Friday, September 29, 2017

This one’s a keeper! 😎👍 (Thx for sharing, Alan!)

This one’s a keeper! 😎👍 (Thx for sharing, Alan!) - Ladies and gentlemen, here's another Peanuts music parody. This time they play "La Grange" by ZZ Top! Once again I used Final Cut Pro (AVAILABLE ONLY ON MAC ...

95 Minutes Over Jupiter

95 Minutes Over Jupiter -  

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

- Led Zeppelin's John Bonham died this day in 1980. He was just 32 years old.

It may as well be me narrating this video. I have been saying this for decades and, from what this narrator says about his own life, mine has been parallel...not only aligned in terms of origin but also philosophically and spiritually. Maybe that is why I can identify so well with this amazing message. . This is, perhaps, the most interesting and honest portrayal of the true history of America that I've seen in a long time - as sad and shameful (for those at the top and their enablers - and regardless of their classes) as it is. I suspect that, one day, if the rest of Americans learn to see the truth and wisdom of this History, despite the uncomfortable way it may make many of them is then we will be ready and motivated to make the changes necessary to correct our path towards the future. . That will be a day I certainly hope I am alive to witness...and a future I will be very happy to be a part of... . Please watch this video!

It may as well be me narrating this video. I have been saying this for decades and, from what this narrator says about his own life, mine has been parallel...not only aligned in terms of origin but also philosophically and spiritually. Maybe that is why I can identify so well with this amazing message. . This is, perhaps, the most interesting and honest portrayal of the true history of America that I've seen in a long time - as sad and shameful (for those at the top and their enablers - and regardless of their classes) as it is. I suspect that, one day, if the rest of Americans learn to see the truth and wisdom of this History, despite the uncomfortable way it may make many of them is then we will be ready and motivated to make the changes necessary to correct our path towards the future. . That will be a day I certainly hope I am alive to witness...and a future I will be very happy to be a part of... . Please watch this video! - Our world is not what we think it is. This opened my eyes. Absolutely incredible! Grab your copy of PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE USA audiobook (free): Thank you Matthew Cooke for one of the most powerful videos I've ever seen. Everyone needs to watch this.

Phantom Limb

Phantom Limb -  

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

- I'm not one to 'choose sides' but, as a philosopher, find it very easy (as well as personally rewarding and enlightening) contemplating either side of a debate. I believe this is due to my desire for unity among human beings, intellectual honesty, an open mind, healthy skepticism and huge resources of patience and tolerance. I know these things aren't easy for many people, but they're necessary in order for all of us to exist in a world where we can all pursue happiness and freedom without impinging upon the rights of others to do the same (especially those either not as well-educated or aware as we are of this opportunity). That said: Here's another very good article... This kind of deception is just as intrinsic to the debate about Islam as it is to Politics (yes, even in the US), Economics and Finance, Mainstream Media, the Internet, Creationism vs Intelligent Design, Roe vs Wade or any other debate that's been mismanaged by people who, rather than trying to be intellectually honest, were promoting an agenda. Please don't allow yourself to be brainwashed by idiots with agendas just because you lack the actual first-hand knowledge of the issue at hand, yourself. Misinformation is nearly always more personally dangerous than a lack of knowledge.

- Oh yeah! These researchers come right out of the province I've lived in for the past 8 years... And lemme' tell ya'...I've been hitting up the garlic quite intensely for quite awhile now! Vampires wouldn't come within 5km of me, hehe. :P Check it out:

Soaring Over Jupiter

Soaring Over Jupiter -  

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017

Long Way From Home

Long Way From Home -  

This could change the world in many substantial ways... :O There is still a long road ahead, but it is a road that will widen and branch off in myriad directions. This is what happens when science puts its mind on the right things and avoids the pursuit of capitalism, though, capitalism will - no doubt - be a formidable future enemy. Those in the food, energy and other industries will not be happy to compete with these future developments! | (And I say #%*$ them! - Pardon my French!)

This could change the world in many substantial ways... :O There is still a long road ahead, but it is a road that will widen and branch off in myriad directions. This is what happens when science puts its mind on the right things and avoids the pursuit of capitalism, though, capitalism will - no doubt - be a formidable future enemy. Those in the food, energy and other industries will not be happy to compete with these future developments! | (And I say #%*$ them! - Pardon my French!) - 'Food' has been created from carbon dioxide and electricity, according to a team of scientists. The meal of single-cell protein may not revolutionise cuisine but it could open a way for a new type of food in the future. The Food From Electricity study, funded by the Academy of Finland, was set up wi...

Here’s an incredibly pertinent and accurate article written by the former United Nations General Secretary, Kofi Annan. It’s definitely worth reading for those who wish to avoid populist political traps and brainless ‘politicians’. 😎👍

Here’s an incredibly pertinent and accurate article written by the former United Nations General Secretary, Kofi Annan. It’s definitely worth reading for those who wish to avoid populist political traps and brainless ‘politicians’. 😎👍 - This article is adapted from a speech originally made by Kofi Annan at the 2017 Athens Democracy Forum on 13 September 2017. I have been a tireless

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Looking to promote a business or activity? 😎 If you’re trying to build your brand, this may help you!

Looking to promote a business or activity? 😎 If you’re trying to build your brand, this may help you! - Tempesta Media has developed revolutionary technology which measures and monetizes your brand value. Join over 17,000 writers and influencers currently using Article Document to get paid.

- Amazon have added a bunch of Carlin specials to their Prime collection. You can get a FREE 30 day trial just by signing up here ==> Remember to share this video and like our page for more.

"These are our new little baby (Zebra) finches. There's one runt, one giant and two medium-sized finches. We can't wait 'til they start fluttering around with their Mom & Dad!"

"These are our new little baby (Zebra) finches. There's one runt, one giant and two medium-sized finches. We can't wait 'til they start fluttering around with their Mom & Dad!" -


Saturday, September 16, 2017

- The original Black Panther Party fought for ALL oppressed people, of ALL skin colors, and was trying to UNITE the common people from all walks of life against the elite... Follow >>> A New Kind Of Human

- Very good advice! Don't let them get to you... After all, anger is a choice that those who have no self-control suffer from and it only encourages the subhumans.

- What's nerdier? Star Wars or Star Trek?

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Don't ya' think it's just a *tiny* bit difficult to believe it's not a cover-up when you look at it the way it was so concisely presented in the following video? I'm never going to believe the official story - that's for certain! ;)

Don't ya' think it's just a *tiny* bit difficult to believe it's not a cover-up when you look at it the way it was so concisely presented in the following video? I'm never going to believe the official story - that's for certain! ;) - Follow >>> A New Kind Of Human Video Credit: Transcript/Sources for video: For those interested in watching a documentary based on facts, rather than theories, please watch the following; For a comprehensive list of family members, survivors and first responders who claim the government is covering things up, please see this list: For a list of over 2,600 professional architects and engineers who claim there was controlled demolition please see this:

...just don't use it to add 'fake news'! ;)

...just don't use it to add 'fake news'! ;) - Stencil lets you add text to any image from anywhere on the web

Priceless... 🤣

Priceless... 🤣 - “Kids telling Infowars they're fucking idiots is my favorite kind of content”

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Everything that's wrong with our country...

Everything that's wrong with our country... - Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) took apart Trump for being lazy, refusing to learn about policy, or put in the work that is expected of a president by the American people.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

- Here's some useful stuff... ;)

- Here's something to bake your noodle! (My kinda' stuff!) :o)

Prospecting from Orbit

Prospecting from Orbit -  

Expedition 53 Qualification Exams

Expedition 53 Qualification Exams -  

Without question, the most talented, most successful 3-man Progressive Rock band in history...doing one of the best intros of their career:

Without question, the most talented, most successful 3-man Progressive Rock band in history...doing one of the best intros of their career: - RUSH - Best intro EVER!!!!!!!!!!

I don't really know why I like this video so much... Maybe it's because I see elderly people at a nursing home (normally, a trip to Hell) having a good time. Maybe it's because I'm glad to see a band I used to really identify with (one who was highly underappreciated and far more skilled a group of artists than given credit for) still at the top of their game close to 3 decades after their glory any rate, this video rocks! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :P Faith No More "Sunny Side Up" I'll be your leprechaun Shamrock or lucky charm (Whoa, yeah) Tap-dancing all alone (It's ok) Dip into the sugar bowl (Whoa, yeah) Sunny Side up [x2] Such a lovely way to start the day Sunny Side up [x2] Not the only way to fry an egg Sunny Side up [x2] I am just a grain of sand on your beach With all of my heart All of my Heart A drop of rain through your hands Rainbows will bend for me Curvy Honey bees will sting for me Stingin', stingin' Sunny Side up [x2] Such a lovely way to start the day Sunny Side up [x2] Dance the night away like Fred Astaire Come on ride my wave Ride it all the way (Sunny side up) 'Til the ocean ends (Sunny side up) I'll see you there (Sunny side up)

I don't really know why I like this video so much... Maybe it's because I see elderly people at a nursing home (normally, a trip to Hell) having a good time. Maybe it's because I'm glad to see a band I used to really identify with (one who was highly underappreciated and far more skilled a group of artists than given credit for) still at the top of their game close to 3 decades after their glory any rate, this video rocks! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :P Faith No More "Sunny Side Up" I'll be your leprechaun Shamrock or lucky charm (Whoa, yeah) Tap-dancing all alone (It's ok) Dip into the sugar bowl (Whoa, yeah) Sunny Side up [x2] Such a lovely way to start the day Sunny Side up [x2] Not the only way to fry an egg Sunny Side up [x2] I am just a grain of sand on your beach With all of my heart All of my Heart A drop of rain through your hands Rainbows will bend for me Curvy Honey bees will sting for me Stingin', stingin' Sunny Side up [x2] Such a lovely way to start the day Sunny Side up [x2] Dance the night away like Fred Astaire Come on ride my wave Ride it all the way (Sunny side up) 'Til the ocean ends (Sunny side up) I'll see you there (Sunny side up) - Faith No More "Sunny Side Up" Directed by: Joe Lynch from the album, Sol Invictus (Reclamation Recordings/Ipecac Recordings) Pick it up at your favorite retailer, digital outlet or the band's webstore iTunes: CD: LP: FNM Webstore US: FNM Webstore EU: Video Credits Directed by: Joe Lynch Produced by: Sarah Elbert Executive Producer: Sam Balcomb Production Company: Rainfall Films Cinematography by: Will Barratt Cast “Mike Patton” - Richard Johnson “Billy Gould” - Robert Axelrod "Jon Hudson” - Bruce Nehlsen “Mike Bordin” - Buddy Daniels “Roddy Bottom” - Roger Browne Album Credits Produced & Engineered by Bill Gould at Estudios Koolarrow Vocals Recorded by Mike Patton at Vulcan Studios Mixed by Matt Wallace/Bill Gould at Studio Delux Mastered by Maor Appelbaum at Maor Appelbaum Mastering - California - U.S.A

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I've been waiting a long time for someone else to write this article. There is profound truth here...and it is a damned shame.

I've been waiting a long time for someone else to write this article. There is profound truth here...and it is a damned shame. - (And why we need it back.)

An article well worth reading! ;)

An article well worth reading! ;) - Amid an opiate crisis, some are looking for a drug-free answer to pain.

So tragic...that these idiots - many of whom I would GLADLY trade for the benefactors of DACA - can just strip away what was already confirmed, destroying the lives of many people who have been here working hard, studying and keeping out of trouble since its inception. There is something very wrong with that... . I say we build a wall and throw these ass-hats who are rescinding DACA over it, banning them for eternity from enjoying US citizenship. They are of no benefit to this country and all they do is make things worse for everyone here. Let Trump go try to run his business in Mexico. I'm sure he'll have about as much success there as he has had here pretending to be President. ;)

So tragic...that these idiots - many of whom I would GLADLY trade for the benefactors of DACA - can just strip away what was already confirmed, destroying the lives of many people who have been here working hard, studying and keeping out of trouble since its inception. There is something very wrong with that... . I say we build a wall and throw these ass-hats who are rescinding DACA over it, banning them for eternity from enjoying US citizenship. They are of no benefit to this country and all they do is make things worse for everyone here. Let Trump go try to run his business in Mexico. I'm sure he'll have about as much success there as he has had here pretending to be President. ;) - In their own words, #DACA recipients respond to the repeal President Trump's administration announced Tuesday.

Awesome stuff!

Awesome stuff! - The GE Brief newsletter offers the latest in groundbreaking tech and science.

Voyager 1 Launches Aboard Titan III/Centaur

Voyager 1 Launches Aboard Titan III/Centaur -