If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven: Maven Research manages a global network of industry professionals, thought leaders, and experts who connect and share their knowledge with others via our Global Knowledge Marketplace. Maven Research's proprietary micro-consulting platform connects researchers with knowledgeable professionals for short, paid interactions, including Telephone Consultations, Electronic Surveys, Face-to-Face Meetings, Extended Consulting Projects, and Workshops, as well as permanent Employment Opportunities. - Maven is the Global Knowledge Marketplace - a vast global network of professionals who connect, consult, and profit from their knowledge and connections. Click here to learn more.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven: Maven Research manages a global network of industry professionals, thought leaders, and experts who connect and share their knowledge with others via our Global Knowledge Marketplace. Maven Research's proprietary micro-consulting platform connects researchers with knowledgeable professionals for short, paid interactions, including Telephone Consultations, Electronic Surveys, Face-to-Face Meetings, Extended Consulting Projects, and Workshops, as well as permanent Employment Opportunities.
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven:
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven: - Maven is the Global Knowledge Marketplace - a vast global network of professionals who connect, consult, and profit from their knowledge and connections. Click here to learn more.
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven:
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven: - Maven is the Global Knowledge Marketplace - a vast global network of professionals who connect, consult, and profit from their knowledge and connections. Click here to learn more.
_“In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities but, in the expert’s mind, there are few.”_ *~ Zen Master Shunryo Suzuki*

_“In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities but, in the expert’s mind, there are few.”_ *~ Zen Master Shunryo Suzuki* -
*Another great strategy - for #Social_Media and life in general...* _"Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is uniquely your own."_ *- Li Xiaolong (李小龍) [Bruce Lee]*

*Another great strategy - for #Social_Media and life in general...* _"Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is uniquely your own."_ *- Li Xiaolong (李小龍) [Bruce Lee]* -
Oh yeah! These researchers come right out of the province I've lived in for the past 8 years... And lemme' tell ya'...I've been hitting up the garlic quite intensely for quite awhile now! Vampires wouldn't come within 5km of me, hehe. :P Check it out:
Oh yeah! These researchers come right out of the province I've lived in for the past 8 years... And lemme' tell ya'...I've been hitting up the garlic quite intensely for quite awhile now! Vampires wouldn't come within 5km of me, hehe. :P Check it out: - A new study out of China has determined that people who consume raw garlic as a regular diet were 44% less likely to suffer from lung cancer. Researchers at the Jiangsu Provincial Centre for Disease Control surveyed the participants on their diet and lifestyle habits, including garlic consumption an...
Saturday, September 21, 2013
And, for my NEXT trick... :oP
And, for my NEXT trick... :oP - I've certainly taken enough time getting this ship off the ground! I'm quite interested in seeing what we can make of this community, though. If you feel…
Never a dull moment in space! ...and we've barely scratched the surface! :)
Never a dull moment in space! ...and we've barely scratched the surface! :) - NASA's Messenger probe, dispatched to study Mercury in 2004, has stumbled across an intriguing image on the planet's surface: that of the fictional "Star Wars" character Han Solo, encased in carbonite. Solo piloted the Millenium Falcon as a smuggler in "Star Wars" until a run-in with Imperial forces...
They don't bitch about their iPhones - and they're made in China too! It just goes to show you how clueless people are. The truth is...maybe they are made in China, but not by Chinese companies. Go ahead and hate on the Chinese but, one day (if and) when you get wise, you will start hating the companies, lobbyists and governments of your own countries. They are the real sellouts... My advice: Go study Economics....or anything, really...so you don't look like an idiot. ;o) John Prescott originally shared: oink oink santa!
They don't bitch about their iPhones - and they're made in China too! It just goes to show you how clueless people are. The truth is...maybe they are made in China, but not by Chinese companies. Go ahead and hate on the Chinese but, one day (if and) when you get wise, you will start hating the companies, lobbyists and governments of your own countries. They are the real sellouts... My advice: Go study Economics....or anything, really...so you don't look like an idiot. ;o) John Prescott originally shared: oink oink santa! - oink oink santa!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
"Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K!" :oP (Maybe it's a mermaid baby, certainly has the pronounced cranial ridge!)
"Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K!" :oP (Maybe it's a mermaid baby, certainly has the pronounced cranial ridge!) - A six-inch-tall skeleton found in the Atacama desert region of Chile is genetically human, though it seems to have birth defects that stunted its growth.
Yes, it has...in fact...become THAT ridiculous! _____________________________________ I like what I heard a friend say the other day: "Now, people are getting their political information from Comedy Central - and their comedy from Fox News!" I can't argue with that, but it certainly is a pity... ;o)
Yes, it has...in fact...become THAT ridiculous! _____________________________________ I like what I heard a friend say the other day: "Now, people are getting their political information from Comedy Central - and their comedy from Fox News!" I can't argue with that, but it certainly is a pity... ;o) - "Do you think our military system is democratic?" -- Stephen Colbert "I think it is fundamentally undemocratic." -- Andrew Bacevich "If our military system is undemocratic, my instinct is to have our military invade our military system to bring democracy to it." -- Stephen Colbert http://on.cc.com/1dmhEDQ
Somehow, I don't think this would fly in the US... Those Crazy Aussies! O_o
Somehow, I don't think this would fly in the US... Those Crazy Aussies! O_o - Game store marketing gimmick uses fake cocaine to sell Grand Theft Auto V. Australia's EB Games is giving out fake cocaine as part of a promotion for…
It's a shame that we even have to produce messages like this. People need to pull their heads out and start thinking outside the box. It's a very simple and massively effective solution to a horrific, perpetual problem. You have to be a moron not to notice how socially beneficial this would be for every human in the nation. ;)
It's a shame that we even have to produce messages like this. People need to pull their heads out and start thinking outside the box. It's a very simple and massively effective solution to a horrific, perpetual problem. You have to be a moron not to notice how socially beneficial this would be for every human in the nation. ;) - Things that matter. Pass 'em on.
Umm, yeah, that's definitely accurate! I wouldn't use InternUt ExploDer if my life depended on it... ;oP
Umm, yeah, that's definitely accurate! I wouldn't use InternUt ExploDer if my life depended on it... ;oP - *lol*
Aaaawesomeness in space! :oP
Aaaawesomeness in space! :oP - M2-9: Wings of a Butterfly Nebula Are stars better appreciated for their art after they die? Actually, stars usually create their most artistic displays…
Free your mind! ;o)
Free your mind! ;o) - "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." – Hans Hofmann, Painter (1880-1966)
Monday, September 16, 2013
Awesomeness... Can't wait! ;o)
Awesomeness... Can't wait! ;o) - (meaning character spin-off movies) where being talked about around Disney & Lucasfilm, now Disney CEO Bob Iger is confirming that Han Solo & Boba Fett spin-offs are already in the works.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Here's some more Awesomeness from my friends over at National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA: Enjoy! ;)
Here's some more Awesomeness from my friends over at National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA: Enjoy! ;) - Space as Art: Spacesuit X-rays! The Suited for Space Exhibit at the U.S. National Air and Space Museum is on show until December 1st, 2013. Credit:…
I though I'd share this article from Popular Science on 'Animal Intelligence' for my friends who favor non-humans...(Hehe). It's a glimpse into that lesser-known but very fascinating world about which we know next to nothing, in regard to what there probably is to know (no doubt in my mind). Maybe you'll gain some insight about them you never had before. Have a look! :)
I though I'd share this article from Popular Science on 'Animal Intelligence' for my friends who favor non-humans...(Hehe). It's a glimpse into that lesser-known but very fascinating world about which we know next to nothing, in regard to what there probably is to know (no doubt in my mind). Maybe you'll gain some insight about them you never had before. Have a look! :) - There are lots of different kinds of animal intelligence, and actually a lot of debate about what "intelligence" even means. According to The Smartest
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