Thursday, May 26, 2016

I suppose it's never a bad time to keep reminding the 'conservatives' how useless it is to call Veterans 'Heroes' upon their return from service. The honor of having served poor political policy through funding the Military Industrial Complex by way of our tax dollars and countless fallen soldiers is, actually, not much of an honor. If we do actually come back (and while facing a lifetime of disability and suffering), it really doesn't mean very much. In fact, if you want to know what might matter a lot more, you might try better policy, peaceful diplomacy and finding other ways to make money than necessitating the deaths of your own countrymen and of citizens the world over in the pursuit of highly unethical capitalism. #WeThePeople #FeelTheBern #Vets4Bernie #Sanders2016 #BernOrBurn

I suppose it's never a bad time to keep reminding the 'conservatives' how useless it is to call Veterans 'Heroes' upon their return from service. The honor of having served poor political policy through funding the Military Industrial Complex by way of our tax dollars and countless fallen soldiers is, actually, not much of an honor. If we do actually come back (and while facing a lifetime of disability and suffering), it really doesn't mean very much. In fact, if you want to know what might matter a lot more, you might try better policy, peaceful diplomacy and finding other ways to make money than necessitating the deaths of your own countrymen and of citizens the world over in the pursuit of highly unethical capitalism. #WeThePeople #FeelTheBern #Vets4Bernie #Sanders2016 #BernOrBurn - On Memorial Day, a peacetime soldier explains why ‘hero’ isn't a true description of service members.

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