Monday, September 4, 2017

I'm not quite sure what it means when a bunch of (mostly) liberal, progressive, altruistic, freedom-loving, non-power-tripping hippies can host a city in the middle of a hostile environment - for close to 3 decades and with great success - when many conservatives, hedonists, atheists, anarchists and self-interested, self-important, status-glory-power-material-seeking twits can't even manage to keep their own perpetual, long-standing cities (which have had decades to work this stuff out) in order...but, somehow, I don't think it means anything good for those city dwellers or the people they elect to run their cities. Maybe they could learn a few things from the ones who seem to be doing it right... ;)

I'm not quite sure what it means when a bunch of (mostly) liberal, progressive, altruistic, freedom-loving, non-power-tripping hippies can host a city in the middle of a hostile environment - for close to 3 decades and with great success - when many conservatives, hedonists, atheists, anarchists and self-interested, self-important, status-glory-power-material-seeking twits can't even manage to keep their own perpetual, long-standing cities (which have had decades to work this stuff out) in order...but, somehow, I don't think it means anything good for those city dwellers or the people they elect to run their cities. Maybe they could learn a few things from the ones who seem to be doing it right... ;) - And what the temporary Black Rock City settlement has to learn.

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