The beginning was this a no empathy in the workplace...the result is what we have now - companies who care little or nothing about their employees. In between were many missed opportunities, especially at the Human Resources level. This is something I witnessed very clearly in China, where people are as replaceable as a dead battery in a non-functioning device. There is no interest whatsoever in whether the employee is passionate about their role or not. They may as well be replaced by a robot (something that isn't at all far fetched). When Steve Jobs said "Love what you do - Do what you love"...he was hailed by many, however, this is the reason that idea falls flat. - In December of last year, I clicked on an article from Fast Company about the most empathetic companies in the world. In fact, that was the title: “These Are The Most Empathetic Companies In The World.” I remember skimming the piece made me want to launch my computer into the sun, especially after I
Monday, February 29, 2016
The beginning was this a no empathy in the workplace...the result is what we have now - companies who care little or nothing about their employees. In between were many missed opportunities, especially at the Human Resources level. This is something I witnessed very clearly in China, where people are as replaceable as a dead battery in a non-functioning device. There is no interest whatsoever in whether the employee is passionate about their role or not. They may as well be replaced by a robot (something that isn't at all far fetched). When Steve Jobs said "Love what you do - Do what you love"...he was hailed by many, however, this is the reason that idea falls flat.
Awesome... ^_^ (y)
Awesome... ^_^ (y) - A Mia Doi Todd music video for "My Room is White" from the album Manzanita. Directed by Shafei & Levitz.
Once again, the tragic and ever-continuing truth that people still don't seem to understand and, if they do, are doing absolutely nothing about...doesn't make sense in a world so full of people continually claiming to be intelligent.
Once again, the tragic and ever-continuing truth that people still don't seem to understand and, if they do, are doing absolutely nothing about...doesn't make sense in a world so full of people continually claiming to be intelligent. - | Join UKIP: • European Parliament, Strasbourg, 21 May 2013 • Speaker: Godfre...
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Here is a hilarious way to learn the truth about 'The American Dream'... :P (y)
Here is a hilarious way to learn the truth about 'The American Dream'... :P (y) - We're doomed. pass it on
😜 😝 😂 😭 (Thanks, Michele Rousseau Dahl!) (y)
😜 😝 😂 😭 (Thanks, Michele Rousseau Dahl!) (y) - Scientists have discovered a powerful new strain of fact-resistant humans who are threatening the ability of Earth to sustain life, a sobering new s
#FeelingTheBern in Dallas, Texas...Major turnout today! For those of you who voted early or are planning to vote Tuesday for have my deep respect. As Bernie says, this is about a radical idea - Telling the truth! The truth is not pretty, but it is the only thing that's going to save this nation. Take the time to watch this before Tuesday - and go vote! You have great power...but only if you exercise it. Make sure you do so on Tuesday. It's your last chance to make sure you aren't shooting yourself in the foot.
#FeelingTheBern in Dallas, Texas...Major turnout today! For those of you who voted early or are planning to vote Tuesday for have my deep respect. As Bernie says, this is about a radical idea - Telling the truth! The truth is not pretty, but it is the only thing that's going to save this nation. Take the time to watch this before Tuesday - and go vote! You have great power...but only if you exercise it. Make sure you do so on Tuesday. It's your last chance to make sure you aren't shooting yourself in the foot. - GRAND PRAIRIE - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders holds a campaign rally at the Verizon Theatre in Grand Prairie ahead of Tuesday's Texas prim...
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Truly one of the most creative and amazing things I've seen in a long time. No telling how difficult it was to do this. Not only did many frames have to rendered from single portraits, but the emotion and context had to be portrayed accurately or, in cases where it was unknown, substituted with something appropriate. I can't wait to see the rest! (y) If you appreciate Art, please leave a comment with your thoughts...
Truly one of the most creative and amazing things I've seen in a long time. No telling how difficult it was to do this. Not only did many frames have to rendered from single portraits, but the emotion and context had to be portrayed accurately or, in cases where it was unknown, substituted with something appropriate. I can't wait to see the rest! (y) If you appreciate Art, please leave a comment with your thoughts... - Trailer from the upcoming film "Loving Vincent" by Breakthru Films. Obtained from the official website: 12 oil paintings per s...
I just watched this movie and, while I have a knack for figuring out a movie well before it ends, I had no idea what was coming at the end of this one. I have to say Christopher Plummer never ceases to amaze me as an actor, even after so many years. Martin Landau is very good, as well... You may want to check out this movie!
I just watched this movie and, while I have a knack for figuring out a movie well before it ends, I had no idea what was coming at the end of this one. I have to say Christopher Plummer never ceases to amaze me as an actor, even after so many years. Martin Landau is very good, as well... You may want to check out this movie! - Directed by Atom Egoyan. With Christopher Plummer, Dean Norris, Martin Landau, Jürgen Prochnow. With the aid of a fellow Auschwitz survivor and a hand-written letter, an elderly man with dementia goes in search of the person responsible for the death of his family.
Take it from an Italian with first-hand knowledge and experience - If you elect a joke, you will pay dearly for it later. No escaping karma! (y)
Take it from an Italian with first-hand knowledge and experience - If you elect a joke, you will pay dearly for it later. No escaping karma! (y) - Unlike what happened in my country, Americans may still have a chance to save themselves. If it's not already too late.
You might enjoy this, baby... ^_^ (y) Liwa Liu-Chapman
You might enjoy this, baby... ^_^ (y) Liwa Liu-Chapman - Underwater artwork is helping rebuild our ocean's coral reefs.
Funny stuff! :P (y)
Funny stuff! :P (y) - a funny cartoon about a good demon who is appealing his sentence of eternity in hell. He's just outside the gates of heaven but still has to deal with a fat ...
Live in Dallas (Grand Prairie), Tx. Today...
Live in Dallas (Grand Prairie), Tx. Today... - Get real-time updates and eyewitness reports on Bernie Sanders from Breaking News, the fastest source of trusted news on the web.
This is one of the most awesome timepiece commercials I've ever seen! I would be ecstatic to sport such fine quality workmanship - and I don't even like wearing timepieces If you want to find me the perfect birthday gift - here it is, but you may have to rob a bank to afford it (L0L)!
This is one of the most awesome timepiece commercials I've ever seen! I would be ecstatic to sport such fine quality workmanship - and I don't even like wearing timepieces If you want to find me the perfect birthday gift - here it is, but you may have to rob a bank to afford it (L0L)! - Ne manquez pas la rencontre entre ces deux créatures sublimes et le monde du luxe de Piaget. Director: Fabrice Rabhi Producer : Frédérique Gyuran Modeling : ...
This is still some of the most awesome work I've seen...and still freaks me out, a bit! (y)
This is still some of the most awesome work I've seen...and still freaks me out, a bit! (y) - Some things, let's face it, are just difficult to respond to. [Did you just see that ?!!?!?] -=:oO (Kinda' cool, though!)
- At The Open Book, in Wigtown, Scotland, you can fulfill your dream of running a bookstore. The unique Airbnb flat costs just 57 USD a night, but it comes with a stipulation: renters also work at the bookshop on the first floor, doing everything that a regular bookshop owner might do in a regular, 40…
Friday, February 26, 2016
Here's a question I bet a lot of people are wondering...unless, of course, they already know the answer first-hand (let's hope not)! ;) (y)
Here's a question I bet a lot of people are wondering...unless, of course, they already know the answer first-hand (let's hope not)! ;) (y) - Answer (1 of 30): I feel exceptionally qualified to answer this question, having been on both ends of this issue. I rear-ended a citizen's vehicle with my patrol car around 1980. I had been assisting another officer in the field when his flashlight went dead. I had a spare in my locker at the p...
More brain food... ;) (y)
More brain food... ;) (y) - In December of last year, I clicked on an article from Fast Company about the most empathetic companies in the world. In…
Pretty awesome article! (y)
Pretty awesome article! (y) - To detect some of the biggest mysteries, you need some of most colossal facilities on Earth.
No wonder it seems like he is talking all the time! :P (y)
No wonder it seems like he is talking all the time! :P (y) - A Photoshop made during last night's GOPDebate explores the candidate's mysterious lip-eyes connection.
Educate yourself... (y)
Educate yourself... (y) - Socialism, turns out the dirtiest word in U.S. politics is as American as apple pie. From the U.S. labor movement to the New Deal to corporate subsidies, Ame...
I remember this day, standing in the lobby at JSC, Bldg. 1, watching the Challenger explode live on TV (I was the Media Services Tech for the then-Director, George Abbey, on the top floor). Never before (or since) have I seen so many engineers and employees moved to tears and utter silence. It was a sobering moment which had had a permanent impact. It was also a blessing - a moment that imposed upon me the importance of integrity. For one man, however, it was far worse... This story always disturbed me. Imagine how you would feel thinking you were 'the guy' who was responsible - even if you weren't (it was contractors who rushed the launch) - and had to live with the guilt of this for 3 decades. Well, I'm relieved to know that this story will end up a lot happier. I'm glad you found some peace, Bob Ebeling. ^_^ (y)
I remember this day, standing in the lobby at JSC, Bldg. 1, watching the Challenger explode live on TV (I was the Media Services Tech for the then-Director, George Abbey, on the top floor). Never before (or since) have I seen so many engineers and employees moved to tears and utter silence. It was a sobering moment which had had a permanent impact. It was also a blessing - a moment that imposed upon me the importance of integrity. For one man, however, it was far worse... This story always disturbed me. Imagine how you would feel thinking you were 'the guy' who was responsible - even if you weren't (it was contractors who rushed the launch) - and had to live with the guilt of this for 3 decades. Well, I'm relieved to know that this story will end up a lot happier. I'm glad you found some peace, Bob Ebeling. ^_^ (y) - "Thirty years of guilt is long enough."
It was a joke then and would certainly be no different now! (y)
It was a joke then and would certainly be no different now! (y) - The Simpsons predicted a Donald J. Trump presidency twenty years ago... it's no longer just a far-fetched joke.
Too funny not to share... (ROFLMAO)!
Too funny not to share... (ROFLMAO)! - Found this today. Stared at it for three hours. Took a five minute break. Went back to staring.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Now you can tell me how you REALLY feel! 😜
Now you can tell me how you REALLY feel! 😜 - Your Facebook newsfeed is about to get a whole lot more meaningful. After nearly a year of testing in various markets around the globe, Facebook has now released their new, supercharged ‘like’ button. For the first time, Facebook users globally can now react to status with more than just a thumbs up…
One of the best investments of your time would be reading (and applying) this article...if you want to be happy! 😊👍
One of the best investments of your time would be reading (and applying) this article...if you want to be happy! 😊👍 - According to the latest science, you can learn to be happy, just like you can learn to play an instrument.We generally think of happiness either as a matter of chance or circumstance. Some people are born with happy brains -- they just naturally seem to see everything in a cheerful light. Others are
I couldn't agree more! ✈️
I couldn't agree more! ✈️ - “When I grow up I want to be a Koala,” said my four year old, standing in a eucalyptus forest just outside Sydney, Australia. “Why?” “Because they eat leaves and I want
Need a good laugh?
Need a good laugh? - One of the more successful pranks we pulled off in our workplace... via Explosive Grief. via When you buy a 1TB Hard Disk from China but it's only 32GB. via(...)
This sounds like a step in the right direction - evolution, rather than back to the caves...with the 'trolls'. ;) (y)
This sounds like a step in the right direction - evolution, rather than back to the caves...with the 'trolls'. ;) (y) - It was a book on the curious decline of the murder rate that gave Aja Bogdanoff her idea.Her job back then stopped short of actual bloodshed, but it left her no stranger to the dark side of human nature. A software engineer who built and moderated online comment platforms, Bogdanoff spent her days w…
This is why the safest path is being your own worst critic (rather than your own personal cheerleader)! ;) (y)
This is why the safest path is being your own worst critic (rather than your own personal cheerleader)! ;) (y) - We’re all prone to epic blunders from time to time, and knowing why they tend to happen can help you avoid them in the future. A study published in the journal Intelligence breaks down what we consider or dumbest mistakes into three categories.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Monday, February 22, 2016
This is awesomeness... ^_^ (y)
This is awesomeness... ^_^ (y) - You not gonna see this video even in your dreams..
Ok, I took the bait, Jon de la Luz! Here are my results. They are what I expected, to be honest, since I've always made it a point to seek balance in all things. Not such a surprise, is it? :P
Ok, I took the bait, Jon de la Luz! Here are my results. They are what I expected, to be honest, since I've always made it a point to seek balance in all things. Not such a surprise, is it? :P - Answer these 31 questions prepared by psychologists to see if you are more left brain oriented or right brain oriented. The test is free and no need to register!
Here's a nice, on-point article by a very well-educated former NBA veteran!
Here's a nice, on-point article by a very well-educated former NBA veteran! - Yes, it sometimes sounds silly. But we need more sensitivity, not less.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Ah, now that Einstein's theory has been unlocked with the discovery of gravitational waves, we know he could pimp-slap Darth Vader if he wanted...(L0L)! ;) (y) Thx for sharing, Jon de la Luz!

Ah, now that Einstein's theory has been unlocked with the discovery of gravitational waves, we know he could pimp-slap Darth Vader if he wanted...(L0L)! ;) (y) Thx for sharing, Jon de la Luz! -
Breathtaking! ^_^
Breathtaking! ^_^ - Υπάρχουν μέρη στον κόσμο μας, μαγικές λίμνες, εντυπωσιακά κάστρα, σπηλιές και απίστευτα τοπία, που θυμίζουν σκηνικό παραμυθιού.
More awesomeness! (y)
More awesomeness! (y) - A note about the following sketches / dédicaces : the drawings are from very various sources : sketches in festivals & conventions, gifts to friends or fellow artists, paid & free drawings, etc … so if ever you meet KJG and he’s doing a sketch for you, please remember it might note be a 5 characters…
I try to mix the serious stuff with humor, so it's a little easier to choke down...and I think both are equally important so people don't lose their appetite for either. Having said that (and after, I hope, people have read the previous, very well written post), I offer this... Winter is Trumping! :P (y)
I try to mix the serious stuff with humor, so it's a little easier to choke down...and I think both are equally important so people don't lose their appetite for either. Having said that (and after, I hope, people have read the previous, very well written post), I offer this... Winter is Trumping! :P (y) - Armed with a Valyrian steel sword named Deal-Maker, Donald Trump embarks on a quest through Westeros to take care its border policies.
Perfect! ^_^ (y) (Never forget the 'hockey tickets'!)
Perfect! ^_^ (y) (Never forget the 'hockey tickets'!) - Excellent!!!
Very cool stuff... (y)
Very cool stuff... (y) - Scientists from Queen's University have developed the prototype of what we believe to be the world's first bendable smartphone, named ReFlex. The idea of a
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