- I'm not one to 'choose sides' but, as a philosopher, find it very easy (as well as personally rewarding and enlightening) contemplating either side of a debate. I believe this is due to my desire for unity among human beings, intellectual honesty, an open mind, healthy skepticism and huge resources of patience and tolerance. I know these things aren't easy for many people, but they're necessary in order for all of us to exist in a world where we can all pursue happiness and freedom without impinging upon the rights of others to do the same (especially those either not as well-educated or aware as we are of this opportunity). That said: Here's another very good article... This kind of deception is just as intrinsic to the debate about Islam as it is to Politics (yes, even in the US), Economics and Finance, Mainstream Media, the Internet, Creationism vs Intelligent Design, Roe vs Wade or any other debate that's been mismanaged by people who, rather than trying to be intellectually honest, were promoting an agenda. Please don't allow yourself to be brainwashed by idiots with agendas just because you lack the actual first-hand knowledge of the issue at hand, yourself. Misinformation is nearly always more personally dangerous than a lack of knowledge.