"When citizens collectively entertain [political] hope, this expresses a shared understanding that each member of society deserves to be included in an ambitious project of justice, even if we disagree about what that project should be. This knowledge can contribute to self-respect and is thus a desirable social good in its own right. In the absence of consensus, political hope is a necessary part of social justice itself." ______________________________ My two cents: There will always be people on the privileged end of justice and those who are denied justice - at least, in the current model of 'justice' we exercise today (which is nothing of the sort). It is extremely foolish for people to believe that, since they are the 'privileged recipients' of justice now...that they will remain so well into the future. They will not. Just look at the current state of the Republican Party, now that many who support them (and the politicians in charge) are becoming vastly outnumbered and - given their desperation to cling to 'privilege' - (many) have resorted to unethical, uncivil, illegal, immoral actions and ideals. It should be clear to anyone with a keen sense of the future that this is not going to last, nor will it turn out well for them - or anyone. It is a foolish gamble and a desperate attempt to sacrifice other human beings for the benefit of those who, clearly, would resort to any means to remain privileged. It is a wholesale sacrifice of self-respect. This is not the way to live among a planet full of people where the majority of those people are underprivileged and denied justice. The proper way to exercise politics is not through pitting one side of these groups against the other through the manipulation of healthcare, education, finance, employment, etc. The proper way to exercise politics is to find a way to unite these two groups and provide for them all equally. If the current methods are not working - as they have continually failed to do under both Republican as well as Democratic control - then the correct solution is not going to be found by either of these two ideologies (whether held by the politicians fighting for them or the citizens that make up the electorate...and vote for them). We are way beyond schedule to begin thinking outside the box - and the last time we did that (which resulted in Trump), we failed. That is largely because we did not consider the most important thing(s) while looking for a solution: Ethics, education, employment, health, legality, morality, unity...(to begin with) If the ideas in one's mind don't serve ALL people on Earth with regard to these vitally important things, that person will never be able to feel comfortable in a world where all people are treated fairly, have access to the same opportunity and are well-prepared to live (without fear and injustice) their lives being productive, successful members of this planet...no matter how much privilege they may have (or THINK they have). And, in my humble opinion, those people (not the ones suffering injustice) do not belong on this planet. Les us start making progress. Help us (the human race) begin to formulate a plan that leaves nobody behind. The only reason it is not possible now is because we have been beating the same dead horse for centuries...an educational system that was built for indoctrination, a financial system that was built to funnel wealth to a small group of people, an employment strategy that represses many people so the few at the top have people in their companies to count the beans, etc. There is no future in that...and, if you won't do it for yourself...do it for your children - their children - their children's children. Do it for the sake of allowing this incredible group to which you belong, the human race, to continue its existence - and be everything it is capable of being...instead of a depressing train wreck on its way to extinction. The choice is yours - every one of you. ;) - The rhetoric of hope was everywhere in politics yet now it’s rarely seen or heard. That’s why we need it more than ever