Sunday, September 30, 2018

Our next Supreme Court Justice?

Our next Supreme Court Justice? - I cried more than when I watched Titanic 😭 (Drunkest Guy Ever Tries To Buy More Beer)

So...let's see if white, Republican men can be as smart as black Ugandan men. At the moment, I'm not really seeing it... 🤨

So...let's see if white, Republican men can be as smart as black Ugandan men. At the moment, I'm not really seeing it... 🤨 - “Meet the male feminists trying to stop violence against women in Uganda. THIS IS STEPPING UP! THIS IS TAKING ACCOUNTABILITY! He/they are examples of how all men should be. He is a HERO. RETWEET THIS!”

- “What did people in the past think our #future could look like? These were artist's illustrations from the '70s and '90s to help visualize various exploration concepts, like this giant donut-shaped space station and laser-powered spaceflight! #NASA60th”

Better than catnip! ;)

Better than catnip! ;) -

Thursday, September 27, 2018

- In a post earlier this year, we brought to your attention Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours. Used by artists and naturalists alike, the guide originally relied on written description alone, without any color to be found among its pages.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A somber day in the history of Rock & Roll... 😕

A somber day in the history of Rock & Roll... 😕 - Led Zeppelin's John Bonham died this day in 1980. He was just 32 years old.

It may as well be me narrating this video. I have been saying this for decades and, from what this narrator says about his own life, mine has been parallel...not only aligned in terms of origin but also philosophically and spiritually. Maybe that is why I can identify so well with this amazing message. . This is, perhaps, the most interesting and honest portrayal of the true history of America that I've seen in a long time - as sad and shameful (for those at the top and their enablers - and regardless of their classes) as it is. I suspect that, one day, if the rest of Americans learn to see the truth and wisdom of this History, despite the uncomfortable way it may make many of them is then we will be ready and motivated to make the changes necessary to correct our path towards the future. . That will be a day I certainly hope I am alive to witness...and a future I will be very happy to be a part of... . Watch this video!

It may as well be me narrating this video. I have been saying this for decades and, from what this narrator says about his own life, mine has been parallel...not only aligned in terms of origin but also philosophically and spiritually. Maybe that is why I can identify so well with this amazing message. . This is, perhaps, the most interesting and honest portrayal of the true history of America that I've seen in a long time - as sad and shameful (for those at the top and their enablers - and regardless of their classes) as it is. I suspect that, one day, if the rest of Americans learn to see the truth and wisdom of this History, despite the uncomfortable way it may make many of them is then we will be ready and motivated to make the changes necessary to correct our path towards the future. . That will be a day I certainly hope I am alive to witness...and a future I will be very happy to be a part of... . Watch this video! - Our world is not what we think it is. This opened my eyes. Absolutely incredible! Grab your copy of PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE USA audiobook (free): Thank you Matthew Cooke for one of the most powerful videos I've ever seen. Everyone needs to watch this.

A life’s dream - achieved! 😊

A life’s dream - achieved! 😊 - Yngwie Malmsteen - Far Beyond The Sun (Live with Japanese Philharmonic Orchestra)

Welcome to your future...the only difference between nations is the way in which it will be implemented.

Welcome to your future...the only difference between nations is the way in which it will be implemented. - The world’s first digital dictatorship: China's Social Credit System is already impacting millions 🇨🇳

Tragic, but true...

Tragic, but true... - Today slavery is less about people owning other people, instead, it is about exploiting and controlling them

Monday, September 24, 2018


Truth... - "Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong." - Leo Buscaglia quotes from

I try to avoid partisan politics and tend to go towards an objective review of the issues and how well they represent all people within the scope of contemporary society (I am not that conservative and have no desire to live in the past, an era with its share of tragic mistakes...some of which are still playing out). I also tend to consider the 'atmosphere' and character surrounding the candidates (largely why I would not have voted for either Clinton or Trump in 1986) and the character of the candidates, rather than their histories since, let's face it - if we were all judged for the things we have done in the past, we'd all be in trouble. The litmus test is whether or not that behavior/character continues. We should all have a chance to troubleshoot our lives. It's the ones who continue to perpetuate trouble that we should be cautious of. Having said that, I saw this article and, knowing what I know about the candidates, I have to say I would much rather support someone like Beto O'Rourke who has had a controversial past but has overcome it and genuinely wants to make things better for everyone...than to support Ted Cruz, a person who is constantly involved in bad decisions, groveling, political scandal and showboating in an effort to make things better for, mostly, himself. He never has anything nice to say about anyone (except for those who probably don't deserve it - if it suits his purpose...a 'true to form' politician).I don't even want to know what he did after the debate, to be honest. I prefer this guy, hands down. I suppose we will each have to be our own judges:

I try to avoid partisan politics and tend to go towards an objective review of the issues and how well they represent all people within the scope of contemporary society (I am not that conservative and have no desire to live in the past, an era with its share of tragic mistakes...some of which are still playing out). I also tend to consider the 'atmosphere' and character surrounding the candidates (largely why I would not have voted for either Clinton or Trump in 1986) and the character of the candidates, rather than their histories since, let's face it - if we were all judged for the things we have done in the past, we'd all be in trouble. The litmus test is whether or not that behavior/character continues. We should all have a chance to troubleshoot our lives. It's the ones who continue to perpetuate trouble that we should be cautious of. Having said that, I saw this article and, knowing what I know about the candidates, I have to say I would much rather support someone like Beto O'Rourke who has had a controversial past but has overcome it and genuinely wants to make things better for everyone...than to support Ted Cruz, a person who is constantly involved in bad decisions, groveling, political scandal and showboating in an effort to make things better for, mostly, himself. He never has anything nice to say about anyone (except for those who probably don't deserve it - if it suits his purpose...a 'true to form' politician).I don't even want to know what he did after the debate, to be honest. I prefer this guy, hands down. I suppose we will each have to be our own judges: - The Texas Democratic Senate candidate keeps playing to his strength -- likeability (especially compared to his foe).


😉 - Situational anxiety and depression happen. Five natural ways to feel better.

"If what is being said and/or done is both inappropriate and threatening, it goes beyond moral limits. An insult, for example, is inappropriate: it’s speech that it is reasonable to expect not to occur. A threat is anything that puts the well-being of at least one other person into question or at stake (a person cannot threaten themselves). If and only if both conditions are met, the thing being said or done has exceeded moral limits to free speech or action. The classic example for the combination is shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theatre. If we assume that there is no fire, a person shouting “Fire!” is acting in an inappropriate way; they are doing something out of place. By itself this isn’t a sufficient condition for exceeding free speech limits; but if the individual shouts it in a way that causes the audience to panic, they put the safety of others at stake. Then they have acted in a way that is both inappropriate and threatening, so their action exceeds the proper limits of free speech. There are situations in which either inappropriate behaviour might not put peoples’ well-being into jeopardy, or where threats are entirely appropriate. An example of the former is when someone refuses to take their shoes off when entering a building despite having been asked to do so; an instance of the latter might be when boxers at a weigh-in brag to each other what they’re going to do to each other during the fight. The former doesn’t cause recognisable harm, while the latter is not inappropriate (there may always be extra factors that complicate these claims). Where political action is concerned, it is always possible that the ‘inappropriateness’ or ‘threat’ might only be perceived by a dominant power that is itself oppressing free speech. Therefore another qualification here is that it must always be shown that the ‘moral limits’ being tested are genuinely helpful to the self-determination of the people in general. Thus an act might be both threatening and otherwise inappropriate, but it might also be intended to undermine a repressive power, in which case it does not exceed moral limits to free speech/action, precisely because it acts against a political system which prevents speech and action from being freely exercised." - Alastair Robert Gray

"If what is being said and/or done is both inappropriate and threatening, it goes beyond moral limits. An insult, for example, is inappropriate: it’s speech that it is reasonable to expect not to occur. A threat is anything that puts the well-being of at least one other person into question or at stake (a person cannot threaten themselves). If and only if both conditions are met, the thing being said or done has exceeded moral limits to free speech or action. The classic example for the combination is shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theatre. If we assume that there is no fire, a person shouting “Fire!” is acting in an inappropriate way; they are doing something out of place. By itself this isn’t a sufficient condition for exceeding free speech limits; but if the individual shouts it in a way that causes the audience to panic, they put the safety of others at stake. Then they have acted in a way that is both inappropriate and threatening, so their action exceeds the proper limits of free speech. There are situations in which either inappropriate behaviour might not put peoples’ well-being into jeopardy, or where threats are entirely appropriate. An example of the former is when someone refuses to take their shoes off when entering a building despite having been asked to do so; an instance of the latter might be when boxers at a weigh-in brag to each other what they’re going to do to each other during the fight. The former doesn’t cause recognisable harm, while the latter is not inappropriate (there may always be extra factors that complicate these claims). Where political action is concerned, it is always possible that the ‘inappropriateness’ or ‘threat’ might only be perceived by a dominant power that is itself oppressing free speech. Therefore another qualification here is that it must always be shown that the ‘moral limits’ being tested are genuinely helpful to the self-determination of the people in general. Thus an act might be both threatening and otherwise inappropriate, but it might also be intended to undermine a repressive power, in which case it does not exceed moral limits to free speech/action, precisely because it acts against a political system which prevents speech and action from being freely exercised." - Alastair Robert Gray -

“The philosopher must stand outside of society in order to understand the forces that impinge upon us as members of a society, of a community. From inside we do not see: we conform and abide. It is only by going outside that one gets a perspective on what those forces are that demand conformity and abiding.” - Richard Gilmore (Professor of philosophy at Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota)

“The philosopher must stand outside of society in order to understand the forces that impinge upon us as members of a society, of a community. From inside we do not see: we conform and abide. It is only by going outside that one gets a perspective on what those forces are that demand conformity and abiding.” - Richard Gilmore (Professor of philosophy at Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota) - Siobhan Lyons hunts down a philosopher’s essential ingredients.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Just remember that, when the Republican Party says "We are pro-business" - what they really mean is giving tax breaks to businesses while placing the burden on the electorate and, more importantly, "only if business does what we want them to do" (like propagate their BS). If they were truly pro-business, we certainly wouldn't be seeing any of this:

Just remember that, when the Republican Party says "We are pro-business" - what they really mean is giving tax breaks to businesses while placing the burden on the electorate and, more importantly, "only if business does what we want them to do" (like propagate their BS). If they were truly pro-business, we certainly wouldn't be seeing any of this: - Facebook has removed some conservative commentators from its platform after they broke Facebook's rules against "hate speech." But there is no evidence that either Facebook or Google systematically discriminates left or right.

Best to keep an eye on folks who disagree with this assessment... 😉

Best to keep an eye on folks who disagree with this assessment... 😉 - Capitalism is in crisis and needs help. Setting a maximum wage for corporate CEOs would be a good measure

Very interesting... 🧐

Very interesting... 🧐 - Claims that the Universe is designed for humans raise far more troubling questions than they can possibly answer

Friday, September 21, 2018

- Just a little something I thought my friends might get a laugh out of or find interesting. These are some of my favorites... [eMail Repost]: "PARAPROSDOKIAN". "A paraprosdokian (from Greek "παρα-", meaning "beyond" and "προσδοκία", meaning "expectation") is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe or reinterpret the first part." - "Where there's a will, I want to be in it," is a type of paraprosdokian. 1. Don't argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. 2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list. 3. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 4. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong. 5. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public. 6. War doesn't determine who is right - only who is left. 7. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. 8. Evening news is where they begin with 'Good Evening,' and then proceed to tell you why it isn't. 9. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research. 10. A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station. 11. I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted paychecks. 12. Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says, 'In case of emergency, notify:' I put 'DOCTOR.' 13. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you. 14. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy. 15. Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman. 16. A clear conscience is the sign of a fuzzy memory. 17. I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness. 18. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice. 19. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with. 20. There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away. 21. I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure. 22. You're never too old to learn something stupid. 23. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target. 24. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. 25. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. 26. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. 27. A diplomat is someone who tells you to go to Hell in such a way that you look forward to the trip. 28. Hospitality is making your guests feel at home even when you wish they were. 29. I always take life with a grain of salt. Plus a slice of lemon, and a shot of tequila. 30. When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.

I guess this brainless idiot doesn't realize that, if you're going to try and evade US Justice, you have to go somewhere that doesn't mind you being a brainless idiot - Taiwan is not such a place. Besides, he lost his travel documents when he fled from US law. There is no escaping karma - unless you go somewhere that appreciates people who violate gun laws, sexually assault minors and are racist. I suppose it doesn't pay to be racist when you flee to a country where you are a minority and all you do is hate minorities. I wonder how he likes a taste of his own medicine. Even if he did find a country that defends such people - the fear of what they would probably do to him is the reason he chose to go elsewhere. When you do bad things, the only options you have available to you...are bad ones. Justice will be served. Get an education, dude!

I guess this brainless idiot doesn't realize that, if you're going to try and evade US Justice, you have to go somewhere that doesn't mind you being a brainless idiot - Taiwan is not such a place. Besides, he lost his travel documents when he fled from US law. There is no escaping karma - unless you go somewhere that appreciates people who violate gun laws, sexually assault minors and are racist. I suppose it doesn't pay to be racist when you flee to a country where you are a minority and all you do is hate minorities. I wonder how he likes a taste of his own medicine. Even if he did find a country that defends such people - the fear of what they would probably do to him is the reason he chose to go elsewhere. When you do bad things, the only options you have available to you...are bad ones. Justice will be served. Get an education, dude! - He'll likely be deported to the U.S., where he'll face a charge of sexually assaulting a minor.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

I sure miss the creativity and vocal mastery of this guy. In real life, he was a great guy - kind, brilliant, aware and a good husband and father to his kids. I had the pleasure of working with Soundgarden on their reunion tour way back in the 90s (long before they reunified for another one, years later, just before his death). Fortunately, he left a large, diverse body of work to enjoy - and I always will. His was a tragic story that, even though it lasted far longer than many in his initial genre, ended far too soon. Rest in peace, Chris!

I sure miss the creativity and vocal mastery of this guy. In real life, he was a great guy - kind, brilliant, aware and a good husband and father to his kids. I had the pleasure of working with Soundgarden on their reunion tour way back in the 90s (long before they reunified for another one, years later, just before his death). Fortunately, he left a large, diverse body of work to enjoy - and I always will. His was a tragic story that, even though it lasted far longer than many in his initial genre, ended far too soon. Rest in peace, Chris! - While performing at the Santander Arts Center in Reading, Pennsylvania in 2013, the incredibly talented Chris Cornell performed an usual cover of the

It’s not about the color of your skin - don’t believe the hype from underachievers looking to protect their ‘privilege’. It is all about opportunity and is about equal access and motivation. Here is a 4 year old black boy giving a speech from memory while many don’t even have such a vocabulary and/or can’t do so without a script - all while many 4 year olds still need help changing their clothes. We either create the world we want to live in or we repress and fear the one we feel we can’t flourish in and continue to deny our species the right to be all they can be. That is the absolute truth... Some of us are guilty of the repressive, fearful and ignorant behavior while others are (whether justified or not) guilty of allowing that repression to break our stride and fail in anger and/or depression. Meanwhile, those who can take advantage of opportunity and are highly motivated will continue to succeed. There is no such thing as luck - there is only preparedness meeting opportunity. Wise words to remember... ☺️

It’s not about the color of your skin - don’t believe the hype from underachievers looking to protect their ‘privilege’. It is all about opportunity and is about equal access and motivation. Here is a 4 year old black boy giving a speech from memory while many don’t even have such a vocabulary and/or can’t do so without a script - all while many 4 year olds still need help changing their clothes. We either create the world we want to live in or we repress and fear the one we feel we can’t flourish in and continue to deny our species the right to be all they can be. That is the absolute truth... Some of us are guilty of the repressive, fearful and ignorant behavior while others are (whether justified or not) guilty of allowing that repression to break our stride and fail in anger and/or depression. Meanwhile, those who can take advantage of opportunity and are highly motivated will continue to succeed. There is no such thing as luck - there is only preparedness meeting opportunity. Wise words to remember... ☺️ - This brilliant 4-year-old can teach the whole world a thing or two about reading

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Some food for thought...

Some food for thought... - The U.S. only needs to look at its own history to see how it can grow without large taxes and a bloated government.

I bet this is something a lot of Texans didn't know...and were never taught from their history books in school. I guess 'fake news' has a long history in Texas. I can relate to this man, even if I don't appreciate his ultimate decision. It certainly hasn't done much for unity in these 'United' States.

I bet this is something a lot of Texans didn't know...and were never taught from their history books in school. I guess 'fake news' has a long history in Texas. I can relate to this man, even if I don't appreciate his ultimate decision. It certainly hasn't done much for unity in these 'United' States. - Sam Houston was conflicted - he loved Texas, loved America and hated a Confederacy that he feared would lead the nation on a path to destruction.

Here's a very well-written article that serves as both an informative and cautionary tale: So much for all those people who have said that Bush didn't damage the economy (wrong) and that Obama did nothing to fix it (also wrong). It is quite clear here that this is simply not the case. Despite Trump's claim that this economic prosperity is all his doing (as if he can do anything other than hate, lie, Tweet or golf), it's obvious that the national dissatisfaction overall, while not being economically related, is a result of Trump's government (mis)management, constant lies, disregard for the rule of law and the Constitution and the vitriolic, often violent rhetoric he has used which has further driven apart the country and filing to meet his Presidential responsibilities from the day he stepped in office (if that is even an option). The sharp spike during his term is, no doubt, due to the very probable reality that he will soon be forgotten in the annals of history (thank you, Mueller). The only thing that looks good for Republicans is that they are happy with their Party's leadership. This is something of a telling tale (most likely, of cognitive dissonance) while everyone left of them (including Democrats, many Independents and others who have abandoned the Republican Party) are far from happy, likely, because of the crimes being continuously committed and the social and cultural wedges being driven between Americans in an effort to keep the Republican Party in office (a divide and conquer strategy devised to keep the people fighting during economic prosperity so that their 'leaders' can, once again, run off with all the cash) - something you wouldn't expect to see if economics were the only concern of the electorate. It honestly stuns me how so many people (Republican supporters) can be oblivious to the ridiculous, strategically ignorant activity going on around them. I suspect that, if economics is good and these people are unable to realize they are not seeing nearly the return on economic prosperity they should be, yet, it is not as bad as it used to be, then they have nothing better to do but abuse their fellow Americans and display their hatred, rather than taking advantage of the down time to do a much better job of analyzing what is going on around them - unless, of course, they are part of the group that is profiting from all this (and, even still, they are causing suffering all around them, which isn't very intelligent since they still need a place to live while they enjoy their ill-gotten gains and their selfish greed is poisoning their own cities). Good luck going abroad with your 'windfall'. They won't appreciate you over there either, since what you are doing in your own country is having a detrimental global effect. You will become 'Persona non grata'. Well, the wonderful part of all this is that the younger generation, the ones who are going to be ruling in the future, are far less racist, far more unified and much more realistic than the (predominantly white - have you seen Trump's cabinet?) Republican Party is, these days...which is why they Republicans are struggling so much and are very probably going to cease to exist in the future. Meanwhile, everything left of the far right is flourishing. I suppose America just has to be patient for all these selfish and/or bigoted Republicans to either die or 'angry' themselves into a violent situation that destroys their freedom and future (since any rationally-minded American left the 'Party' a long time ago) and things can go back to being Progressive and harmonious. It sure isn't happening that way right now - and that is a guaranteed recipe for failure. There is always a lot of turbulence before there is profound change. Keep your shirts on and be patient. There are good things coming in the future... We just have to 'take out the trash' first. 😎👍

Here's a very well-written article that serves as both an informative and cautionary tale: So much for all those people who have said that Bush didn't damage the economy (wrong) and that Obama did nothing to fix it (also wrong). It is quite clear here that this is simply not the case. Despite Trump's claim that this economic prosperity is all his doing (as if he can do anything other than hate, lie, Tweet or golf), it's obvious that the national dissatisfaction overall, while not being economically related, is a result of Trump's government (mis)management, constant lies, disregard for the rule of law and the Constitution and the vitriolic, often violent rhetoric he has used which has further driven apart the country and filing to meet his Presidential responsibilities from the day he stepped in office (if that is even an option). The sharp spike during his term is, no doubt, due to the very probable reality that he will soon be forgotten in the annals of history (thank you, Mueller). The only thing that looks good for Republicans is that they are happy with their Party's leadership. This is something of a telling tale (most likely, of cognitive dissonance) while everyone left of them (including Democrats, many Independents and others who have abandoned the Republican Party) are far from happy, likely, because of the crimes being continuously committed and the social and cultural wedges being driven between Americans in an effort to keep the Republican Party in office (a divide and conquer strategy devised to keep the people fighting during economic prosperity so that their 'leaders' can, once again, run off with all the cash) - something you wouldn't expect to see if economics were the only concern of the electorate. It honestly stuns me how so many people (Republican supporters) can be oblivious to the ridiculous, strategically ignorant activity going on around them. I suspect that, if economics is good and these people are unable to realize they are not seeing nearly the return on economic prosperity they should be, yet, it is not as bad as it used to be, then they have nothing better to do but abuse their fellow Americans and display their hatred, rather than taking advantage of the down time to do a much better job of analyzing what is going on around them - unless, of course, they are part of the group that is profiting from all this (and, even still, they are causing suffering all around them, which isn't very intelligent since they still need a place to live while they enjoy their ill-gotten gains and their selfish greed is poisoning their own cities). Good luck going abroad with your 'windfall'. They won't appreciate you over there either, since what you are doing in your own country is having a detrimental global effect. You will become 'Persona non grata'. Well, the wonderful part of all this is that the younger generation, the ones who are going to be ruling in the future, are far less racist, far more unified and much more realistic than the (predominantly white - have you seen Trump's cabinet?) Republican Party is, these days...which is why they Republicans are struggling so much and are very probably going to cease to exist in the future. Meanwhile, everything left of the far right is flourishing. I suppose America just has to be patient for all these selfish and/or bigoted Republicans to either die or 'angry' themselves into a violent situation that destroys their freedom and future (since any rationally-minded American left the 'Party' a long time ago) and things can go back to being Progressive and harmonious. It sure isn't happening that way right now - and that is a guaranteed recipe for failure. There is always a lot of turbulence before there is profound change. Keep your shirts on and be patient. There are good things coming in the future... We just have to 'take out the trash' first. 😎👍 - A record-low 12% of Americans mention economic issues as the most important problem facing the nation. Satisfaction with the way things are going in the U.S. remains stable at 37%.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Sometimes, I I see so many people voicing hate and intolerance (these days)...whether the memories of history are being lost and people will get to the point that they wind up in another situation where nuclear weapons are actually considered a viable option. It doesn’t seem so far fetched when we consider that the global financial crisis of only a decade ago has been forgotten and we’re well on our way for a repeat performance, the cost and lessons of racism from 50 years ago have been forgotten while bigots and xenophobia run rampant through modern society, and we perpetually put worse and worse candidates into public office, never learning from the mistakes of those who held office in the past. We, as a species, are supposed to be constantly moving forward and making progress,however, when you see people’s’ Facebook feeds with posts about ‘how great life was in the past and we wish we could have that again’, it is clear that people have a selective memory. I wonder if we should go even further back, become hunter/gathered again, disregard the science and innovation that even allows us to post those messages, travel the planet and live well beyond early life expectancies. Surely, there is a lot these people are overlooking. I wonder if they realize how dangerous it is to move backwards and why they are so afraid to move forward. Maybe it isn’t that modern life is worse. Maybe it is a leadership problem. Maybe people should be selecting new leaders with modern and progressive, productive ideas rather than fools who want to bring back the past and ruin the progress we have already achieved. I guess we will know when we start seeing mushroom clouds. Some people never learn. That is not social failure. That is personal failure. When that becomes the status quo, the end of the human race will be well in sight.

Sometimes, I I see so many people voicing hate and intolerance (these days)...whether the memories of history are being lost and people will get to the point that they wind up in another situation where nuclear weapons are actually considered a viable option. It doesn’t seem so far fetched when we consider that the global financial crisis of only a decade ago has been forgotten and we’re well on our way for a repeat performance, the cost and lessons of racism from 50 years ago have been forgotten while bigots and xenophobia run rampant through modern society, and we perpetually put worse and worse candidates into public office, never learning from the mistakes of those who held office in the past. We, as a species, are supposed to be constantly moving forward and making progress,however, when you see people’s’ Facebook feeds with posts about ‘how great life was in the past and we wish we could have that again’, it is clear that people have a selective memory. I wonder if we should go even further back, become hunter/gathered again, disregard the science and innovation that even allows us to post those messages, travel the planet and live well beyond early life expectancies. Surely, there is a lot these people are overlooking. I wonder if they realize how dangerous it is to move backwards and why they are so afraid to move forward. Maybe it isn’t that modern life is worse. Maybe it is a leadership problem. Maybe people should be selecting new leaders with modern and progressive, productive ideas rather than fools who want to bring back the past and ruin the progress we have already achieved. I guess we will know when we start seeing mushroom clouds. Some people never learn. That is not social failure. That is personal failure. When that becomes the status quo, the end of the human race will be well in sight. - "If I was looking at you now, I would see all your bones." Meet some atomic veterans and find out what it’s like to experience a nuclear bomb explosion up close.

Carlin is truly a genius! Here he is addressing the Mainstream Media. Comedian is a massive understatement. His brilliance shines through his use of humor to introduce those subjects nobody wants to talk about but everyone needs to discuss. He was among the most profound contemporary philosophers of our time. 😊👍 ...and one of the wisest men I’ve ever known...

Carlin is truly a genius! Here he is addressing the Mainstream Media. Comedian is a massive understatement. His brilliance shines through his use of humor to introduce those subjects nobody wants to talk about but everyone needs to discuss. He was among the most profound contemporary philosophers of our time. 😊👍 ...and one of the wisest men I’ve ever known... - Remember to share this video and like our page for more.

Well, this article did a pretty good job of summing up the current situation. Unfortunately, he’s trying to throw Progressives under the bus on the left right along with Republicans on the right. There is one thing that’s fairly clear here and that is that the author is an establishment Democrat (Clintonite), which is sad considering Clinton and the establishment Democrats are as out of touch with the majority of Americans as the Republicans are oblivious of and dismissive to them. There are a couple other things that are fairly clear, as well.First, that the establishment Democrats are trying to appear centrist - idiotic considering that, by the author’s own words, there are few in the center right now and second...that establishment Democrats realize neither that being centrist after the recent damage done is not going to be enough to pull America out of its ‘Trump tailspin’ nor that the reason many Dems went Progressive is because there is a big difference between the establishment and Progressive Democrats and a glaring similarity (which the author conveniently dismisses) between the establishment and Republicans - they love to run off with all the money. That money belongs to the people and it should be used in service to the people, not to enrich corporations, establishment Democrat or Republican politicians. If the people don’t vote Progressive, it is going to be a very slow healing process. I guess we will just have to wait and see...

Well, this article did a pretty good job of summing up the current situation. Unfortunately, he’s trying to throw Progressives under the bus on the left right along with Republicans on the right. There is one thing that’s fairly clear here and that is that the author is an establishment Democrat (Clintonite), which is sad considering Clinton and the establishment Democrats are as out of touch with the majority of Americans as the Republicans are oblivious of and dismissive to them. There are a couple other things that are fairly clear, as well.First, that the establishment Democrats are trying to appear centrist - idiotic considering that, by the author’s own words, there are few in the center right now and second...that establishment Democrats realize neither that being centrist after the recent damage done is not going to be enough to pull America out of its ‘Trump tailspin’ nor that the reason many Dems went Progressive is because there is a big difference between the establishment and Progressive Democrats and a glaring similarity (which the author conveniently dismisses) between the establishment and Republicans - they love to run off with all the money. That money belongs to the people and it should be used in service to the people, not to enrich corporations, establishment Democrat or Republican politicians. If the people don’t vote Progressive, it is going to be a very slow healing process. I guess we will just have to wait and see... - And the Democratic Party has not actually become a band of radical leftists.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Sure looks a lot like a 'blue wave' to's probably karma but it's the same old story. I suppose many on the left think that will make America safer. Probably not...but not for the reasons Republicans may think. While all this talk about 'Islamic Terrorism' and 'immigrant violence' was getting pushed around, there were far more deaths attributed to right-wing, home-grown terrorism in the US. That's frightening, since we've already seen a lot of divisive, hateful rhetoric (and do all the time from many Republican supporters when they're unhappy) under Trump's administration. When the reality sets in for the Republican Party and their supporters, it's going to be a dangerous time to live in America. “Law enforcement agencies around the country have told us the threat from Muslim extremists is not as great as the threat from right-wing extremists,” said Dr. Kurzman, whose study is to be published by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security and the Police Executive Research Forum. John G. Horgan, who studies terrorism at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, said the mismatch between public perceptions and actual cases had become steadily more obvious to scholars. “There’s an acceptance now of the idea that the threat from jihadi terrorism in the United States has been overblown,” Dr. Horgan said. “And there’s a belief that the threat of right-wing, anti-government violence has been underestimated.” Terrorism aside, I'm really surprised that people haven't yet figured out that people immediately start trying to tear a person down when they get their wish and they're less-than-humble about it (much like the Dems were when Obama won and also like the Trump supporters have been since our current crisis began). Identity politics is absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't just happen in politics but also in Hollywood and many other places. I hope, one day, people will learn. We need to replace this back-and-forth leadership 'contest' with real leadership that is focused on fixing problems and realizes the message is more important than the messenger - and the solution is more important than the people who are trying to take credit for it. “A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

Sure looks a lot like a 'blue wave' to's probably karma but it's the same old story. I suppose many on the left think that will make America safer. Probably not...but not for the reasons Republicans may think. While all this talk about 'Islamic Terrorism' and 'immigrant violence' was getting pushed around, there were far more deaths attributed to right-wing, home-grown terrorism in the US. That's frightening, since we've already seen a lot of divisive, hateful rhetoric (and do all the time from many Republican supporters when they're unhappy) under Trump's administration. When the reality sets in for the Republican Party and their supporters, it's going to be a dangerous time to live in America. “Law enforcement agencies around the country have told us the threat from Muslim extremists is not as great as the threat from right-wing extremists,” said Dr. Kurzman, whose study is to be published by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security and the Police Executive Research Forum. John G. Horgan, who studies terrorism at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, said the mismatch between public perceptions and actual cases had become steadily more obvious to scholars. “There’s an acceptance now of the idea that the threat from jihadi terrorism in the United States has been overblown,” Dr. Horgan said. “And there’s a belief that the threat of right-wing, anti-government violence has been underestimated.” Terrorism aside, I'm really surprised that people haven't yet figured out that people immediately start trying to tear a person down when they get their wish and they're less-than-humble about it (much like the Dems were when Obama won and also like the Trump supporters have been since our current crisis began). Identity politics is absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't just happen in politics but also in Hollywood and many other places. I hope, one day, people will learn. We need to replace this back-and-forth leadership 'contest' with real leadership that is focused on fixing problems and realizes the message is more important than the messenger - and the solution is more important than the people who are trying to take credit for it. “A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy.” ― Theodore Roosevelt - FiveThirtyEight is tracking polls of whether people would vote Republican or Democratic in their congressional district.

"When the people guarding the border wind up being far worse (at least, according to the fear mongers) than the people coming over it..."

"When the people guarding the border wind up being far worse (at least, according to the fear mongers) than the people coming over it..." - Juan David Ortiz is suspected of killing four prostitutes and was arrested after a fifth woman managed to escape.

Good things for good people... There's no escaping karma but, sometimes, that turns out to be a benefit (when it's good karma), even when someone else tries to rob you of it! 😎👍

Good things for good people... There's no escaping karma but, sometimes, that turns out to be a benefit (when it's good karma), even when someone else tries to rob you of it! 😎👍 - Say you made a Nobel-worthy scientific discovery and the prize went to your thesis supervisor instead. How would you take it?

I'll never get tired of these creations. I used to have both full-length DVDs which showcase every type of music from strings (guitar as well as classical cello and other instruments) to brass to keyboards to synth and percussion. It was a phenomenal undertaking considering the amount of graphics, physics and math as well as music theory had to be coordinated to produce it. The only thing I will never understand is why it ended so long ago and nobody followed along later and created more. It was a spectacular success. Enjoy! 😎👍

I'll never get tired of these creations. I used to have both full-length DVDs which showcase every type of music from strings (guitar as well as classical cello and other instruments) to brass to keyboards to synth and percussion. It was a phenomenal undertaking considering the amount of graphics, physics and math as well as music theory had to be coordinated to produce it. The only thing I will never understand is why it ended so long ago and nobody followed along later and created more. It was a spectacular success. Enjoy! 😎👍 - 🔺 ''Resonant Chamber'' from Animusic 2 source: IG @hovig_guitar_

Thursday, September 13, 2018

When you call a person a 'Liberal' should make sure you understand what 'version' you are talking about and which they are. It is quite clear that Conservative policy has ceased to be conservative - just as much as it is clear that the 'old definition' of 'Liberal' is just as foul as 'Neo-conservatives' are. Here is a great article to help you sort things out:

When you call a person a 'Liberal' should make sure you understand what 'version' you are talking about and which they are. It is quite clear that Conservative policy has ceased to be conservative - just as much as it is clear that the 'old definition' of 'Liberal' is just as foul as 'Neo-conservatives' are. Here is a great article to help you sort things out: - Success turned liberals into a complacent elite. They need to rekindle their desire for radicalism

Wouldn't it be so cool to build a home like this - or a music school? 😯

Wouldn't it be so cool to build a home like this - or a music school? 😯 - “If God had designed the orchestra,” remarks a character in Rick Moody’s Hotels of North America, “then the cello was His greatest accomplishment.” I couldn’t agree more. The cello sounds sublime, looks stately… even the word cello evokes regal poise and grace.

Ahh! Now we have the answer to so many questions, such as: ‘What’s gone wrong with the US (and, by extension, the World) since James E. Carter was President (and a parade of miscreants and criminals took over)?’ or ‘Who is the ‘Great Satan’?’ or ‘What turned old-school Democrats into poor clones of the Right-wing’? or ‘Why is the Democratic Party no longer playing along with Republicans?’ or ‘What is behind the redefinition of the Left-wing?’ or ‘WTF happened to the Republican Party?’ or ‘Why do modern-day Republicans seem like racists and greedy, selfish subhumans?’ or ‘What is destroying the human race, economics, ethics, business and just about every other facet of human life?’. The answers to all these questions and more have become clear. We also have a no-contest contender for ‘Scumbag of the Century’ and ‘Worst excuse for a human being in History’ award. This puts everything into perspective. It is the reason why life has perpetually gone wrong for the past few decades, why it will never improve under such conditions and, in fact, could doom our species. It is the reason the Left is rising and, very soon, there will no longer be a Right. It is far too late to pretend that ‘centrist’ will save our species. But these are all BS political ‘labels’ and mean little when viewed through a philosophical perspective which includes far more than merely politics. It is also ‘clearly exposed and out in the great wide open’ - so that’s those members of the human race who actually have honor, virtue, compassion for fellow humans and a desire to live in a world where they (and all other people) can thrive and be happy can shoot it full of holes, lock it in a steel, concrete-filled box and bury it deep under the ocean (or launch it into the Sun). It’s a good thing this guy is already dead. Now, we just have to single out and eliminate from any position of power, influence or social interaction anyone and everyone who follows this inhumane philosophy. It has done far more than enough damage and will destroy the planet - and all things on it - unless it is stopped. Time will certainly bear this out..

Ahh! Now we have the answer to so many questions, such as: ‘What’s gone wrong with the US (and, by extension, the World) since James E. Carter was President (and a parade of miscreants and criminals took over)?’ or ‘Who is the ‘Great Satan’?’ or ‘What turned old-school Democrats into poor clones of the Right-wing’? or ‘Why is the Democratic Party no longer playing along with Republicans?’ or ‘What is behind the redefinition of the Left-wing?’ or ‘WTF happened to the Republican Party?’ or ‘Why do modern-day Republicans seem like racists and greedy, selfish subhumans?’ or ‘What is destroying the human race, economics, ethics, business and just about every other facet of human life?’. The answers to all these questions and more have become clear. We also have a no-contest contender for ‘Scumbag of the Century’ and ‘Worst excuse for a human being in History’ award. This puts everything into perspective. It is the reason why life has perpetually gone wrong for the past few decades, why it will never improve under such conditions and, in fact, could doom our species. It is the reason the Left is rising and, very soon, there will no longer be a Right. It is far too late to pretend that ‘centrist’ will save our species. But these are all BS political ‘labels’ and mean little when viewed through a philosophical perspective which includes far more than merely politics. It is also ‘clearly exposed and out in the great wide open’ - so that’s those members of the human race who actually have honor, virtue, compassion for fellow humans and a desire to live in a world where they (and all other people) can thrive and be happy can shoot it full of holes, lock it in a steel, concrete-filled box and bury it deep under the ocean (or launch it into the Sun). It’s a good thing this guy is already dead. Now, we just have to single out and eliminate from any position of power, influence or social interaction anyone and everyone who follows this inhumane philosophy. It has done far more than enough damage and will destroy the planet - and all things on it - unless it is stopped. Time will certainly bear this out.. - Nobel laureate James Buchanan is the intellectual linchpin of the Koch-funded attack on democratic institutions, argues Duke historian Nancy MacLean

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

😯 Whoa!

😯 Whoa! - The better part of two millennia after its entombment in ash and pumice by Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii ranks as one of Italy's most popular tourist attractions.

- Bob Woodward made his career by breaking the Watergate story that led to the demise of the Nixon presidency in 1974--a process that Woodward and Carl Bernstein documented in their now classic work, All the President's Men.

This is, without question, one of the best explanations of the systemic problems causing the 2-Party stalemate in America that is repeatedly overlooked by people who believe it is a ‘party problem’ that can be answered simply by picking red or blue. It can’t and, in many ways, there is no difference. Here’s the real shocker: How are they similar? They both greedily enrich themselves with taxpayer and/or corporate money while passing laws favoring their futures and fortunes and throwing average Americans under the bus. Think of Republicans and establishment Democrats (not progressives) as corporate CEOs who take all the money out of their businesses while conducting unethical, cutthroat business except - they have no ‘product’...we are the ‘product’...they trade with our lives, freedoms, hard work, life savings, property, etc. These people should all be in prison, no matter how ‘common’ it may be for this to happen. Ever wonder why it’s nearly impossible to be a politician without being a criminal? Well, now you know!

This is, without question, one of the best explanations of the systemic problems causing the 2-Party stalemate in America that is repeatedly overlooked by people who believe it is a ‘party problem’ that can be answered simply by picking red or blue. It can’t and, in many ways, there is no difference. Here’s the real shocker: How are they similar? They both greedily enrich themselves with taxpayer and/or corporate money while passing laws favoring their futures and fortunes and throwing average Americans under the bus. Think of Republicans and establishment Democrats (not progressives) as corporate CEOs who take all the money out of their businesses while conducting unethical, cutthroat business except - they have no ‘product’...we are the ‘product’...they trade with our lives, freedoms, hard work, life savings, property, etc. These people should all be in prison, no matter how ‘common’ it may be for this to happen. Ever wonder why it’s nearly impossible to be a politician without being a criminal? Well, now you know! - A new wave of left-leaning Democrats are waging a war on the party’s corporate wing, writes Guardian US columnist David Sirota

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Well, I guess that’s what you get for paying attention (instead of, yanno’, taking the easy but dangerous way out and loading up on drugs)! 😎👍 I always found it much more rewarding to focus the energy from pain into something more productive. It’s not easy but it sure is motivational. Maybe it has even helped me live a little longer (and healthier)!

Well, I guess that’s what you get for paying attention (instead of, yanno’, taking the easy but dangerous way out and loading up on drugs)! 😎👍 I always found it much more rewarding to focus the energy from pain into something more productive. It’s not easy but it sure is motivational. Maybe it has even helped me live a little longer (and healthier)! - Ever wonder why some people seem to feel less pain than others? A study conducted at Wake Forest School of Medicine may have found one of the answers—mindfulness. "Mindfulness is related to being aware of the present moment without too much emotional reaction or judgment," said the study's lead au...

Saturday, September 8, 2018

I ran across a couple of videos from WAY back in the day. As you can see by the rather dated videos, they came out right around the dawn of MTV. I have to admit I really did enjoy this band - 'Zebra' - back then (especially the 12-string on this first video). It's probably because Randy Jackson was heavily influenced by Jimmy Page and I'm also a huge fan of Led Zeppelin. Anyway, it's nice to listen to the tunes again. I thought I'd share, for anyone who's interested. 😎👍 Zebra - Who's Behind The Door? We sailed away We walked two thousand miles and then we slipped away We looked so hard But couldn't seem to find just what the world was for Now we know Just what the journey's for Looking out to the stars Think about what you are What do they think of you Animals in their zoo They haven't got the time Landing is not on their minds How do they have the nerve We're animals in preserve They watch us all They're only making sure that we don't trip and fall They looked so hard But they can't tell us why they're here and just what for Because they don't know Who opened up the door How can we find out more Who owns the keyless door Where does the circle end Who are the unwatched men Where do we go from here Faith is a fading fear Life is a waiting room I hope they don't call me soon

I ran across a couple of videos from WAY back in the day. As you can see by the rather dated videos, they came out right around the dawn of MTV. I have to admit I really did enjoy this band - 'Zebra' - back then (especially the 12-string on this first video). It's probably because Randy Jackson was heavily influenced by Jimmy Page and I'm also a huge fan of Led Zeppelin. Anyway, it's nice to listen to the tunes again. I thought I'd share, for anyone who's interested. 😎👍 Zebra - Who's Behind The Door? We sailed away We walked two thousand miles and then we slipped away We looked so hard But couldn't seem to find just what the world was for Now we know Just what the journey's for Looking out to the stars Think about what you are What do they think of you Animals in their zoo They haven't got the time Landing is not on their minds How do they have the nerve We're animals in preserve They watch us all They're only making sure that we don't trip and fall They looked so hard But they can't tell us why they're here and just what for Because they don't know Who opened up the door How can we find out more Who owns the keyless door Where does the circle end Who are the unwatched men Where do we go from here Faith is a fading fear Life is a waiting room I hope they don't call me soon - Remastered video and sound. Hopefully this is allowed. Before it was not. But I see album tracks out here that are allowed. I do not own the copyright, just ...

Thursday, September 6, 2018

I don't really know why I like this video so much... Maybe it's because I see elderly people at a nursing home (normally, a trip to Hell) having a good time - a 'trip' of a different kind. Maybe it's because I'm glad to see a band I used to really identify with (one who was highly under appreciated and far more skilled a group of artists than given credit for) still in the game, close to 3 decades after their glory any rate, this video rocks! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :P Faith No More "Sunny Side Up" I'll be your leprechaun Shamrock or lucky charm (Whoa, yeah) Tap-dancing all alone (It's ok) Dip into the sugar bowl (Whoa, yeah) Sunny Side up [x2] Such a lovely way to start the day Sunny Side up [x2] Not the only way to fry an egg Sunny Side up [x2] I am just a grain of sand on your beach With all of my heart All of my Heart A drop of rain through your hands Rainbows will bend for me Curvy Honey bees will sting for me Stingin', stingin' Sunny Side up [x2] Such a lovely way to start the day Sunny Side up [x2] Dance the night away like Fred Astaire Come on ride my wave Ride it all the way (Sunny side up) 'Til the ocean ends (Sunny side up) I'll see you there (Sunny side up)

I don't really know why I like this video so much... Maybe it's because I see elderly people at a nursing home (normally, a trip to Hell) having a good time - a 'trip' of a different kind. Maybe it's because I'm glad to see a band I used to really identify with (one who was highly under appreciated and far more skilled a group of artists than given credit for) still in the game, close to 3 decades after their glory any rate, this video rocks! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :P Faith No More "Sunny Side Up" I'll be your leprechaun Shamrock or lucky charm (Whoa, yeah) Tap-dancing all alone (It's ok) Dip into the sugar bowl (Whoa, yeah) Sunny Side up [x2] Such a lovely way to start the day Sunny Side up [x2] Not the only way to fry an egg Sunny Side up [x2] I am just a grain of sand on your beach With all of my heart All of my Heart A drop of rain through your hands Rainbows will bend for me Curvy Honey bees will sting for me Stingin', stingin' Sunny Side up [x2] Such a lovely way to start the day Sunny Side up [x2] Dance the night away like Fred Astaire Come on ride my wave Ride it all the way (Sunny side up) 'Til the ocean ends (Sunny side up) I'll see you there (Sunny side up) - Faith No More "Sunny Side Up" Directed by: Joe Lynch from the album, Sol Invictus (Reclamation Recordings/Ipecac Recordings) Pick it up at your favorite retailer, digital outlet or the band's webstore iTunes: CD: LP: FNM Webstore US: FNM Webstore EU: Video Credits Directed by: Joe Lynch Produced by: Sarah Elbert Executive Producer: Sam Balcomb Production Company: Rainfall Films Cinematography by: Will Barratt Cast “Mike Patton” - Richard Johnson “Billy Gould” - Robert Axelrod "Jon Hudson” - Bruce Nehlsen “Mike Bordin” - Buddy Daniels “Roddy Bottom” - Roger Browne Album Credits Produced & Engineered by Bill Gould at Estudios Koolarrow Vocals Recorded by Mike Patton at Vulcan Studios Mixed by Matt Wallace/Bill Gould at Studio Delux Mastered by Maor Appelbaum at Maor Appelbaum Mastering - California - U.S.A

- The most sane kid in a guitar Class Marcin Patrzałek Plays Nicolo Paganini „Caprice No 24” + El Colibri - Sagreras.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

- We often praise selfless action, but it is even possible?

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Sorry, Trump bullies - that’s not the way we do democracy in the US. If you want totalitarianism, move to Russia. Trump’s ‘bully party’ trying to sneak in 42,000 damning documents 14 hours before a confirmation hearing and then trying to talk over those who are objecting (and rightly so). This is neither justice nor democracy. If this is what it takes to get your candidate in - you’ve got the wrong damned candidate.

Sorry, Trump bullies - that’s not the way we do democracy in the US. If you want totalitarianism, move to Russia. Trump’s ‘bully party’ trying to sneak in 42,000 damning documents 14 hours before a confirmation hearing and then trying to talk over those who are objecting (and rightly so). This is neither justice nor democracy. If this is what it takes to get your candidate in - you’ve got the wrong damned candidate. - Liberals have wanted Democrats to fight back harder against Brett Kavanaugh for weeks. This morning, Democrats did just that.

- Impress your friends with some simple tips from these nuns 😂😂 Jahannah James & Sophie Craig

Monday, September 3, 2018

Ran across an interesting article (gasp!) about an event in China in a city where I spent 5 years. Just another wonderful day in Kunshan! I guess it could have been worse but, fortunately, there are no guns in China.

Ran across an interesting article (gasp!) about an event in China in a city where I spent 5 years. Just another wonderful day in Kunshan! I guess it could have been worse but, fortunately, there are no guns in China. - The fatal stabbing that followed a traffic accident on Monday in Jiangsu Province has been ruled an act of self-defense, according to a statement issued by local police on Saturday.

Ran across an interesting article (gasp!) about an event in China in a city where I spent 5 years. Just another wonderful day in Kunshan! I guess it could have been worse but, fortunately, there are no guns in China.

Ran across an interesting article (gasp!) about an event in China in a city where I spent 5 years. Just another wonderful day in Kunshan! I guess it could have been worse but, fortunately, there are no guns in China. - The fatal stabbing that followed a traffic accident on Monday in Jiangsu Province has been ruled an act of self-defense, according to a statement issued by local police on Saturday.

I knew it was only a matter of time...but I’m very glad that they’re not only going to push to overturn the Draconian law passed by the FCC but also improve the previous laws by making them better than before. I my mind, what the FCC did was akin to what JP Morgan/Westinghouse/Edison did to Tesla - tried to capitalize off something that is vital for the sake of profit. They, unfortunately, were successful but Ajit Pai won’t be!

I knew it was only a matter of time...but I’m very glad that they’re not only going to push to overturn the Draconian law passed by the FCC but also improve the previous laws by making them better than before. I my mind, what the FCC did was akin to what JP Morgan/Westinghouse/Edison did to Tesla - tried to capitalize off something that is vital for the sake of profit. They, unfortunately, were successful but Ajit Pai won’t be! - The FCC's deeply unpopular decision gets a Golden State rejoinder.

I knew it was only a matter of time...but I’m very glad that they’re not only going to push to overturn the Draconian law passed by the FCC but also improve the previous laws by making them better than before. I my mind, what the FCC did was akin to what JP Morgan/Westinghouse/Edison did to Tesla - tried to capitalize off something that is vital for the sake of profit. They, unfortunately, were successful but Ajit Pai won’t be!

I knew it was only a matter of time...but I’m very glad that they’re not only going to push to overturn the Draconian law passed by the FCC but also improve the previous laws by making them better than before. I my mind, what the FCC did was akin to what JP Morgan/Westinghouse/Edison did to Tesla - tried to capitalize off something that is vital for the sake of profit. They, unfortunately, were successful but Ajit Pai won’t be! - The FCC's deeply unpopular decision gets a Golden State rejoinder.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

An interesting proposition... 🤔

An interesting proposition... 🤔 - What would happen if someone had unlimited knowledge? Would they explode? Or turn into a black hole? Maybe - so perhaps some things truly are better left unknown.