe what you want them to than you can force a person to believe they are a chicken. I am not discounting religion. It has its purpose - to bring people to virtue (when it works and is not hypocrisy - like it often is) who are otherwise unable to reach virtue except through symbolic, simplified means. Believe what you like...and give others the same respect. If you do otherwise, you are destroying the very principle that has prevented the US from becoming a zealot-ruled idiocracy...not to mention, the tenets of your own beliefs. That doesn't make you religious, it makes you a hypocrite. I will continue to 'pray' (hope) for the masses (people too busy to think who see God at the end of human knowledge, rather than an opportunity to develop that knowledge) so that they will realize, one day, that virtue is possible without religion...and that religion is no guarantee of virtue. People (and governments and companies) should stay out of each others' uteri...umm, bedrooms...err, private business. Ok...all of the above. Here's an idea - do what you want and, if you screw up, it's your battle. Don't ask for help...from anyone...not even the government. Just try the best to enjoy your karma (or find a way to dislodge your head from your sphincter so it is better next time). Whatever happened to 'personal responsibility'? O_o
This is highly tragic when considered in regard to their other 'statements' about 'companies being people'. I wonder how long it will be until SCOTUS starts individually selecting which companies AND people have to follow the law and which ones are exempt. (Oh, MY bad! They already DO that...) Here's an Idea, why not just scrap the entire legal system? It's a corrupt, for-profit, unethical capitalist system anyway...just like everything else. (Prison system, anyone? 1 in 6 Americans has a criminal record...ring a bell?) What good is it? Probably none, considering how intent the Govt seems to be towards trying to institute martial law. Sounds to me like they're doing precisely the OPPOSITE of their jobs. I suspect it's time to give the government an enema and the tube should be firmly inserted in the SCOTUS hole. Disturbing... I see devolution. This is how democracy fails. The people become ignorant, then elect an ignorant government (they are capable of little else), which results in an ignorant government and a country with a reputation of ignorance on the world stage. Yes much for thinking Democracy is flawless. As long as people are flawed (and they always will be), there is no system on Earth that is reliable...not religious, political, economic or otherwise. We are moving back into the caves. Shouldn't be long before we're beating women over the heads with clubs for entertainment and hunting our food with spears again. (smh) Apparently, people have a hard time realizing that ice cream...whether chocolate, strawberry or still ice cream. Also...religion, whether Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Baha'i, Unitarian or still religion - and go take a look at some of the OTHER countries run by religious leaders (or those like China who have basically forbidden the free practice thereof) and tell me how well that's worked out - then tell me how christianity will be any different. Let me save you the time - it won't. You can no more force a person to believe or expect them to believe what you want them to than you can force a person to believe they are a chicken. I am not discounting religion. It has its purpose - to bring people to virtue (when it works and is not hypocrisy - like it often is) who are otherwise unable to reach virtue except through symbolic, simplified means. Believe what you like...and give others the same respect. If you do otherwise, you are destroying the very principle that has prevented the US from becoming a zealot-ruled idiocracy...not to mention, the tenets of your own beliefs. That doesn't make you religious, it makes you a hypocrite. I will continue to 'pray' (hope) for the masses (people too busy to think who see God at the end of human knowledge, rather than an opportunity to develop that knowledge) so that they will realize, one day, that virtue is possible without religion...and that religion is no guarantee of virtue. People (and governments and companies) should stay out of each others' uteri...umm, bedrooms...err, private business. Ok...all of the above. Here's an idea - do what you want and, if you screw up, it's your battle. Don't ask for help...from anyone...not even the government. Just try the best to enjoy your karma (or find a way to dislodge your head from your sphincter so it is better next time). Whatever happened to 'personal responsibility'? O_o - The case, Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby, is perhaps the most important decision of the term. It centers on the Affordable Care Act's guarantee of no-cost prescription contraception.
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