Sunday, October 16, 2016

It's truly fascinating to view these photos! I hope I have the chance to look at them all, in time... If anyone has any doubt we actually went to the moon, I encourage them to state their claims - and I'll happily let them know why they are in error. I will even explain why we haven't been back since then. It is a simple matter of science to those in the know and, usually, little more than conspiracy theory, cynicism and negativity to those who aren't. Take a look at these photos and you'll be viewing some incredible history... (y)

It's truly fascinating to view these photos! I hope I have the chance to look at them all, in time... If anyone has any doubt we actually went to the moon, I encourage them to state their claims - and I'll happily let them know why they are in error. I will even explain why we haven't been back since then. It is a simple matter of science to those in the know and, usually, little more than conspiracy theory, cynicism and negativity to those who aren't. Take a look at these photos and you'll be viewing some incredible history... (y) - ‘The Space Race’ was a defining factor in the ‘Cold War’. The Soviets beat the US 2 times; first with their orbiting satellite “Sputnik” and second with the first human who ever went in space, Yuri Gagarin. However, the race wasn’t over yet. The moon was the ‘finish line’ that determined who won. Th...

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