I would call this a 'must watch' video... This is an odd pairing, for certain, and even Russell Brand appeared to think so, initially. Maybe that was intentional or maybe it was the ego he humbly admitted he has difficulty with (I love honest people). As it turned out, Eve Ensler ('The Vagina Monologues') and Brand got along much better than suspected - maybe, even by him. It is proof positive what can happen through the practice of kindness and respect...two things they both promote. It was also, at times, very funny...but the discussion was profound. I have to say that I agree with nearly all that was spoken (the serious stuff), including the bit about God which, as many of my friends know, I don't subscribe to (with regard to formalized or fundamentalist religion), but certainly agree with and believe (in God) as a higher force or consciousness. In addition, there were perspectives offered that could help people understand which direction they can move in and why the current directions, for many, aren't working. I think it would be extremely beneficial for everyone (capable of understanding this discussion) to watch this, if they are honestly interested in reaching or fostering the continued evolution of man (and woman). And, as usual, I'd really like to hear some comments below...as long as the people commenting can be productive or, at least, non-offensively funny. This is the direction of the future - there is no other alternative...except extinction. #RussellBrand #EveEnsler #God #Consciousness #Transcendence - http://bit.ly/1kf4NpD We are facing a unique crisis as our renewed vigor for attaining enlightenment clashes with our materialist based economy and fear-base...