Sooner or later, those 'country folks' are going to have to get with the program. The many signs are already apparent. It is easy to support mad men when you have little idea of what transpires in the city, little or no exposure to foreign culture and people and you can live in a bubble. The problem with exponential population is that it will never last. This is why we see things that were formerly accepted becoming unacceptable...things such as racism, ethnocentrism, bigotry, spousal and child abuse as well as sexual assault, etc. This is also why we see things that were formerly unacceptable becoming more widespread...things such as body art, neighbors in apartment complexes smoking dope like laws and policemen don't exist, EVERYONE (no matter how innocent and law-abiding you may think you are) breaking the speed limit, selfishly, and putting those around you at risk (which is not your right). Life is a compromise. People can travel and learn or they can sit out in the back 40 with their barbecue, beer and hatred...and be cut off from civilization and resources. They can adapt to modernity and connect with the rest of the world - and the resources (especially, educational ones) available to them. They can choose to be responsible while bitching about the irresponsibility of others or they can lead by example. I suspect the intelligent people (whether Ivy League or road scholar - Ford Pinto or Mercedes Benz) will make themselves known by way of their personal choices. You are what you do and say - what other people see - not who you think and feel you are. That is just a fantasy role-playing game running in your head; Often, an excuse for irresponsibility and bad behavior. For the record, I believe it is far more shameful to see well-educated, financially secure people demonstrating their ignorance by way of irresponsibility and selfishness. They cannot claim they didn't know - they do. When the judge comes calling, they will have no excuse. Those without such comforts are, at least, making an honest mistake if they never learned and should be the focus of those who do know - and the receivers of their help, rather than scorn. This article may provide some insight on what we have to face if we don't learn to understand the complexities that many people seem to disregard daily: - Urbanisation might be the most profound change to human society in a century, more telling than colour, class or continent